"He was tough. I'd say the most rigid mayor Mitchurch-Stoufl‘ville ever had. HI: ruled with an imn ï¬st, He accepted no honsense." Mn Thomas said. Mr. King's York Region political career began when he was appoint- ed school trustee for the Town of Markham and then as councillor in Markham. Thomas. MI. King died Friday of stomach cancer. He was 84. ’ ’ Mr. Thomas ï¬rst got to know the former Whitchumh-Stouï¬ville Ward 6 muncillor (11972 to 1976) and mayor (197810 1984) while Mr. King was in charge of the munici- pality and Mr. Thmhas was the edi- tor of the Stoufl'vilk? Tribune. "I really appreciated that." Mr. Thomas said. “I won his friendshlp. If you got on the right side of him. great. If you didn't, watch out." " Former councillor WI]! Modey heard about Mr; King’s reputation but said he never éxpcricnced any pmblcms. The two would meet once a week in Mt. Km '5 ofï¬ce. where nothing said was 0 the record. "He was the ï¬rs! one to pal you on the back when you acted as a good councillor.†he said. ()f the three mayors Mr. Morley worked under as a councillot. hc "(Mr. King) was the best one.†"I enjoyed working With him. He was a farmer athean,’ he said. "He was a very. very amitc man with ï¬g. um and accounting pmoedums†Mr, Morley said he was straight- forward. honest. made deci- sions. knew people by name and was well rcspt'ctmi. Mr. Thomas said Mr. King was a ‘He was the'ï¬rsr ant to put you on the’ bark when you dam! as a good councillor." King ofVVhitchurch-Stouï¬ville BY SANDRA BOLAN hired King ruled Whilchurchï¬touffvillc With ah iron ï¬st and didn’t waste a penny. accord- ing to longtime friend Jim sbolanfl’yrm g1 (om [‘1deKh'gkbehgmmedmawufllbmï¬ipoflddmdlkmmmndflwymmwregion's Hm-bmmï¬mmbdngadhdmdkmndeM6twï¬ï¬‚kdemchgbndmmn "strong Conservative†but several of his municipal councmors were NDPs. He also noted this was the ï¬rst time provincial and municio pal politics C(fllided. ' “Eldred became very frustrat- ed with that." Mr. Thomas said. “He had no patience with people Who used political leanings to gain their (way)." Mr. King became York Region's chairperson in I984. During his tenure as chairper- son. Mt. King oversaw a mm of miuatiyes. including the adoption of the ï¬rst York Region ofï¬cial plan and the extahlishmenl of the York Region Non-Proï¬t Housing (lnrpn. ration. He also advocated f0! the He held that p051 until he retired in 1997. [10111211 111111;: 1927-2011 extension of Hwy. 404 beyond Davis Driveandmeexpansbon ofthe blue ptogram, according to the man's media mlcasc. ‘During his time in public life. Eldted King displayed an unfailing commitment to the welfare. ofour residents and the betterment of our community," said York Region chairpermn and CEO Bill Fisch in a release, 'FJdred's vision and lead - ership for our region established the strong foundation needed to create a thï¬ving, diverse and dynamic municipality that has become one of the most success- ful communities tn Canada.†Flags are flying at half-mast across the region. including in Whitchun'h‘Slouï¬â€˜villc. Mayor Wayne Bmmgrmn led Tuesday’s town council meeting in a moment's silence. “Eldrcd was a dear friend and a man who should ï¬remcmbcrcd for his hone-51y and respectable govemance.’ Mr. limmcrson in a media release. "Hjs tireless dedication to York Region andWhiIchurch-Smuflville speciï¬cally, is immeasurable. He helped lay the foundation for the dutstanding community in which we live and work today. He will be greafly missed." Mr. King wasn't bom inm poL itics. He was a ï¬fth generation farmer. In the 19503 through to the 19705. Mr. King bred and raised award-winnmg cattle. including at the Royal Agricultuml Winufr Fair “HINDU!!! FILE PHOVO Once he relimd fmm mmâ€: x. he returned to farming. “You can take the boy of! the farm. but you can't take the farm out of the boy," Mr. Thumas said Mr. King is also survived by hIS wife of 53 years. Beulah. He met her at 3 Markham street dame The pair also partnered nn the HP His sons Rodney. Jamey an_d Ian didn't follow in their father's polixi- cal footsteps. Rodney and Jan dud their families own Stouflville’s Tim Hortons. Mr. Thomas. a regular at the Main Street Tim Honons. {walled about 10 years ago seeing Mr. King outside the eatery at 5 am. cleanâ€" ing up garbage but never inside having a coffee. “He Was a maNeloux skater." Mr. Thomas said, adding when people saw the Couple take to the ice at the old Slouflville Arena “everybody more or less stopped or got 011‘ the ice to watch them." “Whatever he look on, he did with zeal and test." Mr. Morley said. Mr. King's career has been memorialized in the Eldrcd King Woodlands in the York Region for- esl in Whilchurch-Stouffville and the region's Eldred King Gardens in Newmarkcr. Hundreds paid tribute in Mr. King during visitatiom at fho DixonGarland Funeral. Homt" in Markham Monday and ‘I‘uvsday ‘ His funeral service was held yes- terday at Stoufl‘ville United (Zhun‘h Wflesmmmsonanamzarm Sema- D Photographs from the Eldred King years. See page 8. D Editor Jim Mason on [bred King’s costume dungcsï¬ee page 6. You can take the (my uflw the farm, but you am"! mkv the farm out ofthv buy.†I