Sunday'Worship Service 11:00 am. “ Sunday Sonic. at mm m minibus.“ HIM-4774 II on the Foot DMAW.SMW mmmm wwwstouflmllechristnanchurch ca inviting. relational. open stbuffvn’ fll’e; (BhumhessWélbome mg 7:30 pm. Come, be refreshed Have your farth renewed 6528 Mam St . St0uffwl|e 9056402561 STOUFFVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH WWW Sunday, February 17 Fm Sunday in Lent Cebbrat'ng Black History Month 8:00 an a 10:00 an Eucharist Church School Nursery at 10:00 am “thwm Match1st2ndat7:30pm Mach2nd8‘3rdm2z30pm Tvckets avaalabie at the Church orStouNlIeFlonsts V N ¢springvale 10:003m Celebration Service Ed Fontaine ll:25m Sunday School for all ages Anglican Church of Canada 254 Sunsd led . 905440- I461 www xluuffvlllcanghcan (a Sunday. Feb. 17th StouflVan Rd. at Kennedy Rd ODS-887-565 l BLOOMINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH WELCOME TO ST. JAMES PRESBYTBRIAN CHURCH Everyone Welcome! 6432 Main 81., Shuffvfll Hie-c: 905.6403â€! Wheelchair accessible Valentine luncheon hosted by Presbyterian Women following 10 a.m. mmhip Sunday,Fcbruaryl7 13660 Ninth Line N. (905) 642-4414 Rev. Peter Pallam Aha/mm church Sunday, Feb. 17 Service of Worship Huly Communion 10:00 am 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 0:50 p.m. Evening Service Abby shoots on teammate Simon Hall with help from Olympian Gillian Apps then poses with national team members (from left) Vicki Bendus. 'l'cssa Bonhommc, Ms Apps and layna Hcflord. Pctcrbomugh Pete: and Stouffvtlle 5pm! tumor players also took part. Ms Apps ï¬rst played hock- ey at the Ninth Line rink in the Markham-Stouffvilk Girls organiutkm. Abby Smith and her Smuï¬vifle novia: AF. flippers teammates were featured live on Canada AM during a Kraft hockey bnndum yesterddv. SUNDAY MP 9:“ Chinese/Emisn/Chm Service Tuesday‘s '5‘ 6:45pm â€"- 8:15pm Jr. ngh - Grades 6 â€" 8 Wednesday's 3 7:00pm â€" 8:15pm Kids Club - SK - Grade 5 Fnday's @‘ 7:(X)pm 1. “km! Sr. High - CW 9 ~ I: Stouffville Pentecostal Church 6853 Main 51.. Stouï¬ville 905.640.5696 Kids Ages 2 - 12 years of age W/IXREIII) 0 Oscar Peterson Pub“: Schoot 850 Howe! Park On. Stouflvme Sunday Savicc @ 10 am Sunday School (‘hildrrn '5 Risk"; Inri Attack ï¬th Fhstor: Ian Marin ('nunsrlur‘ Bantu: Borrhanfl (“7) 5473618 32 mm Cu... W MW.†mxmamnq moment†Lead Paswr: my Laird Even/one Welcome! BIG SHOWERS AOmrdzinaBmun'fulCounmlsa‘de mmmim Sunday Service ‘ 10:30am Dalian-akin “MRI. -m11‘3 It Happened on a Sunday Special music with the Stouflwfle United Young Sangers. An Off the Record Conwnanon between Jesus and Peter. Saturday, Feb. 1 7th 860 Com. 8. Oammï¬ï¬i “IS-64928 12 Lundnofollow TYSON HALL NOT“