HEALTH: Holistic medicine show But ms mou- peoplc scarrh out alterna- tive mmmiies to cure then ailments without medication» created in labs. holistic medicim‘ has moved from the bathrooms of (‘hinav lawn shops to fmm and wan Main Sm“ Stuuflvilka The show. which is grand to pwpk- of all agvs. is about taking a pmadiw appmach m (mt-'5 health and unpoelmg the: union. accum- mg to kryce. even! m-ordinamr and (mm of 'lhe Hearty Ankhukc. sbulanï¬vrmg com If it’s not band on science. it's hogwash. For many deaths. that has been the main“ strewn attitude ttmni hulk-tic or allematiw [be second annual Health and Welhwsa Shaw w Fifty Shades of M‘ll‘ï¬'ï¬ â€"-â€" takes place Ian. 19 at the lrbuvic (l-nm- fur Am» and luncnamnmn - Nineteen on the Park. It’s not a [Sand-Aid approach to health. bu! unuwéring the root cause for that fever 0: w-wcurflng side pain. she ol holistic medicine. I ' I “ Hildebrandl. my: known as Mata George. is the show '5 ke'ynmt' speak or. He takes In the stage at H a.m. 50 Shades of Wellness promotes alternatives BY SAND†BOLAN Store. He is also the president and CEO of Ilugan limvrpr'mes Also speaking will be psychic Dude Kings. mill. whose topic is entitled 15 Your Child ADD/ADI“) or New (knetau'on Indigo? She speaks at 1 pm. Ms layer will spmk a! 2 pm. about 50 ways to healthmxl happimtss. which includes pm' active approaches to heallh and simplifying A number of local pmaitkmers‘ will alsu he at the event, including RMT Shay! (iill. acupuncturist Rita Mustafl. chiropractor ï¬na ring and natumpath Brandy “You'nbcablctogctafeelfordmrightï¬t for ynu." Ms )oyce A number afloml practitioners will also be at the event. including RMT Sheryl (.‘ill, acupuncturist Rita Musmï¬: chimiirm‘tor Tina Ting and naturopath Brandy Pridham. SMOKEI’S SEEKERS