My Firstï¬cM is honoured to be named me 2012 Stuuffvillc 'In'bune Readen Choice Award Recipient for Best Daycare in Stouffvillv. We wnuld him In cxpn‘s‘.» our gratitude to all who have voted for and supported us uwr the wars. As wr approach our 20th Anniversarv in the community wv are proud to have bevn an important first step in the development and education of your children. We are al50 grateful for the manv friendships we have established over the years. Being a Stouffvillc resident. I often see many of nor former Students now entering their adult life with a University chn-c and an Incredible future. We are ertrembly honoured to be part of our communitv. Our cumculum Is focused on provndmg your child With the opportunity to learn and grow in a clean, safe, caring. fun educational cnvnronmem. We cn-ate nppununities for your child to develop and succeed physncally, inkllcctuallv and socially. Come in and see the Difference for Vat-1r ('hild. MyouSWï¬efovvoï¬ngusBestDaycore 458 Service Rd.. Unit 3, Stouffvflle - 905 640.7098 - bruceauto©rogerscom * Reading Readiness Reading Program at: Phonics 2:: Mathematics 2:: Printing :3 Computer Education 2:: Kindermusik >:: Musical Arts a: Physical Education :9: Science Discovery 1:: Dedicated ECEs 1:: Full 8. Part Time at: Hot Nutritional Meals 2:: Air Conditioned 2:: Spaaous Outdoor Play Ground (CSA Approved) a: Gov‘t Subsidy Available M: 0:45 a.m. to 6:“ p.m. BEST AUTO BODY SHOP, MECHANIC and AUTO SERVICE My Hmï¬c‘ www.myflundvodno (my :9 See the mmrï¬n Ynur « .‘Iu‘ld wmmwmmmm www.muaswsmwm†in the Readers’ Choice Awards Thank you for Voting us 905-640-0676 SY 94 Montreal SL, Slouffville 1 905-640-0676 My First School â€" Carmela Didunc 94 Montreal Street, Stonffvillc Call Gary Betta. Club Profmioml a! 905-640-2949 or send an email requesting full membetship privileges and details to “HYPERLINK "mailm2proéslecpyhollowgo!Lonxa“ Membership options have never been more pmgressive and affordable. We think its time you took a look at Sleepy! What an honor! On behalf of our club members and staff I can tell you it is nice to be recognized. Sleepy Hollow Country Club, the club “just around the corner“ celebrates a rich history and one that is closely connected to this town and its residents. Many of you have enjoyed our facilities as our membership continues to participated in charity events or perhaps...some of you who were even marn'ed here. All of those have been part of our past, our present and our future. Over the years thvrc has been constant investment. renovations and improvements of all kinds. What stxll sets us apart is a welcoming group of golf members who experience our motto..s"if you want to have fun playing golf join Sleepy!" every Thank you for voting Sleepy Hollow Country Club Readers Choice Award!