i Work’s labour of love for barber of Stouffville hits we†‘25 mum Individually. u haunt" was 15 u‘lilb and d shave was I0. I-ur we Hds. won [5 (mm was mun: than nur father umkl .tfl‘nul 'l‘u I'lllllillilu‘ Ihv t'xpcnw. dad would haul the mw Nippon [mm thv ham and mi our hair Int tru- Hm upvmmm. while (‘t‘u nunnml. was indeed an union! lm thv clippers pulled Nkr (‘m/V .md Hw (-ml unsull u-wmhk‘d a [mu It wurk quilt (nu farm ncighhnur had a mun‘ przu‘m'a} appmach. He'd pmmun J huwl Mop ouch mnls hunt and (m .mnmd it; the hips.†Ihr hmd. Iht' higgvr Hu‘ luml Mmuu-dlx. umwnal artistry has mmv .I 1mm wan since the (m at hmm- kind Ur «me the ddvx u! Muuth'illv's Bub Smwvhull and "Rod" Inn'me [Wherslmp‘s hark Ihvn wrrv gvnuim- moo! mp: plan's whrn' mm dumped hv h)! “mums ulhl'l than thm and hainruls hit it was thcn‘ Ihvv muld with up on lhv m-Ws. wa c-wn c-ngngt‘d in games of rhmh‘rs. 1hr results of which No one should ever be pressured. breed or tricked mto qwmg money ~-- even to loved ones. If someone you trust IS taking advantage of you, help is out there Loam the signs of fin-Mia! abuse to pcotoct yours." and the people you love. IOI 10 ï¬nd oux more ftom the Government of Canada about pmvonhnq elder abuse. vmt or cal! 1 .00 mm (1 800 622 6232) TTY‘ {8009269105 haw and a hain'ul. Mu bits. Fur thnw whu don't recall the u»! of a (“lip back m the 3103. NM. a! PM on Canada Eh‘iï¬'se 5 TIME TO FACE THE REALITY um'n unm- ( low 10 ("um um ’lhat age Ix long gnnv lzwry (mt-k nnw in .l hum Nu mine In talk. wnh 7m: Thnmm (In Md? vujuy n w much." I-mnk. (i7. is a nalm- ut' \nmnn, Italy. a «mix 011mm Maples M agv H)» his falhvr. Frlm'ku. mung“! In: his son to begin ballwr Naming m a loud shOp. “lo vap Im- on the \l mu ." Prank says. Inur yuan later. hv was [mm In gm il alum-A l4’mm Italy In (Evmmm m l’llg land and dwn 30 (um-um I tank t'smbllhht‘d a bank-Min": .1! Han» mnh Awnuo and Mum \trom. lummn, [[0 would lutvr mmnd his huxinvm In im‘ludv lhrm' \m-s mu- .m \‘u‘lnl‘m Street. ammhm .u \ungv .md \Wllmgmn sum-m .md MHMWI at Md uwan Rum! and. Hm. «H \l "(1‘ But Mr .1 mumrmg hv mmnu plated hunting the pIMr-xsmn tor .1 wh with ('icncml \Innnu l‘hon \ Imugwi his mind. ‘ ~“l‘d tallvn in low mm (In- vmn \leul pm")va and Hm hruulllul luwn.' ln'savs. While shave n‘qucxtx are .u a prvmium. pcthaps um a m-vk. It vms whik' lempumrilw dummy: mmhvr harbor how in Sluuth'illv hau nummt‘u (mun-um! hum In mnmm 'lhm’t gu. atay m \luufluilv." “u- rcmcmbcn patmm saying Ht: M‘u‘pu‘d their aduu‘. Ihau was 3'» wurx agn. HQ'K hm-n hmv vwr 3| OPINION hank l-ranu sometimes wrenades customers at his barber shup. l rank au‘ommmlau-s as many as MI haumr ulstumers a day. Sun Rman’n IS equally pmflcncm. An nldct sun. l-‘nmsisco. and a daugh- u-I. Alma. also live in Smuffville. He hm eight grandchildren. His mic. Uulsqppa. died almost (hm wan ago. lle plan's lmuqucls ul mws «m lwr gnaw every Sunday. "In me. she's still alive.†he am s. A framed phum hangs on his lmtlwtshup wall. ' Aside (mm tuning ham. hank has another skill plaxmg lhr accurdiun During 1hr pm .P'. yeah. he‘s vmcnainmi nmm pm plc rm many m‘t'asiunx ‘ And hc'li (in il 1m yum m middk‘ uf his hartwrshnp nqu nu addmunal chargv hm Mamas rs 03W mm Msmbrmbmnbm mm»! who WM {hr