5mm mt nus» «mm on um- Ian-u. Inn-m Era. limit-hm um. m cm. gang-m. summ- sun-mum. Boorglnl “mm m mam! Inplc penalm FULL TIME RETAIL SALESPEOPLE Ymeï¬mï¬gmmwstw monhmmm.vahmwmm Nabobecmlidenlnyuuv um In: Sam; (mm 30mm (We Beneï¬ts. (W‘s m ploy“ with} sun: Meow Tm‘mng A PART-TIME JOB THAT LETS YOU HAVE A LIFE AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE A Become a Study School Bus Drive: momma“ m “WSW!!!me 5985 Steeles Ave. East (Maan and States) ShmManager LONG TERM CAREER Stoum‘llle’ San -Tribune Minamoto The Reg-om! Momenpamv o? YOrk comm: o! a dynamuc blend of rural and when communmes The mno |ocal mumcrpalmos provm a mu; of small-town and clly lmng, With an emphass on fostermg commumw charactev As One of Greater Toromo's Top Empioyeus for 2011. Yovk R0900“ offovs dwefse and Vibrant camel opportunmes that reflect thc adoais. spun and quamv of Me of a much swam-after and growmg metropoIns. Transportation Maintenance Worker Temporary Pan-Time Openings: We currently have several Tempovary Fulllame and Pan-Tums openings #0! in "HS role, you was petâ€"form dunes to ansuve the York Region road system Is maintained m a safe sum 0? (COOK m comphance wath operaung standards. YOU must have oipanence m (he operanon of mums. and specuhzed heavy-duty oqunnmem, mctudmg .tandbm dump trucks mm a snow plow and mag, loaders, twctovs, Chainsaws and gnu-cutting eqmpment A vahd Omaha Class " DZ" dnvor's hconso ts requuted; as we“ as the away to perform manual! boom m at! weather condmons. work Iot'atmg shms‘ perform st‘and~by dunes and respond to emergency snuahons ‘ If you possess the quahfucamns desergoed above and wcmld his to beam move about these totes vusn ww.wrk.calclmn and submst your 'resume and cover letter omnev quoting the 3mm: Job Posting 0? mares: to you by Octal»: '17. 2011. These opportumnos. lasting woodmath six months, requue mdwuduals wnh expenence an road mmtenanco ocnvnms and procedutes. specifocalty wnmev load mamtenance opesations /t f? flied Poof/é. . .fl/r/ flag/ï¬ber Temporary Full-Time Openings: . Job Posan 012025 2350 Hume'ford Road. Concom. ON Jot PUSHHQ 012026 3575 Baseéne Road, ON J00 Postnng 012031 1700 Mw Mackehzve Owe East Job Pasting 112024 J00 Posting 012032 2350 Ruthefl'om Rood. Concord. ON 1700 Magor Mackenzse Dnve East amend HilfON D YourClassiï¬edsuL.» Gnu locum: amend Hm. 0N @workxm III! IOU. C n ' mum MINUS vmun ' ‘ mrmmmmw “Slam ' cu'mo “ammo mum Wmm' um nor-3"“ m1 Inn-3m mam (MN WIGUUJ‘VR ~ WU NDMMM JOII Our phone lines are open: my - Frlda y 0:30am.5:3opm 905.553.2527 or «was-7234 DailYWebTme 'WhCCISLa We on looking for an unme welder I than to work on all of fabnca‘ "on Must he able :0 work from drawings with minimum supen'nsuon. Minimum 5 yum. cxpcncmc trqunrtd to: nbound cals You must be fluent In Enqhsh (men 5 Oral with emotion! wanna: skdls Salary 0 mailman 9 mm. EM mm: bl Gymncom or m: 7am. Fax mum. to (905)738-5750 0: Email to EM mm to momm. Young Driven 0! Canada IS a gveat mace to wk 00 you have a mm m your vooce‘ We have smmeauate full-tune poms in the GM for SALESICUSTOKR SERVICE! SCHEDULNG REPRESENTATIVES with min 5 yrs, up required In: Rwhmnnd Hull Law ï¬rm In handlc residential/bunk!“ subdwmon hlcs indepcmienll) Wurdfwflecl. S‘mgeyancm. Tcraku. Lam n‘q L In realm» Why m. Mb I unauan m 'hhfl'lllflm “mininan VMQMCUUMWM ' Vwmlmnafl hh’hIJ-lqutrluu ' J. an no. mm: rumma- ‘ «mans-mm: 24mmmuuuymmm «swam-I.) Eloctflcalr'Expeflenoo 3 Must Parts lnvento‘ Control ‘8 re Pans ales end Resume to mgmtjobfl haematoom vouuo omens WELDER FITTEI Nophomcdh phat! WIN! CLASSIFIEDS VFW Cassi-eds ms! ma! advertisers M M an m Msrdbe'nc Wimmmsew dammmmm WWUEMF‘ adsarebmecssrne madame mammoth: mPieasebe mama advedagms maï¬amé Maintenance Ideal fur schâ€"rrurcd Snow rcmm alv gram culling and leaf gleaming your classifieds Pr! HELP required. grass cutting fall cleanup 8- snowmow- ing/ sidewalks Call 905-471-9100 jean Jim 4154174314 arc pony we. 3' mm C! VRMG m MOW