_ That would infuriaie the war-old Sioum msideni Mr. Mallow is a Man] San Francisco 49ers fanatic. And proud of it. Not lxxrause (My'w enjuyud a resurgence since last season when lim Hairhaugh took uwr as head mach and an: (m the wrgv of win ning lhc club‘s sixth Super Bow! liilv. If ilu-y um defeat the Raw-us in N0“ ()rieans mmomrw nighi‘ Back then. in the candy 1990s. Mr. Mallow "stalled the 4905 wow in the throes of their ï¬rS’t dynasty wht‘n Stt’w Yuung took (51‘! as the club's signal caller and Sam loo Montnm was in the autumn of his caret-r. r lt actually goes back to the days when Mr. Mallow watched his ï¬rxt National Football League game on 'IV’, which invnlved the 49ers. when he was around ï¬ve years old. And even through the scamns when the 4991!: war wallowing in mcdimn'ty after Mr. Young mired. M r. Madow never wavered. m hmul am: w'w r mg (a m In tinu‘ussmg whu will win Super Bowl XLVII with lily Mallow. yuu dun't want to take side with 031- Baltimore Rawns "l'w stuck with them through thick and thin.‘ he Super fan backs 4967:8051: home, in San Fran I!" MlflllAlzl HAYAKAWA “My dream was to go to a 490K gamv and wc told the bundm guard we've 4995 fans and were going to their game. He thought we were nuts but said you're a 49ers fan? ()K'.†While celebrating his 25m birthday last year. they saw tht- 49ers defeat the New Orleans Saints in an epic National Foot- ball ( ‘nnferent'e divisional playoff game. 36-32. when tight end Vt'rnon Davis caught the wmntng tmufhduwn pass from quaint-muck Alex Smith With just mno seconds rt‘muining in regulation time. Even in talking with fans a! (’andlos'tick Park. Mt. Mallow said Hwy flcw out of Buffalo and upon crossing the barrier en route In the airport. were asked what thcil purpmv of visiting the Uni! ~ 0d States was. ~ ’ Iinphryed in the marketing and udvt‘msmg ï¬eld during the day. his luyally In the 49:15 just (Imam sit with him wamhing them play on his big strum. Hv'x ï¬lm made the lung erk with his gmfncnd lill. whom ho converted into a 4991's fan, In (km. tilt-Slick Park m watch his tavuumc club play in the postseason. This season. they made the rvtum trip to watch the 49ers mm the Green Bay Packers 45-3l in an NH’ divisional postseason game. “At ï¬rst they thought we wow crazy coming all that way. But they loved the fact that we were (hanadiam and made us fee! wel- comed." he said. the initial reaction they got when infnmwd fellow fans may flow all that way just to watch the 4995 was one of disbelief. If that's not cnuugh. aflm nun- ing to Stouffville just a couple of months ago from Richmond Hill. Mr. Madam has mmed his basement into a 49ers shrine that includes several jerseys and other memorabilia pertaining to his ELY mow. Normany chatty Stouï¬wlle man was speechiess when he met Joe Montana lie was up until the wee hours 0! the moming just to complete his own hall 0f 49w fame. After this year's playoff game against the Packers. Mr. Madow said he saw 49ers quantum (John Kaepemick going to a tam-am after the game and man- aged to offer him congratulations. “i don't think? he wanted to be seen. But he gave us a quick hello and when he entered the mummifitoféveqi thing.’ he said. hmmmmmww ponkxu'teweBneruam mumwmmma meMWybeMat «Fm Mr. Madow it's been a good luck charm -â€" 1hr 49ers have ye! to lose. He also has fond memories of meeting Mr. Montana 3! an organized muéramivgreet in days leading up to the game last year against the Saints. feel welmmed.’ Bm citingtheoostohjckets. hotel accomnmdatiomandothcr mmlikeparhngbeingemrbi- tanl.hepassedonit. Not to mention a big scrum where he watches the games and is not to be disturbed â€"â€" unless a 9|] call comes his way. Ufa“ the items. a 4905 logo pin given to him by a fan sitting one row back last year when they saw the 4965 play the Saints is cherished the most. ‘lhe pin was given to the fan by tumor 49ch wide receiver. legend and dub executive Dwight (Hark. “I ’m normally a talkative guy butwhenlmhhnhpersonl was in shock. I almost choked.†he team. ulsteadJuewillwatchmegune inTommoaspanofaSuperBowi panysponsmedbyBudljght. Needlesstosayheismited. “l'mjackedmpwnpedm newnjï¬tdebuofmy- nestaumm (Morton's Steakhouse} everyone then: gave him a round at applause." he sand. A3 for Sunday's big game. Mr. Mauow cult-mined going to New Orleans for it. ‘At ï¬rst they thought m were Crazy coming all that way. But thty loved thefaa that we were Canadians and made us feel welmmed.’