“Never too busy to address any cuncems.’ he told the councilkrrs and handful of residents sitting in the gallery prior ‘10 the sum of the cowlcil meeting. “Even if there wow only one person here. I would show up.†Mr. Haitas said. ' l Only Gwen Party candidate 'IH- {on Hams took the mayor up on his. invitation. he said. Five of six candidates vying for the MP? post in Oak Ridges- Markham were too! busy “My night to present their plalforms (o Whilchurch~Stouffville council. Mayor Wayne Emerson told a meeting in the municipal ofï¬oex Mr. Emmérson got the idea from Hm Pom. Candidates wcw invited Mayor backtracks on criticizing candidate no-shows BY SANDRA IOLAN sbnlanOynng. (om (‘andidates Ruida lu (indepen» dent) and Karl Boclling (libertar- to present their pladonn. prior to the start of the. council meeting, for ï¬ve minutes. There would be no questions asked of the candidates. Mr. Ermnetson. in an email to 'Ihe Sunâ€"Tribune yeueniay. said it was his fault the candidates did not come. “I made a mistake on the time we sent the notices." he wrote. ‘I know they are all very busy. how- ever. I thought we should , 'lhe invitations were mailed 21 to the camping) ofï¬ces of incumbent Helena Iaczck (liberal). Farid Waxed (Progrmsive (Sunset; mm»). toe Md (HUD) and Mr. Haims. according to Tamara (‘afl- son. the mayofs executive lam. “’Ihat was deï¬nitely an over- sight on my part." she said. “I was available last night. Although I am busy during the campaign I always make myself available to community events relating to election cam- paigns." Mr. I» said yesterday. “I understand that it is always dim. cult to run as an independent and I expect those difï¬culties. such as not being notiï¬ed about events." Mr. Wasscl and Mr. Whitfcld said they did not motive the mailed invitatka So when Ms (hrlsun sent out follow up e-mafls morning. they said it was the ï¬rst they had heard of the invitation. flan) were umm’emionally left 06 the invite list. aocordingto Ms(2ar1- son. Mr. Wassef and Ms Carlson 1n explahmlg why Mr. was at the meeting. Mr. Hnmem‘on also noted he thong" the Whilchurch- Smuffvilk- Public library would ashamed emails regarding me time and onty a few hours before the council meeting did the PC candidate discover he was to speak a! the beginning 0! the council meeting. he said. ’ "In the midst of a campaign. when you’re trying to, mach voters. I wish we were given a little bit mom notice." Mr. Ms laczsck did not mtum 'l‘hc Sun-'Mbune‘s calls yesterday. Mr. Wassefwas already commitâ€" ted to an event witï¬ party leader 'I'lm Hudak but asked if he would speak at the end of the council meeting. He he did not receive a teply from Ms Carlson. The WhilchurchSluuffvillr Chamber of Commerce did nut holdits own allandidatcs meeting because of the meflapping Chan» bcr boundaries within the riding. according to Mardi Taylor, excru- tivc ‘dimcmr of the \Nhitchurclr Sloufl'ville Chamber oanmmerL'e. The only one, to take place was Sept. 24 at the Angus Glen Public library in Markham. "the event was hoslcd by the Markham Library. “1118 library has never dum- (hal. It's not pan of (our) man- date. We (in Ihe m nicipal ones," said Carolyn No lime! Janus, CEO of the Whitehurchï¬touï¬villc Public Library. "The board feels It should be the chamber or some other gimp in the community." have held an alkcandidaws meet ing. IJ‘