GSmSIM'MIe m.mmm (Mme The Sum Tribune ‘ tut-hum“ 1mm in «as. All sol-I‘qu ag‘msl be but than 000 mud: and mud Include I «hymn WI" man cm and add-m- nn ‘iun Wu“ mm flu- : c humus-ho! mu pub“ and In at term: «y Ind YtflWM‘ ( RUB? cum!!!me W cubism mm / I» - Wham “1" 0M) Ihl.‘ I“ 90“ MU 87â€â€ w: M New *HH'I’RHWM. 90“ 0'“) 36': Luvuhn‘ ' TI.‘ “(‘5 n. on“ Mu Arm mun-Own. com Make Banvillr PIMIMIWVO‘JVW ;mmm.m l5 “mom lH’IERS POLICY "IS I’RMLV‘I‘IUN 905 r I‘M-“244 ‘nuwnfl’wmg 4 mm u I: 11 mm Al WEE 1‘15"“; 905 #40 26 I 2 Barnum: [I'm Mason l was struck by the story in the media about the elderly wnfc of a war veteran who was tnld she can't wear her hushand’s service medals ---- won an the right side of he: jat'h't w» hm'ausc it is against Canadian law to do so I must say I had no idea that law existed and I very nearly broke it myself just a frw years ago. My father had been a radar ta‘hni- dam in the Second WurldWm, serving in England. It delighted and embarrassed him several years before he died and he wore Ihcm proudly on Rcmcmf. hrancc Day even in his retirement home. Rut aflt‘l he was gone. I wondered what to do with those shiny medals. Wearing just his service pin and a poppy. hr was always such a pmud Our family made sun- late in his life. dad had the medals he earned and how Veterans Affairs fast-tracked them {at 'a special presentation at a local high schoolï¬ library deserves mote Re: Skateparlc. seniors club on Mshh'sts. Oct. 2 7. Yourstory on the pro-budget consultation meeting ol‘councfl Oct. 25 included the mncernw of residents war library under funding and space Mayor Wayne Enlmersnn is quoted as saying. '. . .the library board must ï¬rst conduct a planning study and perhaps redesign its current layout. Can they utilize more? Yeah. I think they can utilize it beauâ€. I would nest the mayor join us in flier?me to indicate when mere k any Int-meteme used space. 'lhe maym also mentioned "this was about the fourth time in recent history some- one has come before council to bbby hr the addition (to the library) to be moved ahead from the cumnt timetable- of ZONIZOIS. « ‘lhest- winches m enun- (‘il ’un be of more than 400 rt’sidt‘flts have signed a [5111!†TO THE EDITOR huuld my father's war med- als languish m a memory box, never to been wen and admired? ‘ Should war medals be hidden away? Our library needs to be properly funded to ï¬nance books and staff. I'th needs to be space for more compqters. stqu'camzls and activity rooms for the youth of. our commu- nity. If you invest in youth. you enrich a cumnmnity and they will have an investment in the community. ~ Can we not work together to produce something of we can all be proud'and that will pay dividends now and dmvn the mad?» (Ian we not have a Iransparem planning pnxexs? Sldufl‘vilk', we better than this. petition (online at http:/ IWSLL hraryPctitinn.blogspm.rom or in person at (,Jandlelight 8: Memories) have men met with stony silence. as’MV‘c-«ohr e- mails. ' - Does the mayor malize students such as the two who spoke a: council must go to Martham to do the-it school assignments? ‘1 Thehyear after he died. I was encouraged In Come“ out. with the Inca! Girl Guides m panicipme m my local Remembrance Day pamdc. as I had done manypthm years. I seriously considered wearing his med-r als proudly. pinning them to my jacket but something about that idea madv me hcsnalc, Mostly. I was wnmcd ahuut nflmdmg the vetcmm m‘Ihc parade I may be getting and feeling uldm. hm there's nu way I'd be mistaken for a war wtetan. “ ' veteran. marching m sleet m mow wery Nov. II either m Toronto ceremonies. m In the ~anal! ()murm community nvat his farm. ‘ Marney Beck IOAN RIZI m u “was 'B'IL'Liéï¬" NDP LEADERSHIP PEOPLE... RACE IS UP To? Sï¬â€™ï¬-Ti'ibune‘ Puausmm Ian Proudfoot So I put them 111 a special wooden keepsake box and showed them to the Brownies and Girl Guides with Wham l was marching. They were. delighted to touch and feel “real medals". We all knuw the First World War vets are gone and the second World War vets number fewer and fewer with each passing year. Stories of war exploits can seem unreal or ancient history to the young- t‘l’ generation. yet I have found young people very intrigued hy war medals. l€\'cn'_my own kids were pretty keen to admirv grandpa's medals. sparking a t'nnvcmlmn or two. I held them with me hr the ccr~ cmony and carried them carefully home. feeling I’d at least showed them of! and handled them with resped he. and they were due. I agree with and understand the lam restricting the wearing of mad- als. 0f cnurse, only the veterans who have performed the actual service to am country have the right and privi- lege to wear them. But seriously. what are all we chil- dren or wives or grandchildren of vet~ etans' to do with these medals? However. medals can be worn on 6290 Main St Wk, on. L“ 167 myoflupï¬onmm 8mm: m Cm Debora Kelly Ruben Lazurlw Dun-dun. Pnooucnon lath: Smart How can we honour our sell~ less war hcfocs if we hide away the medals which honour their bravery and service? What good Will my father's medals do In keep the re‘mcmbr‘anw nlivr if lhvy'rt' languishing in my hfl‘il'lflt'nl m attic? [he right side by family members. of veterans in Britain and Austra- lia. Perhaps we need a similar law in Canada. Bunyan- marching. They Wf'ff‘ delighted to touch and fee! "real medab'f Guides with whom I was So I put them ‘in a special wooden. keepsake box and shawed Men: In thc Brownies and Girl Becktsammm mucmu, Almnmm. Nu 0h! HPu‘he'l "mufï¬n, [him-anon Iunvu Pm hm u lhucmn. Omnnou | Barry Black