Mitstixflmehemcenuymms debut in the Ontario iuniur Hockey league as a maxim of the Stuuï¬ville Spirit. [he ‘lï¬-waI-oki. six-loot. one-inch. l85~ pound younger hmthcr «if met-nth admin-d Spirit fmwani Michael Stewm is dated to be on the in: w period. Mam‘ Sit-wins he just pm to be playing huh-y days. ' catching hk. bmmh. Especially afu't he mum“! an injury Ill Jau- Sepu-mlx'r while attending York Reg)me Hill Madomy as a mambo: of its under- lï¬ pn-p hudu'y tram Haying m a mumamvm in the United States. the Grade I l Vaughan mick-m was me mcipiem M a hit. 11w umtad wasm that (W and Stevens flushed the gaxmdewitc fad- ing mme d’u‘tmfxm with his bu-athing \anhemedmnmhisncckhfeh Weï¬ï¬kwflscrackim A! aloch hospital. lurwasdiagxmed Mammkmleflhmg “hwasiuslamamdperï¬utimm mMIwasmiammgmthemm lgmhit'bkwmsakt'wmlmthhit bum a smash luk- in my lung." AsapanOI’hism'Pryï¬tmmbmn skating with Michael. who was still a mhï¬dwmmllï¬i mMMMMWDan- But after that Outing, he had mmhk‘ Ht- soldier“! an to play in their next Hesatmns‘uweehmstrictdtnms' rUp ta 63% of! Svelte‘ 1 Tummytï¬attening Shapewear Pants (3 Optiflï¬S} Lining up with brother a bonus for newest Spirit player IV MICHAEL HAVAKAWA mhawkamnflwmg com It was during that time when Sum-ms found out he was mum to join Michael with the Spirit Eel Manmella In meï¬piril in excMngc for [unmet captain Alex Bone". W: Knkk Dawe and forward Jacob Baum» mann "I was skating with (komctwm with my brother and 1 gm a call from Kenny (811mm Spirit m-nmwr and general managm) that theyywamai me tu sign wnh Sumï¬vifle." he “ml was Doc. 1. But there were complications. beyond getting medical deal-«mu An Ontario Hodmy Association ruling that came into eï¬ect this season prevents BBB-bum players to sign with a team after Nov. 1. ‘ Appealing the ruling with the DNA and Ontario Hockey Federation based on injury. the Spirit were allowed to have him join their roster for the remain- do! of the yawn.» “lt'stwenagreatreï¬ehobebackonme ice and mini Stevens said. A ï¬ï¬h-mund dmï¬ pick of the Guelph Storm in the 2012 Ontario Hockey league draft. Stevens couldn't be happier than to be playing on the same competitive team ht had tumble ('uu'hit'tg his breath... When he trial to mow hi3 fled itfel! Iikr rggslu’lls cracking. ’ $39 for 3 Levels 01 ‘ Navy SEALS Ketflebefl Workout DVDs 1mm Trident Fitness ' (a $99 Vatue) for (he ï¬rst (hue with Michael and on the same forwuvd line. Their parents gm to watch them play together. too, A ’11) play with Michael is like u dmam come true.‘ Stevens “It's been great (no. whom he's got my bad when I'm in Also easing Stevens' transition has been the present? of rookie forward (Chad Bumms. a teammate last 8938"“ with the Vaughan AAA minor midgets and his new GM's nephew. “We had a good war last year with Vaughmx and to go to Smufl‘vilk‘ kmrwing Chad was there (k'ï¬nilely made things easier for me." Stevens said. During that campaign. Stevens amassed 18 points in 38 games Acknowk‘dging the pace of the game in the (Mill. is far greater than what he was attustnmed to in minor hockey. Stevens hopes he can quickly adapt to his new sumundings so he can play tn the ()Ht. “I deï¬nitely hupe that I can join the Storm next season.†he “All through out my injury and recovery period. they've been that for me." Stevens is one of four 16~yeaI-o|ds on averyyoungSpirit roster. which haseight 17-year-olds. a pair of l9~year-okis and no 20-yeat-olds sinm the trade with George- town. That's a far cry ï¬om the veteran Spirit tam that won the OML champion- ship last spring. 11w Spirit. which played in Pickering last night and visits Trenton tonight. hosts Wellington tomomm at 2'30 pm. a! the $1ka Arena. r539 for 1 Month of Unnmned‘ Boot {Jams- Ciasses. imiuqu : Marc Stevensplayedinhisï¬m InAhockcygnmcfor the Slouflvillc Spirit in Trenton Dec. 23. He was of? skates for six wccks after puncturing a lung. $20 for a 1-Year Subscnpzmn m AMY DKIOCNl/OIHL IMAGES PHUYO 1'8!