W but; ban- lava», mu. ( no. I ï¬rm 6 AINILI‘HSIM; Mm Mr Mephm Mariam: ton. AI $WKM mm! he a. than (I! «mi um mun mrludé a dam_wpm _ number. mo and mm, "m \ufl "mm.- m autumnal:ch across Ohm-0.7mm Ream Hod-a Glow W“ W . ummvtmum ‘ Wm EW' ’Su‘ï¬-Tribune muonOymg can mlum-dh-Ow'm mm Yuck unun Main (in-up mmmwuty W amide» 9w†[ETTEIS POUCY DISTRM l ’1'" )N 905 ~ I‘M â€" H244 Ur Sun "than Mil"! Bdrmâ€! Wqï¬bune 905 M0 2M; ‘. m“. (40.37% H’HHRMI AMMINM. 90‘: b40251} ml l umr’u NW. N WE MO 377 MIMI)" I' W lim Mm: I11 This is ('ammla \a mu' as I! N m swim nuhkh‘. flw mudnm pool was open fur thaw mumhs a yr." Wc'n- killing a lamp invmnm'n-t fur a «hurt lilm‘ portal ‘ I!» .m iluhxnluuukxu puul. as wen at hotels in Unmriu. a ptmsibility Im Whilchunfh . St‘uuï¬w llv? Over to you. cmmclllnm , A! the tinw in thv same park. the indoor pool a! Ihflrbtwic lm‘sum (lent!!! is very well used. Nssuming the gram Ls gum. court (11 mm“ mw svriqus mmuk‘mlmn m abandtmmg mv nindu'm pnol pm)» on and sinking its mnm'y mm .11“)th indnm farilllv ' (all: again of building a ï¬ttmd indum ponl. probably at (hr Sinufï¬'ilk- (‘Jip- pt'ns Spun; ( Lumpk'x. A repon to mum H from the munit- ipality's‘ Irisun' wrvit't-s departmvm mgardiglg various go forwanl uptinm Ls equed some time next nmn‘lh. ' lame: Muflatl. who was d um) nwmher U! the Saw the ()utdnnr Pnol‘ mmmiuw. last wwk awaken! his. d1» upwimmcmjwida the mayor and coun- cillom because "all hopes of this water fadï¬ry were banking on this grant . A newv‘taukl punl Ls estimated m ms! ' ‘ The facility has alw. seen its (km almost double. from 2.626 In 2002 to 4.612 last year. 'i At least one councillor thought it was too small when it opened. I’nem‘s In lhv "mu applied fur a $2.8~mfllinn grant from the fcdcml gov cmmem's Pnabhng M't‘l‘SSibmiy fund to help pay for a $1.7â€"nnll'um walcr frat-- tum. whirh im-lmkd an uutdoo‘r tank pool and water park. In he built adja- cent to the ‘Iflxwic Irisum (19mm in the downunml park, ' lhat was. after sunw hem-y tubby mg users of the old uuldcxu' p60! in me same. park. Nuw abandonm. the outdoor pool hasn't nmrau‘d since the summer 0! 20m, â€" Export (hr lohm'l‘ng In ramp up again. Hues. the 11-500th of an aï¬pik‘auon for a sax-million grant to help pay for an mmkmr wam park in Stouï¬vifle Memorial Park rhangc things up for Whitchmt‘h -StouflVilk- “mmâ€? It should ‘~ The municipality was nuliï¬-t'd of the federal glmrmnwmk (ki'ision last month. No mason was provided as. to Why the application was denied. He wants the town to look at ï¬x mg the old pool. But that's UNI); Iou - h‘ot'wvcn $8201“) and 5980.000 â€"'bec'ause the pool would have m be blought up In a xiv. Outdoor pool needs remlsi'ting Editorial NIN (,dmilmnit rmmant bacteria and huspital \Ilpt‘rbllg\ luring sumo m thi- n arm: mamplm‘uf this) and. based an (uncut research evidonw. H seems nnw abundantly Hear it in lilm‘ In dhamdnn i1 Additinmlh: I h'vl m." I and um- «um vlw khnuld haw lhv right tn nmlu- un_ln|’mlm,.'d and free chmu' whNhL-t I want my food treated by, certain prm mung mclhnds or not. ()f cnurw. public heallh ix am Important umwm and. of counw. u t'al'm such as Mr. Schmidt's should he I, too. have lung hnpcd one day I would be ahlt‘ m taste unpasteuï¬zod milk again. an mslly available fund during my (‘hildhnnd m liumpc. Michat-l Svhmtdt. a farmer in the ()wcn Shunt! :t-n‘awho has fought for years t‘m tho right to Sc†impastmtr "turd milk to inl‘nmwd and wflhng consumer». ts rum-utly on a hunger strike in a dmpvmtl- effort tn (all attt‘ntinn tn pmtplt-K right. to ('hoosv what tht'y rat and drink. My