Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Sun-Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 8 Sep 2011, p. 4

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Mon information on time aorta and other (found! activmn can be obtained from ch: Town’s whuu. The final results of the 20” (Iommuntty Saltslaetton Survey were presented to Council showing l‘ll‘h levels of resldent rsttsfsttton with the Town From May 9 to lune 3. 2011. DPRA Consulting. in lndependeltt research firm, condueted s telephone survey st tendon: to obtain feedback from resldents on then needs. exyectsttont snd sstttfectton with Town services. , The psrttetyetton tn the eurvey we: remarkable. A tots! of 670 residents chose to pertktpste tn the telePhone survey. wtth 3t null-heck sntl onltne’ surveys euyleted by rettdents- not selected to punk.“ lljthe telephone survey. Overt“. the findings that man‘s very satisfied with the Tmfsovetsl .quelltyul llfi. servtces and program â€" en tneresse {roa'the zoos malty survey results? The Town also exceeded the of other organelle» la the public“ sector when the results were ‘ The-entices end mums.“ roost sstl'st'led with included firesntl emergency senlces. tummy end special events. reuse new. the public llbrsry sad hie rtnhl new. Front 1008. rattle-ts ladle-ted s greater «that:th wtth mlktndhtke tulle. lee rinks/suns. the Shae Perk. reeds sud std‘evslh «only sud sustenance. ruffle control such-let)! sud-NMan inspections end ,Cl’llm. The eurvey slso “destined top of mind lenses for residents, tnchsdtn; hslenced until. root] system layover-cuts. economkdevebpmetusenttnuej downtown revitsltutlon. Counetl will work tmntls harrowing mam: Town eervlces and progrsns hosed on the ulnshle restdent teedhsct received through the survey. Refldent Input wtll else he useful to Town staff for enhsnelng the Town’s communtesttons to the communlty. updating the Town's S‘yeer Corporete Strategic Plan and tuth flu-l improvements to the Centralized Customer Service Centre st the new Huntetpel Offices. The Centrsltud Customer Servtce Centre hss been I successful project to dste sod represents another inittst’tve the Town hes undertaken to enhance, customer servlcer This and other Town ln‘ttlstlves will be evaluated ln future community surveys Contmuom feedback from residents in Important to to! Comments and queltlom rcgltdm; all Towh «nice: can be done 'm pawn. by null. telephone. through the Town wcbnte or c-mail ' COUNCIL RECEIVES RESULTS FROM THE 20" TOWN COMMUNITY SURVEY We are “"0", to law" and look form: rd to ' serving our community. Council approved the renewal of the PM: Pwtcctmn Agreement with the Townshtp of Uxbrtdgr for the petmd ‘5? l l of January l. 2012 to December f 31, 2017. Under tht's agreement. " Whttchmch Stoufl‘wlle PM: add 7 Emctgcncy Scrvuccs will wntinut s to ptovt'dc fttc protection In thr rcmdcnts nt (Vinodwood and the Surrounding area on a Itc-hn-scrwcc hasty Th: an‘n’shtp nl l’xhttdgc will pmmttâ€" an Annual paymcnt 9f 545.0000” rtt'ntt’vc lanuarv l. mu. whuh Will tm’tcasc yearly by SHHHHHJ to $50,000 m 20}? Whmhurch .Stouft‘vallt Hr: and hmtrg‘cncy Scrwccs have effectively planncd their rcwurca pnd trained the" staff to ensure (It! respmuc‘ to the Mud“ He: will nut Affect the cmctgcmy srrvun provided to the Whitchurch~$touffvnllc commUnnv. V 'l‘w Council was updated on the status of the Built Heritage Inventory renew which began in early 20”“ The Built Heritage Inventory is a register of properties of Cultural heritage'value or Interest and includes properties in the Stout-{ville community. On May; l7.. 