"[119 company is moving into a cumom bunt. 23(11)va00! facility a! Woodbine Avenue and Stouï¬vifle Road In the commu- nity of Gonnley. “W want to own our own building.’ said company vice-president Doug Mdntym. add- ingit'sagoodlocationbecu-enhcbse to Maxkham’s high-tech mdupuy and easily 51m la n (‘51 m 3'. com I Independent third engineering mm- pliance testing ï¬rm C bad EMC Inc. is mov- ingto Wehurch-Stouffvfllg ' I Mr. McIntyre saiid they expect to break grwmmmnmmmmtominma high.†hesaid. Global EMS moved lo a immune-fun facifltyaboutsixyearsagoandmcntotheir current 95003111312400! location in Rich- mondflillabqutï¬veyearsagni The. ' bu 1791an all of whom will moving to the Whitchtmdw- Stoufl’vifle location. according to Mr. McIntyre. . The GormIey facility will consist of two three-meme semianechoic EMC dwnbets. one pro-compliance immunity chamber. a 10 memopcn areatest siteaswellascxpnnde'd militaxy testing. Moatpockonexpam ‘ With aliltle help from the provincial government. Newmarket Meat Packers le. Testing, testing! Engineering ï¬rm ‘ building new Gormley facility «MUM-mmnmnmmwnmmmmnm www.mmmmwm-mmmm manta amatth Formmbnnawn;gommm.m The company started in 2000 with “two guys in the basement of a house in Scarborough." BY SANDRA BULAN Through the Ontario rural economic development program. the northern Whitchurch-Stouffville meat processing plant can go ahead with its nearly Sl-mii- lion expansion that will include a modern humane abattoir. raw pet food facility and a specially automated equipment for the company's latest project; mini Kabobs, is expanding and creating new jobs. The éompany 'will also use the giant to expand its refrigeration, storage. shipping and packagipg “We coï¬ldï¬'t keep up with demands.†owner Nick D'Elia said. “This will help us get there quicker." With éxpansion. the comp can increase production speeds and w umes. develop new specialty gmeat products/and m mom moat Wmaflo tumors. The Expansion M! also create 11 new jobs in the Warden Avenue facility. Without government funding. which will cover up to 50 per cent of the project costs; Mr. D'FJia would have delayed fur- ther development of the local plapt: “We havé really tight margins." he said. “Agriculture and wholesale industries have really low margins. This a great push." . Since I968. the family business has been sendng quality cuts of beef and pork to local grocery stores. independent butcher shops and food service ope.er0rs across the province. Now. Newmarket Meat Packers has bgcome one of the country‘s largest lamb processors and the focus is on the niche market for small stock. such as sheep, veal and goat. Each year. the company processes more than I00,000 lambs. sheep and goats and more than 12.000 calves. The province has lnvasted more than $167 million for 412 pmiects through the program and generated more than $1.2 bil- lion in new economic activity. 1 The agti-food industry contributes more than $33 billion to the Ontarioecon- nmy with an employment base of about 700.000. Magumpthtshopsolll Recently. he purchased Magnumflhpy Centre in Whitchurch-Swufl‘vflle. an estab- lished printing business. and combined it Aurora’s Stephen Cra'wley is bringing the worlds at marketing and printing under one roof. _ I"n.l_mm -YIIIII with his mom shin 25 years in markchng to esmblish Allegra Marketing Prim lk-sign of Yon: Wu. Allegra is a full-service marketing and communications agency. complete with ill-house printing and gmphit wrviws. For more vim "1310mm.er