understanding is he will and his strike it Premier Dalton McGuinty agrees to meet with him. I havewrit- tan a letter tn Mr. McGuinty. asking him to honnur Mr. Schmidt‘s request and list-en to what he has to say. EverYthmg l have. heard about Mr. Schmidt truth-s mv think hv tr. :1 thuughtful and honourable person and I think he deserves the respect of being able t-n- tell the premier about his mnvtcttnn. which is clearly at such vital importance to him that hv is willing to risk his health. even his. life. to defend it. l lruly htflu'w lhv Nurth Aï¬wriu’m paranmn ahnut any kind of micruht- has done fur mow harm than gum! Dairy farmet, right to choose yourfood deserves ampon YOU'RE JOINsNG \ THE PROIESTERS m THAT memo :: m ? / Letters to the Editor SUH’Jribune gle nut one farmer who wants to do wmclhing difl'ercm and has Iake’n duo. diligence to ensure he does it safely. regularly inspected and tested just as any other farm ~ to ensure his products are safe and healthful. But in light of the inhumane and dangerous methods used ivy-many largo farming operations and many instances of contamination at such operations. it seems ludicrous to sin- I‘Ivmicr Dalmn McGuimy (invvrnment uf Ontario Whitney Block, Ruom 4620 r 4" 99 Wvlleslry St. W. ‘lirrnnto. ON M7A IAI Fax: 416-325-3745 ‘ ‘l‘vlephonc: “$325-$777 ()r lhmugh his website; http:/l www.plumiongovunxalfccdback/ defaultasp . If you would like to contact Mr. MrtBuinly about this, he can be mu‘hvd in the following ways" PUBLISHER Ian Proud/bot )im mu rmd lrum. mlmnns and storm from 7130 Sun- frilmm' nu twri‘nxirmumt D Whatdoyoumhk ofmeseissues or others? («mummme editorto jmasomiynngcom ‘ 6290 Mam St. 510M. ON. L“ 16] wwwmmnmm HAVE YOUR SAY. STOUFFVILLE SIBYIJE FOPPA Emma m Lulu bdrm; Kellr Unless you've been SCI/Vin}; fin years somewhere. yun'w untit'm Smut‘fville has ( hanged. A tun It's now more multirultuml small city that/1 the fnrmet WASPY small town, Nut that then-S utw thing wrong with that. It was tncv ttablc. A little thmg called prug was paved its. way. Will the church bazaar xuruw through lltlS cmttm hkv 1t (tut the last? How athnut Churrhm that host them? Stay tuned. [I'm Mason IS rdnm of I ’hv Sm: lh’hune and an Pldrr m S: Imnn There are twists. updates If you will. in the formats. Some are now called markets. Some 0! the cram are more works of an than honw crafts. There are auctions pies for the Presbyterians and quills at the United Church. Used banks are big. 50 are children's areas and tea rooms. > They are all a throwback to a slower-pared Smuffvillc. whvn many of these mainlinv churcth that dot our street (ornvrs wcn" packed every Sunday. ('ihun h attendance in Canada hen gum‘ from 70 pm com n[ the popula» lion lo 20 during the last 60 yvdrs. Nationally. churches are ("losing The following Saturday. n'x EastRidge's turn as it hosts a sale in aid of the Slouffvillc lgmna Partnership. Greetings fmm )nur hunw towngchurch bazaars. . 'Tisthc season. There was. one at St. Jamvs Prvs- bytcrian Saturday. (Zhrist ('hun h Anglican and Stoutï¬illv United will both hold theirs Nov. 12, The prices are reasonable. mt causes mos! worthy. the mffvtrs hot and the kind words bmm'mr less. The sweetest smell of ail nmc, fresh baking, hangs in the air BUOINBM Mumâ€: R! )1er (11.3 m The l‘msemenls are lined with tables. covered with handmade items, home preserves and that catch-all. “kick-knack". Dlnu'mu. Pwumrnou [at h? .Snmn Bazaars deliver us back in time ()1? The Top wnh [1m Mason Duns: 1uu, I)! 51111301105 1m: m Pm hï¬â€™u DIM’I’OIL ( )va 105 a Km n him 1 Minimums In 011' HRH hq' lum'mu