Ruchmond HII Comedic! Gamma Fem was recently and MW 31.18129 in a)" gem mine muniapat‘ly. M wan happen in accordanlm town neasulat Man: W. "When Ma‘sacmmmbh use. pmtymousapsalmedscm . of “mimwd. MWSMMIe mumlasoonot hmoorporatecvedl “.mtythe'mw has one. mum Mr. Poumhm. mmmm.mmu puhousehoummeirmmwadsbt Wmmwmmm amungmw‘md_ Mmpayom-dmodï¬pmdem Wiswhmanmmbme mmmmmgmmm Wasamexpemmmbym mRicmmdeLPemIi‘sapob‘ymme commwwmevemwwhï¬ www.mmmnmï¬w mmaMnmmmm Oamnghepumameequpmm‘m mmmsoasmtmmm mlmmwï¬gmma mmmmwwamwa stammapohgia'nghmmhe saiduasmadeintmm’sbestm 'Inmundemndmatpodbumm‘ mandpodmmnlymcan mmmmm'ne-w.mpoa , WJMmm’mmm msnasbeenaieammm...rm museM'ngmymmmm Wmmmimpeompu'u mmmymmmmr Wrbypmduadmewmbswmaae smatMrPeneieamedaMnme- Mmhnsmdcmmmsmatm Wmmmmmu eventmnmamwatcarlaasem mumblmsonmm Mr‘PenelhsaidMisaewngacmmn mmmmmmmm tndonate'everypemvtoauomnamn Rwhmond HIII' Thepruehasyetmmandmm sadnesbecomlnghusnaedmmoslow GOLF CLUB SCANDAL ‘CANT HAPPEN HERE hwwhp-omma girls "le Git]: Incorporated“ -$amaammmnuctean Volunteer. Today! 905-830-0776 York Region umwv‘n “"316! “My Iiiill: ‘85:! {13‘s.}; Illifa'flcll 3 .g’l’a: I! gg‘llll".:wg {iii 3. #3:?" we. ‘Ilgalaaliig Vifglaoé. Ilia-i P'illlgtli'I..-J II II. .‘ilifin‘oï¬: {,1 ’88. ill-5308...: 33:3:{ .2 .I’Ilil.“tci.ll‘c itgiiaeilliflc‘lltzgili:gull... Ji‘lsgiiiï¬sgig ‘ilglliiisiig i151‘33...‘ 11:113.!lllngllzizgl-I'Ii il- iai aliqi-ll’oniil-ailllï¬i rgl’giae 67 Automall Boulevard. (Millatd 84 Hwy. 48) SOS-888-7777 0 stouffvillehyundaicom Stouffville “The mayor's role is absolutely critical. It’s a 24!? job.†Mr. Smith said during the council meetingladding it was up there in importance with that of the town’s CAO. “The job you do for this municipality. you've underpaid for a long. long time." Mr. Banley told Mr. Enune-rson. to which the mayor replied: “It's the best job in the world. I couldn'task for a better job." treasurer Marc Pourvahidi. Councillors. who am parHime in those two municipalities, earn 344.616 and $38,700 respectively. according to the report. '(Zuuncillors Clyde Smith and Richard Hartley were particularly adamant about increasing the mayor's salary. He also mitcrated. however. this will be his last tem. The roles of mayor and councillor have cvolvedover the years. Mt. Hargrave said they are now dealing with zoo-page council meeting agendas and a $60-mi‘llion annual budget, airing with cogntleSs committee and public hearing meetings. [Give mayOr raise: COUHCiIlOfS' ‘The job you do for this ' municipalit), you ’re ynderpaid for}: long, longtime.’ SlAflHNG FROM GENESIS COUPE SALE SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS uwu n ma $163"M 0% so Bl WEEK†YAXES INC! ' FEES 901 mm murmur H)“ APR/84 MOS "This is a full-time job,†he told The Sun-Tribune. “It's not a ninedovï¬ve job. ï¬ve days a week.†Mr. Emmerson. during the council meeting, also noted: “People are demand- ing we respond to them within hours. not days. You can't do that if you don‘t check your computer or laptop two to three times a day.†~ The notice of mbtion will be dealt with at the Nov. 15 council meeting. which starts at 3 pm. Mr. FlnmcrsOn has a corporate Black- berry. Cpuncillors do not. nor do they cur- mntly‘ have an allowance for one, accond- ing to the Nov. 1 report. $42,148 by town compared to 386.396Namwketpa/sitsmw. )WN PAYMI NT sï¬ï¬m mmwwssflmmâ€mm§mmexm mammmmmdmummm mum'shomummmwmmwmw “MWMMWMmemmmsm www.mummmmmnsm‘ mmwmmmmmmym' WW'DIMMMTM mammal Wm‘mmmmmmmemuaum Immogm mummmwwwmmmmmaxmc mummwmnnwm. , mm'mmmMWWTmmmtmeymmmm Mhmmwnummmm . AMWunmywmmenonmmm ms» Ivan-H.“ $559118“ ht; (905) 640-8999 Vol (no: 1 (I77) .82 9944 1050 Hooveu Park I Stouflvme, Ontano LA (inside, Waimu! 4A Oki