$3 IMAM-16m“! cog-j) Go In » $750 «64w smo mm Saw-am 13L 2nd 816 mu innit nom'o'n nae-woo m Caro MI?! W 500 IWWw noses umme Manmanu IS SEEKSNG FOSTER MEWS N YORK mm ï¬smnmugnmmmgmam umammmmuwmmn mun-um mmmmmh mmwnwmdm ham/ nmummm Muhammad Maï¬â€˜mzmmmfum NM Fen-rm amamm my Mummnmmm In an M W at am men MmmdeW TERRACE YWTH RESDEITIAL SENCES. m Cal “472-4842 Fax: W Moum Albert FOODLAND (‘all Hugh Fm AMP «647-268-1333 W735 13W: Inc FOODLAND located on Hwy. 48 Just norm of Hwy. 9 Please email mum: to: MattMilleIOsobcysxom Snow Shovellers. Equipment Operators 81 Shovel Subs for wmmcmal mum m Markham 31A Jrea (‘nmpcmng- pay package» MarkhamhnpcflyScrï¬cesLtd. Email: MngQuMcom PRODUCE MANAGER Don'i Worry About (‘n-dit! Upto 90% LTV Fill! Now Hiring years ex n‘ence mquin . mm M mam u mam ‘mmbmw U~~NUWaM« “HINT!!! ‘ u. - M MUS-m~um 9 WWW“ mwumwm WK! 40% um at “$1150 mm (QOSMZZN, 1510 M a! [416%7-0078 Fa led “Maxâ€. M Wm mnm Em†mmmmmmmu mm W 16'"- va 1W 051150 mum EM"? M ‘ M roam, 5 Wm. It cum. mm "00! d Md" mood {41636711243 MMDUMM Frm Nomnw 25m waxwan and mawumm mm“: "3' u. I . 2:4». JIM. mucus-rm mm mm. m 0mm. 906- 2969476. prom mn $150000 w MKBMBUB IHM'FOZH Don't forget your nnlihï¬ Rcmcmbcr ANTIQUES to include presence. your web 547-20‘ address. Last I Fm! mm Peacefulty at PM Home on Tuesday, Novembev 29. 2011 m her 9"! year. WM 01‘ the tale Wflkam Dom of Amok! (Hilda). Loving grmdmothur 0! Thoma (Shawn). tophonéLouanno) and Oma m Brooklym. evin. Vanna and Harrison. ‘ FuneraiseMcemlbeholdinlm OW of Iho DIXON-GARLAND F ERAL HOME. 166 Main Street Noah (Markham, Rood). Markham On Friday a} 12:30 pm1 Immune Green: meg. can-w. (co-u.) her sleep at Parkmew 'jonod her Lord on Tuesday. November-29. 2011 age 106. Loving "other to Inna (drama) (John Evans). Ronald (Mary Ann 00- ceased), Jean Fans. and Lome (Mary) Grmdmomor, great and graham WWI and aunt to many special 'Bysdherm WORM-GARLAND FUNER- AL H , 166 Main Street North (Markham Rood). Munch-m. on Friday from 2-4 and 7.9 pm Samoa in he Chaps! on Saturday at 10:00 am. Mormon! Elmwood Cemetery. Mark. ham. In 800' of flown. donations to Parkvuow Homo. 123 Weidon Hood. sum.» 0n, would be Alter e recelul battle with cancer on Wed ‘ey. November 30. 2011 at the ego of 52 years. Predeceued b her husband John Randy) Payne e eleo by her parents eo and Jeanette. Much loved mother or John Lucien and Chris (Jennifer V Dearly loved grandmother to Kayla. omque. Anouk. end Estelle Suzannewill be sadl missed by her close companion Peu Lendr end his children Christopher and We elle and grandchildren Will be sadly missed by her brother: and sisters Lucien (Cathy). Louie (Marie). Carol. and Pattie (Karl) and all her nieces and nephews Suzanne will be missed by all her lriends 3A spoonal thank you to all of Suzanne's close friends and 'Betty‘e’ for their unconditional loveendeupport *Frlends will be received at. ELGlN MILLS CHAPEL AND RECEPTION CENTRE. 1591 El in Mill: Road. Richmond Hl†90 -737-1720 on Thursday. December tst from 7pm to 99m. and on Friday December 2nd 'lrom 1pmlo2pm A funeral servrce will be held in the mapelathm in lieu ol flowers. donations in memory 0! Suzanne may be made to the Bereaved Families of Ontario. York Region. 17070 Yonge Street. Suite 203. Numeral. OntarioL3Y 824. Uttmmmaunddommmbémdo by main; whet-nonmuhumxm) ' SAVM}; Mann! A ~ mum, at Soulhhh: MIMI?! (Inn? on “My Vowmbcv 29. zen at cheapo! 81%)»ka In: Ham Sang: (2mmva Immm‘mir mama «new a mum and", Wu!!! hf Wu (Andy! and hm: mm Wm Gm: of Mama:- will be hilly-mused by and friend; in the Cum on: ind her .n‘nm fut-Ms a: 1hr Rumbniï¬'h miv'rmcm home ' A Won dmt's lief Mb: held in (the [lam Funeral Home (35 Km; 5m West» in Wok) (in Ftih’y'lh-r 2nd“ With magnum" 1-hour .5 man all mm» In. Lynda Hakim dimming, hi lieu of {Ruch- phue (mam dummm to than and \tmh- PAYNE. Suzanne Alma KOZIK, km: REESOR. Dorothy Paacelully passed away on Tuésday. November 29. 