Uon't bet J {'5 a war ow them. And MSW'BILS aw losing the battle. ~~ sadly. hor‘ ribly. â€"â€" with the loss of M lives. 1119 number of pedestrian deaths Thth mmh mm aha-ions maul-«mm "hme CWW um.mmcndm lhrï¬un Thin-tom lhfl'Wlopmmno! puhhï¬mdmamhrhr mind". Giowm..nmly mama 10mm": WMG manusst delMcom mmm HA ‘7 man-01".. cow Mrlame Afln’dgr "alumni-0'5""; (on. ( .mup «may \mk lug-m Mada uadmsmofme lE'lTEIS POlICY I I bune 905 040- 261 2 _. wwwunx HHIUIIMI Al’Ver"LV(. 905 640 loll ad I 800 3‘4} um n 905M) H773 .INION mYbrkRegionhasstmdflyinamedm thlmtdandeamiskymcmmindw last two ymrs. neafly doubling from 20]! mZOImemsixto ll.1hisweek Meddwï¬rsldcathofzon whona senior citizen msmmammmalk lm'ts am mom frustrated than ever. as they stew in (DWD and mWnandms-hmepedaltom malatdwï¬mdimwofdmrnm, Too many idiots am dn'ving dis- traded. with the more than 11111) (kins Emu! by York mp5 sun? 20") to driwrs using hand-hem dvnu-s likdy a drop in the huckm compamd In the anual number 0! m‘Nn’ams out But it's ah) fair to say pedestriam alt- mom camiesx and foolish than “1.128(‘0llisbmfmm2010t02012 invoMng [nut-ariarm durum wow laid against dflwts in about 3 mm: of incidents. according to M police. ()I‘ The plan to move for- ward with this program is just another case demonstrating York Regional council has lost its way. ‘ A! a cost at $3.7 million and an expected ï¬ne rwcnuc of $4.5 million. would it not be safe In say if canwras ruluu-d the occurrence of drivers run- ning red lights. then the rev- t-nm' ant-am from these ï¬nvs J 13ka purely a! face value. the program 15 flawed. would also go down. Altemati‘mly. if Ihc‘ mamn i< solely to bring in an addiliunal MAXI) in rt-venue. then “1* have more serious conccms than lowering arcidcm rates at llllcrseclkms. R0:Rc-gwnalrrmnrilappnn rs mt! light carnems. [(111.24 From a Constitutional position. since when is it the responsibility of out elected ofï¬cials to monitor our even Don’t bet your life on right of way, pedestrians I)" uur elected ofï¬nals understand it is their “neigh- bour whose money they at spending to ï¬nance this pm- gram. HHM'HWIH in the hnpe wr may make a misstep and then proï¬t from it? You can mad letters. columns amfsmries from "ï¬le Sun-Tn- hmw on .mrkmginn com ")l‘ D Whmdoyouthmkotmese issues mothers? E-mail bumto Meditonojrnasmï¬ymgm the 27 mk-stnan fatalities. driver's WPYI‘ charged in a quarter of tho auridmnx [he lmuramr Institute for Highway tells us. as we urban‘ur and mom pedestrians take to the streets. them will simply be mom accidents ()ur aging population '5 a factor. too. as national statistics indicate a largo! pm [ï¬rm to buck the disturbing m-nd haven‘t had an impact. judg'ng by the urn-aw in fatalities alum last “at. ’I‘hc mp'on has lawvn'd speed limits in urban anus. impmved at ink-met» tions and mswalks and regulariy holds public education campaigns along with poliu‘. :ms a little ridiculous to Debora Kelly PAUL STEVENS Nil“ WMARAI I SbflTribune uuuuu mun Iohn WIN!!!“ l-‘nnon In (LI-nu Debora Kelly [um um. [hum-anon Tanya WM" lulu-m- m Hum PUBLISHER Ian Proudfool A report by ()man'o's Chief Comner last Septembe: reviewing 95 pedestri- an deaths in the (ETA also concluded pedestrian d’mraction. such as using headphoneslmusic playets and cell- phones and “mid-Mock†crossings caused more accidents than driver inanemion. Hook to bean many years ago the advxceoflilmetflephant Stop. look both ways and listen. even when wuhavethe rightdway. lstillmmicmasamadmlxmtmab mguwvehide'sstopped, lhmiadwretorémhdmyZchar- uld sun of (how camims ramfly We ponbnofpedesu'ianfatahflesmvowe The report's 26 recommendations included dsigning math and commu- nities to accommodate all users and pmvidmg more pedestrian crossings â€" mud) needed in suu‘tscapes such. as Yutk's that favuu: Ithmht'smost'unponamto continue to make pedtsu'ians aware of the fact they don't rule the mad ludiiaysmdlupmdmydisgï¬stal GMHMSL SWIM. I.“ 167 Dilation. Pnooocnou kid (I Smart Iwbrn Lamrku Dim [Munoz Grumman (Iusunm/Ilw Barry Black Eran Amman. 0.4"“ Hie-11c! timnmberdpedmï¬amâ€"nmwywim mm-anqm‘linï¬tmtofmn (notataossmns)widunamaghru Asdrivuxmmtmbeawamofand respen W15. mm the mur- {syofl'gtnofwaymifdwydm't Aspedesuiamwnmheawamuf andlespeadmus~andlsaymver mhmnmdrï¬uofwaymwnifwe lnabaniewimmxisofkib gmmsofmmmnmlpedesmam mmsm-ndudmmm. Dilu'mn M Dunn.“ Anumumnoh