"Until We price roads. you're, not going to gel the demand." he said. have to level the playing ï¬eld and give drivers an imenm'c to take (EOTtansiL' Commuter service. running half as often. would continue funher nnnh up to Uxbridgc and Bam'c. abng With new service on the Rich mond Hill line (0 Aurora and thmum Vaughan up to Bolton. (liven current “Importation options it's going to like more than new scrvicetogetdï¬mnmofdwit cars Pan ofthax. he said. is having some form of mad pricing so driven are paying the actual costs (If using madx “It's a good ideé but you have to do morn:~ Healthy mmpon (lonâ€" sulting dim’cmt Marty mum said. “honour and advance" important mginnal pmiects like the Yonge subâ€" way extension and the ï¬nal phases ofV'Iva’s bus system. Mr. flees It envisions all-day. both-way ser: vice Up to Newmarkel. Ric-htnond Hill and Mount luv on local lines. running every 15 minincs at peak hours and every 30 during off-peak The plan also anticipates a dou- bling of the bus and train fleets and a Book at ahematiw: power mum “It's interesting that now. three weeks bcbre the. election. it appears as yet one more promise.†he said. noting the Liberals (ï¬e-prioritized a similar plan he ptishcd as a former Transport Minister. ' Indeed, Mr. McGuimy’s pledge is not an entirely new idea and inwrowd service was already eyed as part of 00's 2020 ï¬lrau-gic plan. Inca! commuters would beneï¬t from not having to run to catch that last train home. but Ms Bisanz also touted the potential economic ben- eï¬tsfrommakingiteasienooometo local communities from the city on weekends to visit faunas markets and other attractions He he's advocated for lust that since at least 2(1):}. but the Liber- al commitment is too little too late. All-day GO skrvice would be a priority and the gmemmem would The PC party has pledged $35-bil- lion (wet the ï¬rst thme years of the new term and transportation and transit would be prioritized. he said. “Immkwehavcm recogniaethc workforce is changing People work at difl'erem times. it's not all about nine- mâ€"ï¬ve. Monday to Friday." she said Aï¬er a few stmgglem to whom she spoke. boarded a bus. the sta- tion was virtually emptybegingthe question if all«day train service is warranted W‘- “There's no question that allâ€"day transit service to out communities must happen." said her (busewauve rival. Frank ches ’ _ in a 10-year period. All-day demand questioned Tory MP? Frank Klécs says he has hem ï¬ghting for all-day GO trains since at least 2003 SUN-“MUN! Ml! PHOTO I ~1bebusietLakeshoreMst‘lne,seMngoomunms such as smmmmasamsopoommmao wmdmmboardmofl-peatmsflteyseeabom 10.m0weekdqride¢s. JheBnm‘e Iine.servingMaple.Aqura. mm :scompara- mqummwomusoommnderamumnsmn WWW bout. anm you. gaming a mum in mam“!!! mnmgstamng the; month 'Acmmenï¬mGOIramsystevn.9bM11pevcemmMers tseoflApeakmweekendseMoe 'bdqmn’ylhebuyummmofl-peal sem'ce On mummw.sen#¢mnmnesflcmmy and Manama-mum 42.1’00veekdqndasuse mm‘umofl-poakmmum seesabout 8.1(Dfldmonmcm.mlyoquhuommofl~peak mam IMM‘WCLASSES THE OFF-PEAK NUMBERS 905-642-51 1 1 0 3M Scotchguam 0 LOOSE BUGS o BROADLODM ° UPNOLSTERY