BY SANDRA IOLAN sbalunéflyrmg mm The Stouffville Clippers Sports Complex was named a 201] Facil- ity ofMerit winner Athletic Bust» ness this week Athletic Business is a Wiscon- sin-based athletic. ï¬tness and tec- ity for the residents ofWhitchurCh- Stouï¬ville that will be here for the next 50 years.“ Mayor Wayne Emmerson‘said mwsday. FIR“ CLASS: am 1118 twin-pad arena complex opened in early 2010 on Weldon Athletic Business is a Wiscon- sin-based athletic. ï¬tness and rec- reation industry publication. Clippers Complex scores award from US. publication “l biewwebuiltaï¬rst-class facil- "commutes! . a @ink Ribbon @outique Please call Marie for appointment 377 Main St. N,"S_uite 905-201-7371 wwwpinkribbonboutiqucsa OBS DA! zoo-:77 mun sun-t. mm»: on m m 1: 905-471-4327 F.- cos-4714338 For Your Best Hearing To Dwell, Would you like to Improve yawning/i? 8mm bring: you closer to natural human outing than our baton omumï¬mmormmsms ovum-mun ommmumooumm «nommmutuumm omm.mbmw mommmwmm out-gum monme omummm , omvumtar.~mmpm OMlmmï¬lm' «autumnal-1W ommm-mmmrw “Mhï¬mm It‘s home to Stouï¬vifle hockey and ï¬gure skating organizations. The 10 winm'rs were selected on the basis of plan omelech func- tional relationships and measures taken to maximize use of space; interior ï¬nishes. detailing and colour schemes; exterior design: relationship of building to site and cast of construction Cor value The Clippers Complex cost $14 Ont-Mm -mmNIML~MWM-1pu ommuanm-zm can-gunman“ owvumtu.~mmym ohuchmMA-W m Region 0mm School Board‘s Stu-nary School Arts Fromm. .. Discover ° Spoaallzed Arts programmlnq avarlable at tour sdes throughout the Reqron o Alexander Mackenzre Hrah School. Richmond Hlll - Huron Helo'hls Secondary School. Newmarket - Umonvrlle High School, Markham ' - Westmount Cotlcorate. Vaughan A four-year rntenstve arts program lor anrstr‘cally talented students m York Reqron A package of 8 specalr'zed arts credrts oneer as pan ot the hrgh schoot cumcurum Admission to Grade 9 through audition and/or ponlollo resentatrondanuary each year Applrcations tor all Secondary Arts Programs due early ecember each year Arts programs include: Dance. Drama. Visual Arts and Musrc (vocal, rnstrumentah . (Students 300Nan tor Stones and Plano apply at Mona!!! Nicholle N8 and Unlolwlllo H8 only r - Program detarls, attendance boundanes. audition requirements. contact rnlormatron appl'lcatlons and dates and trmes ol upcommo Arts Program lnlorma‘tron Nrg hts .0... are posted at respectrve school websdes: . "value-dormantâ€); lumunnmutmt / mjnmhhluuyrfls amen/artmm/rnalmm mam-llamas“ - - L...’ I“ {gr-Juli MJMIJI luv-nu tumor ‘IOA-Il CNA'IP'ONSHIFS mmmm million to construct, all of which was paid for by devebpmem charg- es. accglding to Mr. Emerson. INDOOR POOL HEX! ‘ “The design is very in its ufl-ice approach to elevat- ing the experience of spectators and participants.†was one judge's comment. according to Athletic Buslnm - RODEO TOUR SHRINERS PRESENT The next phase for the com plex, said Mr. limmcwm. Is an indoor pool. That is not expected to be constructed until the next term of council, which begins in 2014. “The lighting and day-iighting makes you feel like you're oulsidc," was another judge's comment. according umhe magazine 333 Shem ME 4 1 $233.8†1 W65 animus-m “Mac-tyin- ITuWSI 003mm runâ€"ammo 13 1SWW'SMNE “In.†mum 23721 M‘BWVZOWW R8124339W4Ro‘in1‘w 125E106! 'W WWMMW MEWS 0% LOCAL mm MET LOCATDNS 4341 290mg 09mm an: A HMSWSi 0mm