Matthew Eeuwcs. 18. a violinist who dready teaches hisownstudcntswillpcrfonnatSLImesPresbyte- rianChurch duringits 15151 mnivmarySundny. ‘. because of imponanoe. can be Iglored. In chronological order. St. James Pres- 23. {he congrega- _ tea Its 15m anniversary. And occasion won‘t evoke the same V mm as lust yqur's mflc~ am one Invited guest is sure to gener- we lbvel «admiration and apprecia. 110nm expedcnoed in any religious M lB-yeax-old Matthew Beuwes. a violinist so outstanding, he's already mind his own class of students. Butletmekeepyou msuspensewhile I move on to a. subsequent community attraction - ' The location is Christ Church Angli. can where. Oct. 29. ex-Stoufl‘villite Jim Rehfl will host 3 Hum“ Harmony concert featuring not one but four musical groups -~ the Ontario Heart- lttnd chorus of Mississauga. the Barons of Barbershop from Scarborough. 'Stouffville District Secondary School’s Spartan Sound and lim‘s own Anglican Church choir. church service and a church cancer! have little in com- mon. HM in this day and age. this fact is subject In - question. I ‘ One is worship The other is entertain- This eve'm begins a1730 p.m. h arches double as concert halls Tickets are $15‘fmm IJ'nd'y's [10ml Bou- tique and Outs! Church. A full house is expected. But now. as promised. more informa- tion on Stouï¬ville’s violin virtuoso. Matthew Wes attended Whitdmmh Hidiands Public Scth mmtwm'aduatedwimavlofln major fmm the; York Ans program at Unionviue High School. At an early a3. Marmew's father envi- sioned something unique about, his son’s musical talents He pmthased for him a violin m a seventh binhday gm. . meat for me." he sayx Al the time. Matthew wasfltaking Wm 8W8". pignolesaonsmeyhjsownadmission. . “didn‘llikeitaflthatmudm’. , hm'sasm .I [Wham wwwwmsï¬m‘mm' mummummwmmn [loaning Around with Jim Thomas Unioan High opened a whole new wodd for Matthew. For a period of foux years, he played in the school's 50omem her symphony orchestra with engage mems at the Markham Theatre and other area venues. A year ago. he uncovered and refur bitched a 20th century violin (mm (mm-d by his t-grandfather. The two haw- been‘ ' " ever since. In addition to weekly teaching claws at Valley View Alliance Ch mm in va- market. Matthew has used his skill to entertain seniors groups at Stoufl'w‘llc's Parkvicw Home, Buckingham Mannr and Stoufl'vflle Creek Retirement Residence He also plays in a band at Spdngi'ale Baptist Church. ' When performing solo. his piano aocomparust is Carol Cmal of Stouï¬villv. “We're a he stresses. What‘s ahead? Matthew hopes to study conservatory violin in either Boston or New York and later serve in an orchestra. He also wants to teach pan-time. So then: you have it - a w'olin prodigy at mum»: St. James Presbyu-riml Church Oct. 23 and a four-chorus mu cert Oct. 29 at (Ihrial (Zhun‘h mewaStth Welcomes await.