‘ ulwncc is» a Vlnuu. passe» ll il’ you can. Svldnm’ found m woman. vaor found In 1mm." ()hviuusly. lhc mmnymu‘m amlhur at this qmm- was nw'm .I Imidcnl u! Whiu‘hun'h» Sluul‘t‘villv. (Hhvrwiw ht' would haw cuinml (hr line In [mid "Pam-mo is a virtue, push?“ it if you um Suuu‘uuws found in wulnram Seldom found in man." ' Whv du I proft-r the mum ptacliral pvri'epunn? Hopefully N’Ct‘m uxpcqiom‘vs will explain, (kcadmi No. I: I was. in Nu Hills. for no mhur mason than to purchmt- lwn items. a par or peanut butter and a chm‘oiaw bar. It was a Saturday and the Man was huw ()n apprnm'hing Is your tolerance tested at grocery store, gas bar? the "cares! checkout counter. I observed the lineup to be long. some rusmmors with carts ï¬lled In "Vt-mowing. Rather than runâ€! my Roaming Around wnh lim 'I'Immas [)lll ’l‘hal's paliem'e. ()ccqun No. 2: l was on slu- dvm rmsswalk duly I‘uosday. Due m inclement weathw. walkers were fewer than Usual bu: vehicu- lar traffic was heavy. th cars, trucks and buses luwd up on Millard Sum"! between Ilw Ninth Line and stxlawn (Zrcs- com. I hold parmls and children hark until the main road cleared. ()nc pvdcslrian, a young nmthcr. was hulding a small girl and pum- mg a baby caniagc ‘Mnd. . ahead Chase!» 10 their respective shelves and depart empty-handed. I ruler» amly took my place. ’I'hat’s when a woman. immediately ahead. nhserved my circumstance. “You don't have many." em" mnl. "I have u Int. Please mnvv IMAGES 201 1/2012; @RT Thursday, December 8. 7 - 9 pm “hue-£4. M 1m. him all to 1m! :34 um An exhibition of art by the gladuating‘ an class of Stouflvflle District Secondary School The LatEham Gallery Invites you to Everyone as welcome Awards wnll be announced December 8, 201 1 â€" January], 2012 )penzng receptro can-o A.“ (MK (0.3!“ M! an at (WA-IO )M QIDMWDHJQWbN .41 134 WM has: ~5¢l0éfl m a. Non Macs are datum! by the St Baum Arum-g and Na: way spammed by Gm (Mom and ()nc wonian. nbviously unac- t'tlstumed m the self-serve sys- tem. couldn't _;'11aki: the switch- nvvr wnrk. Before I could walk from my car In hers, a waiting driver, also a wumanmcame over. “Let me help," she said. “these "Don'l feel surry for me." she replied. "I feel sorry for you" That's patience. Occasï¬on No. 3: The location was Mac's gas bar on Main Street. The Iatwevening price had been reduced to $1.20 a liter. prompt- ing motorists to ï¬ll up prior to their morning commute. "Sorry for the hold-up.“ I apolâ€" ngiwd. "MK been (me of those mornings.†After what. {0 her. must have seemed like an eternity. l guided her across. m “mu-nun Hulk Uhnd‘n “Why couldn't you have shown a little courtesy and moved up?" he yelled. "Some people think only of themselves." ‘ That's impatime In our work-a-day world, 5m h situations continually occur. ‘1 How do you react? Hopefully wilh tolerance rather than annoy ante. Hopefully me. loo. Jim "urns as a $10M msmr w has whiten far area newspapers kw mar? tnar At tht‘ intersection. a female driwr attempting d right-hand tum, cut a male drive: off. {on lng him It) brake. Not content to politely smile and mouun her on. he jumped from the vehicle and loudly berated his challenger That's impatienur No. 3: Again at Mark Rather than drive through to the furthest pump. a wmnan mtpped her car at the one (‘lnws't This forced a male mmorist to wait. a delay he didn't appreciate. things can be tricky at times." In a matter of minutes. the thankful motorist was on her way. That's patience. then there's the ntht-r side. Occasion No. 1: Again at ..\n Frills. And again with two purt’hds- es. Waiting near the end of a long line. a man became irritated "What are you doing here? Don't you know there's a t‘ashwr {out aisles. over who can handle small quantity sales? It‘s people like mu who slow down pmplv llkt‘ mo, 'l'hat's lmpatiencv. Occasion No. 2: (ln t‘rmswalk duty lhursday. 'l'hv trul’ï¬t‘ agam was heavy with lineups t‘xtrnding in all (llrt't’llUIH.