2011 at the Parkvrew Nursmg Home an her 98m yea! Beloved wtle o! the lalo Millard, Loving mother of Marla Chodak and her husband Phillip Blaw Chenshod aunt ol Charlotte. Robert, Flock. Dawd and Bn’an Dorothy will be sadly missed by he: many lnends‘ The lamily would llke to' extend melr thanks to the Parkvuew Nursing Home stall and not pnvale carogrvers. Famlly will rocom Mend: al the O‘Nelll Funeral Homo. 6324 Main Street. Sloullvile. (908642-2855 from 2 to 4 pm on Sunday. Decemth 4, 2011 Chapel Sennce M“ be held on Monday. roember 5, 2011 al 1:00 pm {plemmem will lollow al the Slouflwllo mm‘mfl â€" mummy-Comm Ties-Docks- Fences ' Godard Mantme 0 lnslnlhbons ' Internet Reluvaled - Pauling - Plumbmg ' Renowan ' Sheds ' Shelng and Slorage alm Wumswmlm 1-800-133-3353 . (742,043 ,, Thanks to everyone who attended my 9019» birthday. party and fbrthe many kind washes from those m attendance and who couldn't be present. You made the occaswn truly memorabte . Poacamuy passed away on Tuosday. November 29. 2011 at the Markham 5mm Hospital tn his 75m year. Beloved and devmed husband of Celina to! 52 years. Lovmgfathor o! the late Linda-Lou Chansth giandlathor 0' Rob Paths and ms gmnmd Lua Aspet Bob‘swshesflwerewmbono Vonnï¬onormioe . The Ianin would lice to extend their thanks to the staff 09 the Emergency ammo I.C.U. Howllboaadry mussedby manwa anqw him due to ms humoun honesty. charm and his Ilustmus musical ca- Funeml manqunoms have been «cum to‘ the on“. Funeral Home. 6324 Man Sm. Stouflvilb. (905)642-‘ 2355 . . . 31' so dosked._ domibo’ns 10 m Ltvor Foundqu would be appreciated by; Wmds an: madcqualr: In 61mins our gr‘mmde In! the love and kindness demonstrath dunng Harwy's Illness and passing. Thecgrdd. flowers. m‘cmmals and especully lb: prayen have been gmtly ammlalcd ' pm. on Sunday, December 4, 20“, Chapel Service will be held on Monday. W 5, 2011 at 1:00 .m Intormmt MN touow at the S! No Gummy. n so docked. Gammon; to the Ham and Stroke Fomdation woutd be m, added I}! againâ€. Charlotte. Rdbon. thk. David and Bdan.Dom1hy will be my Mud by be! «any friends. The My woutd m to'axtona their thanks to the Parkw’cw Nursing Home nail and not pn'vaie caregivers. Family will roam Manda a: the O'Neol Funeral Home. 6324 Main Smut. 5mm. (905)642-2855 horn 2 to 4 pm. on Sunday, December 4. 201‘. Our canton! ls checked IO mammazo nak to our random and mm. Visit yodu‘glonwom and clbck on youcluoflbdum -' “M1 manlum“ Focus On Flaw“: Thank: to all. V Audrey Fmby and Family DAVIES. Bob Your ClasSifieds Lorne Morguon AMCM elven- Hones. one» Sum» man an.- Sumo borrow 15% at 000" (6471mm '0' cum sew: mu m '0!!!“ Cal i905t715-5?t3 Am' I“. Put-inn ud COHCCHNCI {mm Long in: Collector the Lu: Ton Human Maul: Albert. Local 54qu Downing; 6r Conplttc State U nadano- Van Haven all“ Ann. 720 "is Drive Uxbndgc. aha-m m Dewnbcr3,2011-10:OOAM MOI: Tu Ihr Scum m Dunn»: We supply and Install lush. may: natural Lkrmflmg In! um hum:- ~ cuumt. pm and ur‘ Mammy»: mm cm “ mumg a CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. (‘III “KM-7N7 or Jib-“n-OM‘.‘ jg“: urdtmflafl‘dmlikmm Hcasc’ join m m thc h‘xm uuw un madam. 20". Man ~3pm We are Imatcd at 1362! Ninth Um. Stmflviflr. Mumma Blaminglcm (1 If you have any further qucui pk‘a‘r d0 no! haunt In x .1 GARY HILL AUCTIONS comaâ€: “4%†4153mm: a (mt-«mp shop in! nli‘f (.‘hnslmas mcdx “(It WI" N '0“ H‘ “Hid!†unique (‘hnsmwz m-n lease pm us m the [cam um IQ: n9 Ar '6‘: . - Manon ILLWCWwigSo' tom-torus pro-"dud muted condec M6 Spout! rates "-‘m‘ooucom 12 m by I KO'S n 05 (IBM-£2†Doc. 11’ ESPN!!! 0054.30. I.qu Auctions Po" Santa! txrccn a “I! \IH" We lumoovoev elated CM ’35 net 90 new Workma'isrc insurer: [9056404659 mummy: ! "1 (“6“04 4586 :fessacm