Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Sun-Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 15 Sep 2011, p. 4

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TAX PAYMENTS may be made by mutl. or in person at the Municipal Offices and II must Financial lnstrtuttons through trllcu. bank machines. by telephone and Interact banking. Bankmg fees may apply.’ A 24 hour drop. box as available st th‘c mam entrance door of the Mumcnpal ()ffths at H) Sandrfmd Dnvc ' PENALTY and Intern! charges a! IJB “h per munlh WI” he added to has not paid by the due date ’ COMMERCIAL. INDUSTRIAL MULTI‘RESIDENTIAL In Nils have now been mailed It you have no! rcccwcd your bl” pique contact us Ownets nt newlyvcun‘slructed homes may tree)" In hunt on the aunt lot only untfl the'home ts assessed by Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPMI) Ume assessed. the owner wtll be tuned] supplementary tax In" that Vltll be retroacttve to the date the home we: purchued or occupted. Tu balls mll be tuned mthm the next few weeks [or ‘Nottceof Supplementary or Omttted Assessments” that have been recently issued by MPAC‘ It may take up to three yenrs for a newly constructed home to he useued. so RESIDENTS All. STRONGLY ENCOURAGED T0 BUDGET FOR THIS UPCOMING TAX Illl. To enimate the annual property taxes. multrply the purchase pl’t‘it by 1%. To set up a Pre'Authmued Payment Plan or submit 3' pee-payment tc'iwards this future tax bill. please contact the Town at 905-6“) WOO ut l-355»642~TOWN (8696L York Rtgmn puhlu health lnspulurs and commumly parmcn wall be on me to take your water ample and give you mlmmalwn Ahnu! well water mamtcnancc Well watt! sample bullln will hr nulahlc fnr all We” nwncn Will watcrnmplc drop 0" due and location: Suturday. Scplcmhcr 24 and \‘unday. \‘cplcmhn 2‘3 lrhmn lmsurc (‘anc 30 Hmkhnldrr Sun-l. Q‘U‘HTVI“? Main lnhhy Q ()0 a m In Hm p m CI“ Yoik Region Hellth (Innnnhun l 8003“ 51353. T'TY l'ht' l-flbb 252 9933 and speak With a public hulth impcum at us" Mr} wwwym’kti r to ac TA X ES ON NEW [-Y- (TONSTRL‘CTEDROMES Taxes Due September 23, 2011 FREE WELL WATER TkSTlNG EVENT NOTICES Revenue 81 Tnxauun Suvutrs g prowdc mput on capital Improvements in thc spccilic communan Centres. In addmnn'tu .thr L’omm’unny (Jenn: rolc. the Whuchurch Mouflvillc Museum 8: {Zommumly (Zener Adwsory Committee ml} continuc to adnsc. comment. rcmmmcnd and ass‘u-l Council In”) spccnhc «farm: to the opcuuun. nun-semen! and the dchvcry u! muscum sauce! m the “immunity In compliance wuh rclcum muniupal. plOVHKHl and federal legislation Dellvcr. mall or In uunplclcd apphcatmm by Friday September 1-6, 2-01: at 4:30 pm. to: Town of Whmhmch Muufl'vullt , HI Sandilmd Dth. Smuffvnlle. ON [AA 028 AIM-mum Gillian Angus-Tran" Fax: 905-640~79S7 “Quest won PROPOSAL Ws-nr-nrw , SALE, AND REMOVAL OF MEMBRANE c-ov also snucwn Seach Ic-‘ndrrs. clearly marked as ‘0 contents mil be «(mad by the Ccnluhnd Customer Sen/16¢ Centre unul 3:009:13 loal umc on Wednesday Squcnbct 20, 201 I; at Ill Sundflord Drive. Stouflvilk Ontario, [AA 07.8. The work generaHv sum-fists of the ale and removal of a 12m x 12m x 7.6m Mgh McgaDamc membrane covered structure and the fnrkyvonc Ml) foundation blocks from the former Pubhf Works Yard. 3827' Mam St .Smun’villr The Town n. “clung apphunts tor the toltowmg; - Ballanttae ('Tnmmuntty Centre Advnwry (gomtmttee - Lemunville ("Iommuntt‘y Centre Advtsory Committee o Whttchunh-Smuffville Muuum 8r CpmmtfltttY Centre Advtsory Commute: '(pretrtously Museum 8: Vandorf Communtty Centre Advtsory Committees) Role of the advrsory commtttees I - to act as community ltetson to the cummu’mty and area restdents. with respect to the sputfic Community Centre; - provrde tnput ‘m theprowuon of programs and acttvtttes; o promote local community actmttes. - colordmate ptomotton of the faiiltty. o prowde Input regarding polictes related In the use and operatmn of the community centre - evaluate user s4ttstactton and 8t ttvmes provided at the faculttv. and Fm subtmmon mqumcs contact Technologist. 905M£¥Hlb ex! townofws ca ( 'orpom :xh! won o! "("1 {It} n the Pugh“! proposal 1C It'd am Town of Wk pmpumf m tdchhfilouflvtlk rcsrrvc y dc: Wvlhr. ()pcnnons emu} pctuwylliui rrsrrvu tht right W; are lookmg for donation: for a United Way Auction bang held in October Whether you have new or gently used furmturc. antiques. curlus.’ an or somethmg Ink-resting you would like to donate. or to‘ arrange for pickup. please call Debbie at 905 640-9595. Ext. 229 01hr! item-s :uch as gm ucrufuaies, gm bukcts. sporting event tickets also glamoust acccpicd Watch for upcoming details on the suction. Talk with Rebeca Mustard. Economic Dcvclopmcm Officer 9056404910 0! 1-855‘642 8697 (In, 230] m rcbccu.mustudmownofwsuu‘ » I: you business growing? Are you looking to bite for a prelude-II or technical position? We wail In but ho- yoc If you are hiring for: Engimers-Sofxvhrc dcvelopets-Mamgcmcm pmfnsmmls- Sat-ntmvhunts-Marketing spccaalxsts- and more Iom us f0; me upcoming Slouflvllle Professional 8: Tech-kl] Cam! Fair. Wednesday Octobcr S. 2011 2pm - 8 pm Lebovxc Centre for Arts a: Emn‘lamnmn Downtown Smuffwllc HAVE AN EXTRA COAT IN YOUR CLOSET? ' Share the Warmth! Mayor Euncuon‘s Coot Drive September 15 30 Drop boxes are locgted at; - Stouffvmc District High School - Clippers Comp 3 " = - Stoufl'vmc Puritan . . < .' o chovic Leisure Cemn I THE MAYOR'S SID ANNUAL THANKSGIVING FAMlLY FOOD DRIVE TOWN OF WHITCHURCH-STOL‘FFVILLE MUNICIPAL OFFICES HI SANDIFOID DRIVE OCTOBER m. 20” 10:00 mm. - 2:00 pm. Help those m Whitchuuhofiluuflullr that art W less fortunate by dunanng unnrd and huxrd 31 food Items. ‘13“, You can also make fiwdiush dnr No Frills. Mum and Giant Tlgu an October In betwctn )0 a m and nnon Come on out. jam in thcflm and support (In United Wa'y.’ PLEASE HELP." donauon Salu rdav

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