You can play with pros in charity hockey tourney Wbmeslhsmwefaceismwys lack of understanding of why people end up on the street“ said Hockey Helps The “0me executive director Gary Scullion. 49. who has several former NHLers and women's hockey-gums on board for the (our namcnt. “We're hoping to show how peopkj and up on the street. We've helping homo less people get off the street and start a new life.†Otgln‘xnts aim to raise $30011!) to body check Immiessnem in the GTA. Prm‘mxtï¬ from the tnumanwm will supâ€" port agemies including Minda’s Place. Pathwéys. Habitat, for Humanity. Light Palm}. Snug u a Bug, Gateway and Inn from (11900“. ' ‘ Conï¬rmed participants include former Nllbers Gary mental). Rick Valve and Steve Thomas and several others. who will be placed on teams participating in the tour nament. Members of Canadian Women's Hockey [Begun teams. including ' pic gold medallistsï¬illlan Apps and erio Piper. will complement rosters in an eight" team women's division. ‘ It udmmrwwmg um! Here's your chance to play hockey with former National Hockey [1:8ng stars and mp women phycm ' ‘ Ikx‘kt'y'Helps the Homek’sx has raised mutt- 0130535 million and assisted mow than 18.!!!) homeless people since its 1996 Vlt's the REC Hockey 1181;); The Homeless Mega Event. 1: enemy hockey toumamem for men's and women’s teams taking place Nov. IS an the Magna Centre in Nan/market BY JOHN (IUDMORI! udmurrii'yrmx 4 «mt Part of the toumax’ncnt's mandate is edu- cat'mn. Mr. Scullion noting many peo- ple end up homeless after a sudden trauma. such as the death of a loved one. ' For their entry fee. playem'rareiw the full pm experieme. Mr. Scumon ranging [mm pmnyie Wm bearing their names andgiflbgstoapnpmcmhaghandlersand 0n the men's orgaan are. aim- ing fut 10 teams. divkied int-n under.†and (wet-40 divisiom The wnmen‘s categpry is “Any one of us at any time mum and up on the streets." he { “earn and individual entries for [he eveni are still being accepted. The cost is $400 per player for men and $250 [or women. “Once you‘ve played one time. you're hooked.†he said. 'l‘hem’s a mpflm at the end of the day with dinner, and guest speakers. “That ï¬rst point a! contact is so ifnpémnt becauscdwmismlitflctrustmmthchome- less on the “was.†he said. “ to have a starting point to build» trust." Front-line the ï¬rst point ofcon- tact on the mots. receive 30pm cent ofthe lundlng. Mr. Scullion said. About 70 per cent goes‘to reintegration and transition projects inception. D Fa mote information o: to registevtoplayuhmdraisuish hockeyfoflhebomekssxom ON THE WEB npen and makes its debut this year. Teams are guaranteed three games. Hie-deadline Eur entries is Nov. 1 1. If you don't want to play. you can purchase a ticket fat the reception for $100 or register to money. The RBC Hockey Helps the Homeless charity toumamcnt will take place Nov. 18 at du- Mangcntrc in Newman-t. Former NHL player Kris King (from left), Canadian Women‘s Hockey League phym Christina Kassie: and Amanda Shaw, Hockey Helps the Homeless executive directm Gary Scullion and fomm NHL player Mark Osborn: m among the participants in the event. Other Hockey Helps the Homeless touma- are held in Montreal. Ottawa. (‘aigaty and Vancouver and than: are plans to expand. The Nil-me 93m will also featurr- a game between Toronto Maple leafs alumni and CWHL players. sun mom/me an": n