If federal ltgislatiun proposing an additional 13 House of (Iom~ mom seats to Ontario's existing 106 is approved. the onork Region's electoral districts may change; politicians and expats said. Calamira has'more (romtitlwnts than in PEI With speculation Minister of State for Democratic Refonn 'flm Uppalwill moommwdancwseat redistribution fonnuh. induding a baker's dpu'n for Ontario. fast gmwth suburban areas may be in Jinc fut boundary makeovers. University of Toronto political science prufawr Nelson \‘Vise- man said. ' The alknmeril of federal seats is on denmgraphius and proportionate representation. Using a formula from 1985. the mean population for an electoral dism‘u L‘s 108.“)0. Considering a“ nf York Region's seven federal r'vdings have more than the Calculated average and continue to glow. changes to riding boundaries mav loom. hcsaid. , †Region could get more ridings (SWTITibune arabcrï¬â€˜yrmgxum BY CHRIS TRADER SHARE THAT OPINION, STOUFFVILLE. E-MAII.‘ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR TO IMASON@YRMG.COM um WYOCYJOJOH I SWMWO‘WW I JIMGESISIINCLLDINGGST If For life insurance. go with someone you know. UK! A GOOD “Km.†Sons and grandsons of the late Eldred King carry his cofï¬n from Stouflvifle Unit-ed Church yesterday. The former York 'Rtgion chairperson and mayor of Whitchurch-Stouffvillc washid to rest at Stoufl’ville page: 3.6 and 8 for more on the life of Mr. King. lilde King told his son. Ian. he wanted a simple funeral this summer. " . "He wanmd it shun and sweet -»~ no fuss.†[an told a packed Stouffville United Church yester- day aftcmtmn. "'l'm nut 41 good liaâ€" tenor.†Eldred was straight-shooting ’stateSman’ pmasonWrmrmm BY HM MASON “AT! 7‘!“ I‘- mm WHCiiURCH-STG lndeed.1hc sanctuary was dorâ€" lcd with York Region politicians and civil san'ams. past and pm- enl. But neighbours. friends and community volunteers. were well represented. loo. The 90-mi11ute service was a full-on tribute. Mr. King’MAiean'day. - Corn stalks and pumpkins LC: 23 USRARY decanted the from M the church along with flowers. as 3 Markham sgthool trustee and Stouï¬yfllc councillor. his political career spanned 32 years. Thv Slouï¬villc resident was the former mayor of Whitmurch- Slouffville and chairperson onOrk Region. Combined with his time Joann-obj†“He'd be saying 'What's all m:- if JVMHe lie ON NA 7} I!) 64? 5‘00 anstamm m. Call mc .md IN help mu m Lhc ï¬ght him mwmmr 9m mu and mu: Iamilv Ian's son. Mitchell. sand hv'd remember his grandfather fmm days spent with him raring for cattle. at the family farm nnnh of Stouflx'ille. at family dinncrx and the traditional King ('m'hrr gmm-x fuss about?'," Jan King told th funeral. 0t lanket/ Bl ' mho ' ! a p‘|'\‘ m Ilra STA" PHOYO/MIKE BARRETT 2,er ,: SCRATCH #ï¬aasma ‘ 5.2% :« OCTOBER