t! I laumni WW.M WW9! otmotelhanlmoom munkypwhcmons wossOruno WM noâ€.me «anathema! ind unnn Main ’ (Luqu \nmmuniï¬ lW‘r‘l" 1hr VAro ner whim mu: Ir! w“ \I inhuman mm! 1" h! thin om numb and mm: "It Oudr a dm‘nmr rdrphnnt nun‘hrt Ham: and Ankh?“ “It \un hihunr wnn 1m“ to puNt-h m not pa and m «In In! flat in ander ADMINISIIADON mwaayo! olu iuwhfmg 1""! “A m muonï¬rngcon 90" 040 .‘Ml In 90$ 040 877K "ll Mrlamr Amutgr ’WHI' some!“ [ETTERS POLICY '"U‘M DHUTTNW \ ll" Ann/“1mm; uh I mu 'm m alkawmju Dane “albums ,UH lelVNh ‘lï¬-rWIâ€"lhl.’ m1 3 800 7-H ‘5“ ‘x 905140-8778 “’1 FORM! hm Mason \nm‘g‘ 5 u"? lm's met my it eta!“ with flipping uff my socks while watching IV and not picking them up until the neu morning. I mcan. come on! - and spirals duvm’nill (mm them. But. 0| (nurse. the good part ul considering New Year's n‘soluuons ix coming {are to fun- wnh your nwn shunuumngs. cumming yuur mm behaviuut. massessmg the way ynu db linings And what's wrung wflh that? Don't do t‘nnugh to stay in much with famth whn nu Inngt-r Iiw In the same cityï¬â€™nu can do something about that h\ buying a long-distant? card nr getting all their 1'» mail addn'sses and sending them a note own Sunday night. 0! at law «wry mum! Sunday UK, nnco a month Not doing ynur shame of the houso wart? You can pitch in to change that ls two-minute wait for bus that important? R4" 8le All)†mukm' nu seine. lem'r to the minor by Roger 111111150", Dec 27. I ran understand thv frustra» tion of some people in regards to lhl'h1h smp (m Hoover Park Drive vast nl Ninth line. I. too. tend to get caught up in that tmflir and l driw a bus. Sum-ml things come imn play hem. one being we now have four schools withina um" kilometre rang? that basirally got out a! the same time. And the-n- an' a number of huws all leaving at about lhc same time and dmpp'mg off on lkxwor Park and Rm'vvs Way Plus. Um all haw m smp fur therailm'ads tracks. “w schools haw also .uldvd a large numbet 0t um 10 lhv roads. and students walking and trying in (T085 mudx 'l'wu. the route ih question used In haw Ihn‘o stops in .1 very short span until being amalgamated into one largv Let us all resolve to start new year off right lETTERS TO THE EDITOR fl'hfll‘llh' O Sun-Tribune 6290 Man St. Sttmflvflfl ON [4A 167 m Wagoncom Having the bus turn off Hoover Park is not really an upmm as this stop also wrvices students on the south side of the 5mm. They need to cross the road, with the school bus waming lights flashing. Gaming the schuols to change their release times wuuld help. but I doubt that will ever happen. Changing (Inc's route or limos on Hmm’r Park is anotho 0r nptmn. ($0ng up In Main Street is another. but then one has In tight the lramc yams at th‘r Ninth ljnc' lights, ' ( )r one can just sit back and witty the idle tinw. we that murh m a rush those days that waiting two minutes for some- thing. anything. tlps‘t‘ts us? I how not. stop by the school board. So. instead of stopping three times in 200 m 300 memes, the driver JUN! has (0 stop unce. I hiin' ncwr witncssw small children falling off the bus. as was noted. llltt‘t hm or take nut the kitchen flash with lmlv mnundon on your smart- phone. or at Inâ€! you um do those Chums when sumoan asks mu to. m at INN most M the times they ask you to ~â€"-» just maln- surv it’s at least half the time. or yuuTt' '4leng lm tumble. as in falling asleep. sockless. 0n the couch. Watch too much football on Sunday? Put that Iuptnp nu mm lap and let it he knnwn that ynu atn' atlm usmg the tinw lu do unlmc research about ï¬mShIng abascmcnt and how It mtght be bob tor tn hirv prufvssmnals. seeing as mu an‘n‘t that handy and no amount uf lt‘Miluï¬ln‘ls about learning haw to do home renovations will help you as. at this, point. there aren't enough wars ' Bernie O'Neill DAVE BROOKS «nu rm HH ‘ V. . rm mu on Pummmml P d r while, mnsidcrin how old you an: and the pad' at which . u leam new All the clothes you wore the past wok am in a pile un the chair in the corner of thebednmmandnowthecathasmade a cozy [mic sleeping am: underneath sand than? say mv sonx Sum: one for wu for doing something nice for the cat for a change. instead of making fun of the way she meow-s. even though it's not so much a meow as it is a cross between a bark and "ugh". ()t. um amid do at better job of. and I quote. “putting away your clothes neat- ly m deposttng thou- ttems that need washing in the laundry balm". Didn‘t think things thruugh in some uniquely odd way that only you can muster and now: a) your car is at the gumgv uwnught h) yuur son has his school t‘oncen this evening C) you've hooked his orthodon'nt appointment for this elm-mum]. which will leave him with a mouth in olwiom; pain. which should be great for playing the trumpet and d) it wun’t mam-t anyway. Manse. as menâ€" tmnod. you can‘t get him to the ortho. dentist or the concert because ynur car is in tlu' gamma So to recap: likv me. your resolution might have something to do with being left in your life to learn anything worth- lhm'mn. Plomu 'non Iarkw Mum! l): mrmn. ()ruAn mus Barry Mad (mum Manon Duncan. Mun M tut-rm Dixmnmou Ianva Mu hen-u Eunou m (Zulu lkbum Krllv lrt‘s pray this new war is an vxu-p» lion and We can start 2013 mnwmmg ourselves with Nev/Year's babies. wexght loss tips and junior hockey games. Wt in the news business almost always cbme back aï¬er the New Year's holiday looking at a police account of someone who got thanth killed or killedsome mnocehtpenonwhilcdmnk behind the wheel over the holiday/x 1111's. dwite all the RIDE checks and public education campaign It's sad and seems like such a waste. making our mummy» to eat mom or put loss butter on our pupmm sn trivial when some fam- ily in our community is stamng the new year 08' with mmmmsamm manna!!! mom tidy. doing more around the house. using your time more Or, one of the big ones. like stopping smoking or drinking to excess or mating, starting to exercise. watching your ï¬mnces. cut- ting down on takeout meals» you name it. all virtuous soaks - But. of course. none of this will mal- terifymarenoihetemseetmguab‘ throw. or at least give them the old Dunn". or Bound-mo ADIINISMHOh Rohrn Lazartn Duo: '10-. (Luuuuvum/ Ruu Lfl'hï¬ vaxnum. (1mm Write"