Usuhosï¬mpsmm User few and ran-s will be rt-vicwt-d fur tuwrrprrwkiod n‘crearmnal programs. planning servk‘es. engineering. public works and corporate!administrative scr- vru-a. lhc mvww l5 twin cunduclud m 0th to assist the town wit. its revenue assess.- Place your bid today! men! and prepare its operating budgcl. «(cording to the April I? rvpon appmvvd by Whitchurch-Slouffville council. As pan of the assessment. the fees and rates will he examined against other mm- parabk- municipalities. Building sérvices fees will um I»; mkwed as they was dom- in 2008. accord. ing to the reptm. "The purpose of this pruicu is to cnaun‘ that the town has a comprehensive under- standing 0! the total ms! incurml 1:» pm- vide kc p rams. rental and/m servicm cuany o ered by the municipality." wmlv Malt Pourvahidx. the «MM mar sum! and (“motor uf ï¬nance. The study will he a lwu-su-p pl‘m‘ma. the town says. 1110 ï¬rst phaso will lw a n-vlvw and analysis ul‘ the unm’m uma. [H‘s and Ile lo put them in pctspoctivu The second phase will deal with council. mmmunity'ami‘ sum input "if m-(‘t-wuy†acmrding lo the mpun. The project is eipecled m (us! no more than $0.000 and was includvd in the 2012 budget. The ï¬nal report is expvuvd m tlw lau- summt‘r or early fall‘ Sumlm Buluu