Hey. Milehumh~5louffvillc teenang What do you want to do and how can the town help you do it? 1110 municipality has launched the online Youth Up 3 (hm‘mulu'ty Survey fur mskk-Ius I3 to I? years of age. “M jus: want to ï¬nd out when dwy’w intmsled in. what they waner to do and huw they want lo be engaged in the town." said Alispn lcschkc. assiswu mermaan pnnmmnwr for théann of Whitchumh. Stmlï¬villc. ' “M hope to buildup our youth program they have some place to go become mom engaged.†Ms Amara «would in the mrwy indudc- sums/ï¬tms. imioor and outdoor mcmatiim. ans/(111mm as well as unfiallgal'm. Town wants to hear from teenagers Smile Cookies are gone. but the smiles they've left in our community will but forever. Thanks to your support. Tim Hortons will be donating the entire proceeds to the Markham Stouffville Hospital Foundation. This year we direct the donation to the expansion Campaign. speciï¬cally in support of improved inpatient Child 8- Adolescent Mental Health Services at the hospital. W' 75.19%.“ lest:th said. "'le is the ï¬rst time we've wally readmd out and said: ‘wha! do you want to do?†‘l'eens who take pan entered into a draw to win one of two $50 and um of {mar $25 mines gift cards. The survey can be amassed though www.mwnof- wxuum, Facelx wk - Click an Mayor’s Youth Council. as well as through a summing 'lhc smwy runs until 1.31. Funding for tin-survey is fmm the Healthy (Jum- munit'tes gram. In August. the town mrivu! $26,650 from the pmVince to- put towaxds physical aCdVity. nutrition and lwalthy eating as well as mental health awareness pmgmms. ~Sandm Bola" While it may seem like a bad thing, he. pointed out dernocracim provide many other opportuvnities for citimns to get engaged and said a country such as Iraq isn't more democratic just because it has a higher mmout. The imnic counterpoint to a low turnout could be that only those knowledgeable and interested am casting their votes while 1hr apaâ€" thetic stav awav. "Some people say just get out and vote.†Mr. Wiseman said. as if that's the most important thing. "I think it docs mane! who vnu 1110 three main leaders cfleuiwly campaigned in «bubble. appamnm' more mncumed with not making a mistakv than engaging vmots. Mr I Mighty said. Oak Ridges-Markham NDP candidate Joe Whideld talks with former party candidate Fame]: Com-to! at Nonna’s restaurant in Markham durjng clectiononight festivities Thursday. "The tumout is low. but I'm not So sum our democracy is weaker because of it.†Uruversity of Toronto political science professox Nelson Wlseman vote f9r." Richmond. Hill [le beluw chm lms-lhan-imprvmiw awragc. with just 43 per cent of mucus tum'mg nut. compared In 47 per cent in 2007. Howard legth. who lives in tht‘ Oak Ridges-Markham riding and teaches pOlitical scienu’ at " l 'm nm émlmty sum what lhcy'n' all afraid of.†he said. "I don‘t think tho public is foo-led by it and I know thry'n‘ not vnorgimd." Seneca (“allege and York University. blamed voter apathy on a failum by party leathn to engage vulersV Fewer than 18% of Ontarians voted for Liberals Thursday Wht-lhor or not it's‘ hcmuso tho Hr blames" that on thr pmvmt‘t-k centrality and a tvmk-nn' tn tmus on federal issues at the (‘xtx‘mv ut pmvincial (mos in the media "It's" a rtrt‘ular thng . I'm nut plating fault hum-K nub, \H mm h mom in m‘wxpaw‘m." "4‘ send One of Mt. Mt‘tjuintys JOIN campaign prunu’sm was In tttL’ ‘aw turnout by 10 pct cent. somethmg that has clearly failed to happen. he nntcd. Advance polls were up from M7. but that didn’t wcm to mean anything in the larger scheme, Ben the recent federal clovan m which voter fatigue was a (“onus tent (homo. saw a tumour man“ than 60 per mm ()ntarin traditionally ha~ the I: m est turnout in premium] ("'l‘CfKHIS second only to Albcnd. Ml Wiw man poimvd nut: ‘ ' ’ did not exam voters or if it’s a larger it 12, of con- cern. York University professor Don “It's troubling. The choice is an important one." «To put the numbers m pcmpec- tive, it means that While the Liberals received 37.6 percent 0f mm cast. fewer than 18pm (ï¬rm uf ( )marians voted for them. 2003 campaign pmmi that has (Ivarh' {Mild} to ()m’ oer. Mcfiumn was to Im‘rmsv turnout I 10 pm (m! happen. hr mm‘d STA†PHOTO/SUM? KOCKERSCHUDT smm‘m 1 mg St