mm Evil. Man Luke this put on: dun 130 W. Th: pup-tofu. m w m mu! m the fucnanthmu~Wukc um. II 1»va mu conducted with the no obtain lumbar I" ind-to duct:- ‘1an Mama for this am; W77 90 mun.“ {and W6"! Inc-dad tit MM which wu held a the Nit-tut Community Centre on W! 14“ Work and: thy advancement at k put-coda; according to flu. A draft upon outlining ‘50 result: the main!- and mllm ptoccu II «guard to be Ida-ed inï¬â€˜onmber 2011. ' The TWI'U «but: provides bucklmul. 1nd npdqted man‘s-non and documents tektan to the ongoing mm hum _' , hy‘l‘o’vnd 7 . ‘Cu-cllinJM' i banned»: (1.1.? Ain‘t-n. 2 .6253..- io: 33.. is 3 Sol! 39. £1.35... 32:3. Sara?! 5.... €80. .30 data.- 838.: . ï¬nalistâ€"3 Via P «at. Q nearing/Elan“ POI-331.5? ‘ SF. . .0? 15.38 5:93. i,§r3§ri‘g inï¬gsgiiriiï¬â€˜?5§} 8:0!!«8u < .{rtianosgf The Town at Whuchurch-SIouH‘villc us an cnvnblc blend of urban and ruul‘ cummunlues Imam-d In 1hr (.TA. past. north of Markham, math .1 Lurrtm populauun uf 19,000 and gaming In this new pmluun reporting to the Manage: of Information Tnhnqugy Snvun. ynu will lead and administer unpontr GIS acrvu‘cs. indudmg providing itchnkulduppmt sctvnt'u. use! lummg. cnhahung application {umhunalny and umducting system upgrade; Plum: see our wchmc In: more details ' - «Cu-Inn..- "thth AMkOpcnflowmmmtmwflanuW for Octobet I7. 2011 (to. 3;†9.1:. In 5:00 'a‘ and I‘m Public Meeting will b: hull on October ll. '20“ a 7:00 9.13. chummmummW-M.,m thonflouuudchhuk at!» Council Glut-hm I! the ME Municth 08kâ€. For «notions about that 8 lights. plat cot-mt Adm D'Soul. Communication or a! extension 245}. 0!! 11m 5 m: mu ms The Dime; M WURIMSYï¬-‘Iflm Vï¬ttht'l‘ovu’s GIS ADMINISTRATOR Have you or somconc you know achmd a ptovmcul gold or cqunvakm in recent months? The 'l'awn of Whnchurch~Stoufh~nllc would M: to tcc‘oynu all of Its iocal teams and mdlvnduals wnh such oulsundmg cccmnpllshlmnt's. Contact land a! m 2287 m by cmatl at lam-1 whit-7 townofmél before†Monday October 17m. 20H Connul will! b: wandering in amendment tn the helrgatmn By law which dcleptes routine Comm! powers and Aunt; to stat! '! he amendment speuï¬afly deals nth the dckgamn ot authority to the Director of Public-Works pertaining to rdocatnon or modltxatnon of canal; school unsung: as rcqmrcd. Inquiries regarding the proposed Imminent: should b: dimted In Paul What-house. Din-dot of Puhln works at ext, 2248 ‘ A copy of both reports will be included In the agrnda In: H): (Mobu 18th. 20“ Council mcdmg and can be burned nn thr [mum‘s wchmr wwwtownofwsu on ()(tobct 13th. 20! I. . '*WATER BILLS DUE DATE â€" OCTOBER 7. 20“ WATER bulls have now been milde Failure to «cave a 'watct bu} does not eliminate the tcsponsuhhty for pavmcm at water or flu penaih chug: [at his payment. 1! you have no! recnvrd your water hiâ€. umldd the Finance Dcpulmcm as soon as possible PAYMENTS may be mad: by max]. at most 'hnanual insinuhops‘ banking machints. by telephone and mtcrna m m person at (ht Muhx'xpul Off-Kn at Ill Sandaford Drm Aft" huutx. watt: paynwnh any but made In Ihc drop box at lhr mam cnnamc n! thr Mumupa! ()fflcu (Ill Sandnford Drive) Councnlwillbc considering amndmcnts to the onccdural By law which gowns the orpniwion. operation} proceedings and admu mst rat ton of Town Advisory (Tomm'mcu on (kmbc: Mich. 201) The anwndmcnh speciï¬cally pertain to the provision of public mum pnor tn the huldmg ofan Advitory Commute: meeting Inquiries regardmg the pulpnwd amendments should be directed to Michch Kennedy, I‘own Clerk 4! ext. 2224. Fm inquum. plus: (0mm (Zusmmrr Scum» al 90%.“) 19m Fm LOSS-O‘Z-m PLEASE The Town will I0 longer accept cred" cards (or payment of you valet gamma. OCTOBER LIBRARY BOARD MEETING START TIME I LOCATJON CHANGED The October 6th Library Board meeting, ml] be held at Fm Station SI. 100 Weldon Road at 5.30 pm RECOGNITION OF ACHIEVEMENT NOTICES