SPORTS: Stouï¬'villc youngsters, cx-NHLers meet Qualiï¬ed subjects m†be compensateva then travel Thns chmcal‘tesearch tna! wilt compare a marketed topical gel assoaated thh an ore! (by mouth) marketed antibootic to a placebo gel assbciated wath an oral marketed drug (Isotretmoin) The dwatvon of the study as 6-7 Months (89 wscts). All ehgtbb subpects wdl receive at no cost: 0 Study related Acne evaluations by a Dermatologist, 0 Study related medicatuon, $15 FOR A CUBE WATCH 1A5“ VALUE) DO YOU SUFFER FROM ACNE? We are Ionong for patients aged between 12â€"35 years old, wnh severe fac-taf acne to particrpate m a chmc‘al research trial. ' If you are unterested, or w0uld hke further mformétmn regardan thus study. p‘ease contact Lyndarm Rauarch , 5762 Highway 7 East, Suit. 201, Markham 905 471 8011 or by email wunï¬lyndormaxom $9 FOR A STYLUS TOUCH SCREEN $31. FOR A E-CIGARETTE STARTER PEN FOR AN IPAD. IPHONE 0R IPOD KIT (A $69.95KVALUEI umVALUEI . WWW»: @51an (yin: THmara PeloMch. Nicholas and Katia’s mother. said her youngsters entered the contest online at the Canadian Tire Hockey School webâ€" Nicholas along with his sister Kalia and Ethan Yaldmchick would like to be in Ottawa to attend the National llmhzy lmgue's'all-star game Ian. 29. During that weekeml, the Stouff‘villc youngten hope they can shmvcase their hockey skills in a competition to be held In conjunc- (ion with the annual event. lust recendy Nicholas 12. and Kaxia.9.tookd\eï¬mnepm:ds mixing their obiecï¬w when they participated in the Canadian The NH]. 1r Stills Competition In Osha~ Hhan.8.didd\esamemanother rugiunal qualifying event. of which them's 15 in total across Camda. in Brampton. Kids shooting for NHL all-star game av MICHAEL HAYAKAWA mhayakawaéflyrmg mm Call us at 9057270819 ext. 389 on DEALS on voun mane Follow us on: Bwagjag facebook.comlwagjag Whammdippaxxmia wasmlemdmmeammdMsim MammenAMnu/mm wasentaedindmnovioem; mmmmm par- ticipation. sum flames Keith Acton and Brad May me wrong malbanmplayemonhmfl tooï¬ernppontomepanï¬pmm mmwmbrmm' aZSâ€"secondpexjodJ‘timedpxd control event. a timed backwardâ€"for- ' wudskaflngevemandshoodngat MdeunZSsemmis Ammmmxmwm Stoufl'ville um Hockey Associ- ation's house league after having tammmdbrï¬wmmdw replanthfldloh‘soonpetedmme In the competition. each can- testant enters four skill events com- pn'sed of passing aocumcy within Silt and wom- selected by tandem Playingondefemewithche $50 FOR 2 EIGHT-HOUR LIFT nex- ETS AT KISSING BRIDGE (A $109 wuuel “ltwmfunf Nicholas said. ‘1 was m because 1 mm; oompeung mitts: people across the ommm: But I woulddeï¬merydo it lnthecomest.thetopï¬wgirls and boys from each age gmup will enmmeliglntooompetemmawa during the NHL All-Star weekend that includes two tickets to the Al]- Starskfllscompetitionmflgaxm. N'dnlasandliaxiaachmdedged the buttexflk-s were chuming. But theyenjayedmeinimeonmebe. “Ifehreallygmflabmjtallmy mm'addedxatia.“flecamenwas myï¬mï¬melwaskiIflOInermus. Butlmlkidoilagamnenvear. (Mummsdedmaddj- donalmldmnwmmfromdwmr- The ï¬nal results will be based on a combined sum.- of all four ewnm The Stouï¬ville players' SCORES won't be mwï¬lul until all of the qualiï¬ch am completed. the three age groups mm in Oshawa last weekend. Smuï¬ville native and erNlet Brad May is at far right. Stouflï¬llc's Nicholas Pclowich. 12. tabs part in thc Canadian Tin- NHl. In Skills