Stouflville Spirit forward Ala Batten dumpsOmngcville's Alex Adams during ‘thc Spirit’s 4-] OJHL win at the Stouï¬vilk Arena Sunday. Former Hycr 80mm had two points. STA" MTG/SUSIE KOCKE'ISCNEDY SPORTS Smuffville Sun-Tribune comm UP: Saturday Spam, at Drawn; Next home game. Sept 22 ' mmmmbammmmmm Junie: Hockeyleamerewseason.msmfle , spiMwononeaodmoneJmï¬lpo/Lndtmon "www.mespcntoouldeambeuW. A c’oume of unumety brats cums Mao/s openev mHumsvmecamemm hauntmeSMasmey suï¬eroda53|osstome0nemmesmwum bloodonapalwroonemIUVmoeCemuust owtmmminmflmmnod.mm0tms banaedpackmueuwgamemsmmuefomam Room Raunms was madnnennyknockbddoahbym ofï¬aaUemngmem‘damhewas gelding“ open to out m pudt pasHou Hall. > With the scomhedat 1-1 mwhmmnm.m Ottastook advantag: 01M early poucrplay oopor tunmes. mcludmg one an aoeoecoonmm a 3‘] lead Thesmm mm.Wmmmmmt mamm‘mmmmmmmd mmmmmmmM-mmm, scandflrstmremmmpmmwmm Imamnsmwasammamsmm MSmmlemmmnapal.meMm downMeSpflpufledHaflmfmnofanwaw- «.mmemms icedvmemewvmnstnseoonds remainmg mm an empty napalm momma» Oue¢s33 31‘ Making mew Smuï¬vile Arena debut against the mnyersSundayaflernoon,mcSp«itߤnlsm 10m cuffeer ptayevsenmma4-1 Hpvsa$pummokadvanmoealapowt- play opportunity when defenceman Paul W scored VMJLflufldï¬mmmmflgmmWW mbemescoma11~1.me50mncm\ledform mmleanymmesocaupeoodmenmms MNexBoogn spored.NW1IaW§)d Ion-the Spnmnmenmemeonymmemmm m ma awn wuoond mam anoamuï¬ndu 1310mm mmes'mtm-stam.m mst 3733. ' WW»MSM!W.WDM.M mmmammumamm www.mmmrmm stoppedwotasshomhaa-Buemmm mvnammmwmm'cmmym Londomm $0M messed WeMWIas mm rnaay: Huntsviue mats 5 vs. swam“: Sam: .5 Sundar sum Spun 4 vs- Orange-m Hy No rookie jitters for Spirit a back up' to Hal. The Spmr prayed Sunday‘s game mm oran m cl Branden Gandeue, M10 Incurred a macarqu Spimrreadcoachngono- wnmï¬mmeadmawon Saturday inmwrkmmdmbembsmSamrdayb [9005. who mourned an manor mfrachon dunng Sun day‘s arm. M cames a magma W sum rresrderus pram; era-mere on me OJHL as mmsseasonmmmsmnsmmmmo Shawn Hurshor and Daryr Thamson on Iranian Spill plants rinsed $1,000 IOImeIerry Fm Run dunng the" annual charity car wash at Houston Ford Saturday "ImpasSundaymmLebowc Lersure Centre Wm'lmurdramerwebnoman 1-1.’ Damn sad. 'Wc had a ooupre of bad bauncee in Huntsvrle that hurt us. ‘ MIWmemamewnmmmg onï¬reroadandwlharosterdanorpungerguys. erWdemnWmaflyolsconng chamï¬wecredrtmmgaale (Leo PDOOISky) m» mmmmmmgsavesmenhehadm' Reflecung on Smdafs wrn, Donovan fen his duo‘s abiï¬tytomrdmnmenyersmhomplmngmerr secondpme'mas many days.surtacedasmegame messed. » Several mdmduai performances caught the coach's atlenbm. inducing Isms. 'He used he speed and in the Duct deep on the other team. I red†ï¬led the way he played" Donovan sex: 0* the former Colunguooa Blackhaaks' forwam Aswan, Damn wasglad to see Bonen, who atso W, ï¬nally t‘grt up the red “gm after generanng «ma scoring chances mm; the ï¬rst two games. ‘Hehadeicnto‘lo geaichamesmscore agamsr Hmtsmhe. He even aooiogrzea 19 ms teammates 0n the Donauarr sard.‘And even awna W..hehadmrae0rfourgreatchancesmscorc Bulwaogrelreflormmtoscore Arersreadvm haveabremmyear.’ memamaflwrymngmfence maisOMMwame-dumed Windshddememan andourguysare mung and W They're prawns and leaningr M‘s no Mtg mm M've Jumped Farmmmesamgom' com Smnmsgremnr‘edonwsw Radro