COMING UP: Nineteen artists inl9th lemonville show Mr. Graham took an ummmjus (nurse and malimd he really liked It. So much so. he switch-d his major (mm ï¬ne am to “I won had to give up an instructor's pmitkm. It was just unnthng I wanted to do." the long-term WhilchurrhStuuï¬vilk- resident said. - Hash-fotwani a few decades and Mr. Graham is now retired from the investment banking industry and getting ready to show his paintings at this year's lemonville Group of Artists Annual An Shaw and Salt: May 5 and 6. \flwn Gerald Graham ï¬rst attended the llniwrsily of Windmr. it was as a ï¬ne ans major. But the school'x policy than students must lake elu'nvos uutsidv their general wall“ of intvnxl derailed his anislk‘ can“, Mr. Graham it wan “surpnsingiy easy" for him to pick up a brush and pain! after about 40 yeals away from the cams. “I wasn‘t sure it would come back. but it's a bit like riding a bike. You never foxgel.’ he ham look mm from mists in Newmrket mdUnionvifleJastfaILhe-iomedmcwn- onville Group oflm’mx "He gives a different perspective.“ said Piï¬lela Wright. head of public mlations for Banker rediscovers joy ofart In getting hack into the an worid. Mr. Gra~ Swing oVer to and check out our new GOLF TAB! $20 FOR A COUPON POCKETBOOK FOR KAWARTHA AND DURHAM REGION GOLF counsew [A $40 VALUE) 3“! l ' CHECK OUT THESE GREATBEXLEE †CO". II! It 905.727.0819 m. 389 BEAR CREEK . u m d. . .mm‘mmm ; waw: @n-mbune W LONE. SW WA ‘ Follow us on: fawagjag n m-~_.-... -. .. w __w___..._-_.. M w... .. .‘..‘.~.~_._._._..._...‘ .....W M. .1 BY SANDRA IOLAN ‘anu‘wmgwm the group. Although the group is open to anyone. no matter their age or gender. except for mw man many years ago. Ms Wright said it unin- tentionally morphed lmo a women's group That is. until Mr. Graham's arrival “I lo's kind ufa breath of fmsh air. Wo'w um all talking women's talk." “It gives more balance to the gmup and m the an show as well." Ms W! said. lllis is the group's 1ch annual show and and them am. whwidentally. l9 mem~ bl‘l'h‘ in the group. all of whom aw slmwing their work. Ewmhing from landscapes to ï¬gure “wk and a bit 0! abstran an m'll be available fur at the Show. in large and mull Run-s; "It should suit most cwrybtxiy." she Although attendance has been good in previous years. Ms Wright said last year was paniculady healthy fnr saon "Since the recession. people have hwn mining out but the has been down. lgnsspeopleamï¬mdofmemssbnm-y jamwamtogetonwiththtL-irliwcs~ shesaid We show and sale takes place auhe Lem- onville Community Centre. 13453 WM!) Rd. imn south 0! kaunington Road. [mm 10 am to 5 pm. both days mmmmmmmmmmm TNT GOLF: THREE MEN'S OR LAOIES' CLUB OPTIONS OPTION 1: $35 FOR A TNT POTTER OPTION 2: $35 FOR A ~ TNT WEDGE 3“! c. 3 I OPTION 3: $35 FOR A TNT FAIRWAY 7 W000 BMW resident Gerald Graham will be one of ihc exhibitors at lh'n Wat‘s ltmnn ville Group of Artists annual slum. May S and 6. Behind him is his wmk. The Flower Girl. '- 35 PELHAM museom. commuumopnous. omen 1:357 ma mooseou son 2 mcwomc cm a 1 90cm 0: nus. omen 2:31“ son A 1-moulsm AT Ewan av SHERATON NIAGARA ms FAL mcwoes ammo oroouron 2 oCARTI BWKETOFBALLSJA $25 VOUCHER AT EAST SIDE MARIO' 57‘ STA" "WWW!!! IAIII Y1