"A" movmvt south/nu Pavlos Shrvclm of Stouffviik Smva mm the lull Ignth St. Bmthcr Andre in a snowstorm at Bill (umber: $11an in Unionvilk 'l'uudnya 11w Spartans swept both ends of a doubkhcudcr. [Mnmnga u-rwy fur the Sumflvnllv lustrm N1!)l|d.|l\ m tum] \pulMlh wmur lxyys' rugby team can mmc with a tango! on n‘ - Lapu'lally when the Spartans have (mum! a (mum m mm ull my piufh byMinmng the last ï¬ve Yuri Rvginn Mhlvm Asvx Mlnm : lmmpum sham and sun-n ul‘ the last right. Not to menth bring silver nwdulhah «1 Lu! wm ~ ( n um u LI ‘ \h mtmn of School Athletic Ansociauun ANNA chmnpmnsmps Ihal burden was M! by this†wur'x (111mm ul 1hr \mem» Mm: tmw Upl'llt'd (k'fmxx- of thvir YRAA Hm unr mk- «mum tln- \t Mmttwl \mhv (Madman)! Cardinals with a 12-5 wm nu lhv lhlllmxhux \rumd.u\ School ï¬eld turf in Uniunvillc 'l‘ucsdawz " lho guy‘ wmv (Mini!le Iwmunx going min NW gun“: mud \wuum' head coach [amu- lkwin. " Hwy kmm lhv' pn-ssurr Is nu mum “uh um program havin won the York Region "HP the last fm- yum "But I was p ‘ascd with the way they played. .-\ win is a m n “w Spanans jumped on! In an mm 7‘ 0 lmd nn .a m In lulu ( Mum mami and mner fmm Mam Rman Hm mkiway through the ï¬rst half. Ihv ( :mhnuls mnu- h.“ L mm .: m In mt their deï¬cit m 7-5 at the hall. Playing the match under mid. blustery mm!!! mm. lhc' \p.1 r1 .ms dvlmd- 0d into the wind in the second half and added an insumnw In m In sh Paul with around Iwu minutes remaining in mu mun-h, While satisï¬ed with the win. "mm M'lumwk‘dgui hh ‘ luh lml .1 but u! focus duting the middle segment at the match and 1m tht'm Run“ n dunng (he halftime bn-ak. "I tnld the guys you can do it our way ut t‘nnttntw tu tin tt \tttll u.“ and I think they got the message.“ he said. In the junior match that followed. tht- Spartans got nï¬ tt) a good start with a 25 win over St Brother Ben Rtsi scored thme for the Spartans. whn look .I I370 Imd at the half. Chris (Iadamt added one m' and Quinton (kn-tsu- hunted thrt'e com/cm ‘ ' "I thought M‘ played well. Give crvdil in SI. Hmlhw Mum. l‘ht'V haw athletes and 10mm“. But maybe wv had a hit mon- shll than might have been the diï¬emncg,“ said Spartans†head coach Rob bdmondson. The Spartans will be pm in the test in their next outing as the scnmn and )unims will face Bill (Znnhms on its pitch ’lï¬umlay starting an 2 pm. ‘ ~ Miduwl I‘laynlnu'a Champs feel pressure 549510: an