' "You want the best for your child." she said. “we stmglcd since lakcwas three to have him diagnosed properly. It's a ï¬ght to gm serviceamucangotopsychiauistsafl you want and heartancy terms. but what you really need is a proper diagnosis." BY CHRISTIABER crrabtrtï¬yrmgxom hirley Crawford remembers the wrenching heartache when her seven- year-old son conï¬rmed concerns she and her husband harbouned since their boy was three. "We were driving in the van." the New- market mom said. “lake said. Mommy. there‘s something in my head. There's someâ€" thing wrong and I don't think you can help “How do you deal with that?†Ms. Crawford is among a Yurk Region parental cohort whose estimated 50.000 chil- dren suffer from mental health issues. About 20 per cent of those youths will get help, The (‘nwfmds remained undet'ened. ’ Their son's mental health ham are 'l‘ourcne’s syndrome. obsessive compuLsive disorder and attention deï¬cit hyperactiw’ty disorder. ‘ Within a year. the lad was accepted at the York F £1108 for (‘hikimn Youth and a non-proï¬t Richmond Hill centre pmviding a range of psycho-social services for young people and families in York Regan. lake received therapy for 18 months Advocates shedding light on mental health Finding his elementary school ill- equippcd to cope with his issues and the buldensome stigma. his patent; enrolled the l 1-year-old Grade 6 student at Terry Fox Pub-be School. His we was also transfcmd from the centre to Klnark Child and Family Services York Region. when: he continued to. thrive and where his parents received respite It made their family stronger. Ms Crawford said. - “My husband and I learned how to pat- ent lake and his needs." she said. "lake wouldn't be where be as without the centre." lt takes a village and Ms Crawford's brand of parental courage when caring for a child with mental health York Region chap- tat of Parents for Children's Mental Health leader Donna Mame! said. thmugh day treatment and summer pruâ€" ‘Wemdï¬v‘nginthemhkeuid. Momnyï¬m'sumfllhninmylmd. M’sumfllhomludldm‘t Mkmcanlmpm.’ Shirley (Zn-Mom Mwmarkn mother I"! It's not enough. the experts and advocates said. As such. the York chapter of'Patents for Children‘s Mental Health was formed in September of 2010 to help improve the lives. of these ‘ ()Ctober is mental health awareness month and Ms Massel and her chapter 00- chairperson. Diane [1291-5 and facilitator Jim Malcolm. also a centre family have launched a full.coun press to shed avian:â€" on the many challenges facing York families. Demand far OUtweighs supply within the mental health can: realm. Mr. Makolm said. Navigating the complex system and signing on with mums is often memhelm». ing for caregiwï¬. The region's three hospitals offer psychi- atric care. Hcmever. Btue um Child and Pam fly Centre. Youthdale Treatment Centre and Kinark mund out the formal mental health care facilities “You have to be an may strong advocate. like to get help.†she said. "Parents arrive at the (13mm exhausted." the father of a daughter with an anxiety dis- order said. The centre. a United Way onork Region agency. can accommodate 56 families in its day treatment program. a few hundred more through a program for toddlers and a ample of thousand through its community out- reach scrviccs. centre chairperson Noreen Stâ€! MOTMTEVE SOME Willi The chapter runs suppon gmups the sec ond 'Ihesday ofevery month. said Ms 129,115 whose two sons have mental health issues. Through education. they hope to increast the skillsvof pamnts to help and heal their child. They also want to help dmrcasc the stigma of mental illness. are to build a netwurk of support and iran the ability of panama to tell their story and to seek help.†Ms Ma.sz The states the stark facts; one In ï¬ve children has a mental illnexx; unly hm- in ï¬ve of those children will get help; smnd: is the second leading cause of death in 10 m 17 year olds; two Children a week ('nmmil suicide. in Ontario. “The biggst‘ issue is ‘mcognizing that mental health is a key detenninam M a Child's academic. wcial and emotional well being,†Ms Lee said. “Yet. it just isn't a fund int: priority." Grateful fur United Way's support. Ulfld io's $2 million per year. along with 'l n‘lhum and Royal Bank grants. Ms. we 531d them retmins long wait lists for help. Ms Masscl and her colleagues am hurm 11 by the ins! prmn'ncial budget and tho pmv ince's Wtion children's mcmal health care is greedy underfunded. ' The government has alkx‘éluin‘SZST unl lion «we! the next three yt-arx Snnw of this funding is now rolling out to York vaiun She said. e lo accelerate the (are proeess, the chapter is hosting two events this year. (omedian Rick Green, Informer of lotallyADD.torn, is present int) his views and hopes lor those with attention defKithyperactivitytisorderOG.ll. b Dr. Ross Greene, a world-renowned speaker, will discuss how to deal with behaviorally (hal- lenqed thidren and youths and collaborative problem solving Dec. 2. The chapter is also invrt‘ ing famlies to e For Yort Region diapter of Parents for (hil dren's Mental Health information, (all 905-471- 5046 or visit [Jemima/york lo learn more about (entrelor Children Youth and Families, call 90543876896 or visit theyorlicentreta WANT MORE?