Ha†of us make New Year's n‘snhl- " mm. tan ï¬ï¬ty nnc in to am (‘Wnnmlh’ stit‘t‘t‘bï¬f’lfl. a mu“ Stanfnnl liniwmn study continual. 0.. , ,. -_ metrolandmedla lt’x a mgmtiw luad mm hram snth can’t nunnafly handle easily. “Wilmer. the researches claim. in the pct-(mum! (‘tmex the area right behind ynur fnn‘head. when you set 4 mm: sun's n‘sniu 1km. be it shedding pounds. gvtl‘mg ï¬t, qummg an addiction m amuhcr settlim- pmwnwm pk‘dgu an i'mxm‘mw. amount uf willgknwr p. rt'qujmd. the ('Llï¬fnrma- based Inseam-hers diumvnxi. that particular area of the brain is also wqmusihk‘ fur slzmng fumwd. handling \hurHvrm mmmn and wiring abstmn with muting a nvw task (mm mrrwhelmx yum (mum and magic»: 88 pet rem nf resolutions fail. Among the top H] prmniM-s p01 :pk' make ttwmselwa, awarding m pulls mn- ducted by General Nutmmn (Lt-mars and Quicken «Want is rpm-Wm ï¬tness and W! loss. Persechmi “mess manager Greg Moulmn Ls a veteran trainer who has wuâ€" nessed the Nt-w Year's rumhfliun waw. “Every year. it’s the same pattern." he {mm the Ntwnarkm mu. "From 294-8030 Take baby steps to fulï¬ll resolutions { (Sif'fli'l'ribune SHARE THAT OPINION, STOUFFVILLE. E-MAIL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR TO IMASON®YRMG.COM ( H.1ivc’rï¬'3yrmg . um BY CHRIS TRADER 30w WYJANJJOIJ I mmwumm IMPMEESISINCUMHST SHAPERD IVIUI ORTHODONTle Aaï¬m Bennm enjoys a slide with his dad, Cameron Bennett. down Hunt's Hill in Rupert Park. The Stouflvillc park is popular with winter enthusiasts of all ages. Turn to pageSlosa-anadditbnalphotognph. TO YOUR HEALTH SPIRII PLAYER MAKES RELOVERY, s. lAIIGl'IING All THE WAY VMHCHURCH-STO‘JFEWLLE muc LIBRARY ‘ I seepage9 SYM‘ WOTOI’N'CK lWAN YSH V N It was an vyc-upclung mmncm for 1hr- six lï¬-u'ur-ulds park-d mm .1 min: van mm the wav home from d din on the hills lhh Smut-(mo nwnnmu-d high whoâ€! tcmh on are considering t-xtt‘ndum'thmr buy-mu 0f extracurrimlldrs‘ for the ngn two years in ntspunw In gm'vrmm'm impming a mmrm I on lht-m "1110 Grade H students from \urnm High Srhoul rmpu'd in .1 «hurt» at dismay: “\th. no teams for (hr rm! 0f high whom?" "\u trips?" “What about the $50 we paid at du- «Ian M tho war fur ('leil activitivs?" “What! about the yearbtml’e’" "Will they hand um diplomas in views instead of at a grad cvr mnmw?“ ' kit these students. and across Ontario. it's «1 lllt'\\ and it isn’t uu-i ycl. liducatinn minister laurrl Brown announced this week she is imposing um- irans an more than 120.0(1) public wacth NEWEST RESIDENT With contracts noit' imposed. teachers imn't coach. give help MEET OUR FIRST BABY 0F 2013,see paqu Unrest as students return to classes L‘mmmu \ mu; I“ KIM IARIJHIR 3mm, M.» ~ an}