2011 Council approved ‘an extensive review of Stou'fl'ville properties to determine their specific historical and cultural value; The-revietvr-ia currently being undertaken by Town Staff’together with the Heritage Advisory Committee and in consultation with local historian: and residents ' ' 0f the 370 Stoufl'ville properties Ln the Built Heritage Inventory. a significant number have been thoroughly reviewed to date based on the T0wn's Official Plan. Provincial regulations and Federal Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada. The Built Heritate Inventory review has triggered a positive response from the community'- and has raised awareness about the historical-significance of properties in Stouffvllle If you have any questions «(aiding the Built Heritage inventory review; have an h'tereat in participating in the review procua or have any information/photos on hetth properties. please contact Catherine Kerr at catherine.kerr9townofvrs.ca. 905-64049”) or l-855-642â€"96‘97 eat. 23”, The Town of Whttchurch-Stoutt’vtlle and the Townahtp of King have recerved 320.000 from the Provrnce of Ontarto for a Bunneu Retention 0 Expansion (BR+E) protect. The grant will provide matching lund‘tngfor the protect called ‘(Iultrvatlng Local Businesa' that mll focus on the Town'a lltl’I agricultural community and rural hulineuea Councrllor Smith was appointed to the plot! Leadeeahlp Team, to porn repreaentattves from all project partnert. and wrll work vnth the Team to gutde the nitration of the project The protect ta expected to be implemented between October 2011 and March 1012. COUNCIL RECEIVES AN UPDATE ON; THE BUILT HERITAGE lNVENTORY REVIEW TOWN RECEIVES FUNDING FOR THE AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITY AND RURAL BUSINESSES Delwn. mall or fax completed applnunum 1 Friday Scplnnbcr I6. 20" at 4:30pJn. to ToWn of W'hit‘churchlglouflnlk Hyhndiford [)nvc. Stnuffwllc. 0N L4A 01,8 AHK’HIIOH‘ (.nlhan Angm fruit Fax» 9054,4079": Mandela» and apphcation forms arc wallach .11 um. com/town",comm:tl¢cs.asp. For any Inqumcs mm; Ang‘lur'fulll. 905 6401910 01 1-855 64.! 8697‘ ex cvmul. gillun anguslraIII@!own0f\~'sxa LAW CLERK ICLERK'S SERVICES ASSIS'I‘AN'] The full job dcn‘npuons. 3 lm of quahtuatmns and appi mlormél‘mn can found on the Town's wehsuc at http://www townofwyca/mbs Asp The Town Is seeking upphums I'm the Inlqu mg ' vuhmlccr pnsmnm Ballantrac Communny (ft-m": Advusmv ( mnnuurc Lemonvillc Community Centre Advismy (fummmrv Whllthurch Stouffvfl'lc Museum Cummumly (Tenn Advisory Committee (previoust Museum 8: Vandon' Communin Centre Advisory‘Commmcn) TOWN SEEKS COMMUNITY CENTRE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS IOIN US FOR THE NEW MUNICIPAL CHILI: - GRAND OPENING Sunni". Septembu 24th 10:00 3.. 2:00 p.m ("final Ribbon (Tutung a! 1mm .1 m ~Tnurs and Festlvmu follow -‘ Please mark your calendars and wakh hue fot more Informanon Steve N IALLANTRAE COMMUNITY FALL FAIR Sunday September Ilth 8:00 min. to 4:00 pm Hal'lamrac ('fummumly( rum- 5592 Aumu Rnad 0f Rnsc Avcnuc \an‘narv Sewer (' l PP erunng ( lasing: Wednesday September H. MI I INSTRUCTORS REQUIRED FOR TH k FOLLOWING POSITION S: Indont Playground Sup: Golf instructor Kick m I} Prcuhuol Shu- imuuums/ mu mlmmalmn plus: we mu: m!) http; Ia wwwaownofwmoml bjdusp (thId and Ynmh Bash TFNDFR WVT-ll-m “shunts VISGI ww law no!“ M Illup

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