George Hincapie cmsscs the ï¬nish line along with other riders Sunday in Manamy Homes Tour de Blcu in support of the Markham Siouï¬ville Hospital expanskm. _ Hospital ride nets $445,000 The cyclists traversed 220, kilometres over six hours; raising $445111). Mattamy' Homes" 201 1 Tour de Bleu trek from Port Carling to the hospital featured Olympic and Tour de France cyclists Steve Bauer from Canada and American George lï¬ncapie. 'lhc pelmon included a virtual who'swho ofllanadian medi- cine. including Mammy president Peter BY CHRIS TRADER araberé‘yrmg. mm Exhausted and considerany lighter. 43 Tour de Bleu cyclists refreshed and plumped up Martian). Slouflville Htsphal’s expam sion fund Sunday. Gilgan. Stouflvifle Hospital car- diologist Dr. Minkmflilz. physician Dr. Mike vaak and radiobgis! Dr. Michael Steinnan. One of only two n'ders in Thur de France history to have raced on nine mur-winning teams? Mr. Hincapic was awed by the con- ditioning of the amateur riders Who took part in the fundraiser. ‘ “I do this fur a living. but for people with real jobs. it's tougher," he said. “I'm impressed. They cmred the ZOO-plus km well and safely. I enjoyed beingpan uf it.†An ll-time Ibur dc France cyclist and “384 Olympic road racing silver medallist. Mr‘ Bauer deemed the amgtcurs' perfor mance as “awesomeâ€. Piloting an Argon 18 cartxm ï¬bre bike vamed at $7.500. he ioked his felkm riders were ï¬ner than he was. "I love doing this.“ he said of the annual Mammy event that raises funds for com- mum'ty health facilities in which the buildet operates. “It's a gteat cause." Mr. Gilgan who hosted the entourage at his Muskoka home during the weekend. sgid Sunday fundraiser was the Com pany's seventh. Participants am either sponsoned or contribute dtmctly. The money raised to: MnflthamStDufl'V/me Hospital is panofaSlâ€" million Manamy commitment towatds the Sim-million expansion. he, HOSPITAL DOUBUNG "[1er was some hufï¬ng and putting. too." Mr. Gugan said.“1his was the best ride so far. Ihis is a great group of people who share a real passion for what they do.†suppty executive Karen Mar- shall is a rookie n'der who had cycled 200 km only once before. “It's so rewarding.†she said. "It feelsng to giw back to the community.’ The ride. under thmaloni’ng rain clouds. was exhilarating she said“ , "I adore cycling," Ms Marshall said. "'Ihcre's such gmat camaraderie and friend- ships. The only advice they gave me was. to not stop peddling.†Angela Lin Van Dongen has been wch for a and has participated in each of the seven Tour de Bleu eve-ms Atypical ridcmigubeaxmnd lZUkm. she “It was a ma! accomplishment for every- one to cover lhe distance tbday. Everyonr pnshedeaduomerandhkwchanEMmdihle wuytocnjdymeumnuyskief Welcoming the ridets was hospital foun- dation chief executive omcer Sumte Strung. The ridem' efforts accomplished two key initiatives. she said. ' They raised importam funds and aware- ness. she said. noting the foundation is pleased Mr. (iilgan and Manamy chose to support the hospital. Since construction in December. the foundation is at 66 per cent of its fundmising-goal and con~ struction is slightly ahead ofschedule. Markham Ward 4 Councillm Catolina Moreni and Wtchunh-ï¬oufl'ville deputy mayor Phil» Bannon represented the munic~ ipalities which the hospital serves. “To write a cheque is easy. but to give of your time is priceless.“ Ms Momtti said of the went-and its riders. "Volunteers are the heartbeat of the mmmunity.“ The hospital expansion. schede for completion in 2013. will double the sin? of the existing facility, M's Strong said. In addi~ lion to an expanded ER. out-patient clinic. diagmmlics. matemity and mental health facility. the project will add eight new oper- ating rooms and 100 patient beds. STAFF PRO T‘O/SUSI! 'KOC (EQSCHE 'DT Uniformed police equestrian riders stood on guard and an mops stage coach carried the casket of Dr. Ralph Wan. It wasonflï¬tting. 'ersday's umd‘ofl was for a veterimr- V ï¬rm who served York Region for more than 50 years Dr.WartdiedAug. 3 at again, His funeral was held a! a packed Sr. Andrew's Presbyterian Church In Markham me Lancaster. 0m. native began his career at the Thomhifl Veterinary Clinic in 1960 before moving to Markham to establish his own equine and small animal practice. the Mount Joy Animal Clinic. Most mum-1y. he owned and practised out of the Ballantrae‘ Plaza Veterinary ( link in Whilchumh-Stouï¬viflk. ()nline forums are ï¬lled with lrihutm. especially (0 his work with horses. .‘imnr horse owners spoke to Dr. Wan as law as [he day before his death. ONLINE TRIBUTE AROUND “Each and every one of our horses law-d him. he had a special gift with hurscx. which has also been passed on to his mu. Dr. Bruce Watt." reads a post an wwwnqui- mancom by Pn'ma Fquesman of Mount Albert. "Owning horses is not easy, wnh It comes at times One only has to haw: a horse for a short limé lo realms this and DI. Wan was always there fm his clients with the best advice and guidance and most important. was someone who can-d. doing ms best [0: everyone. “\M? trusted out much loved horses in his care completely and all of the foals born atom farm were [muted by Dr. Watt. His was the ï¬rst face along with ours may ‘ wnuld when entering into the world. l'u not see his friendly kindfaoe walking into - our bam will seem empty. ( )ur, farm will not be the same without him." NILE omen COMING ankx‘eased by his wife. luannc. hr Wall is Slu'vivvd by children Sandy. Hnu'v and l’tm. gramkhildmr Slophaniv and Kyle. sister Lama Madrod. brothon ( ‘an Watt and Donald Watt and many niu 1‘s and mphm A public celebration of Dr. Wall's» life will be held later. Memorial donations to the Markham Stouffvtlle l'ktspita! would he appmiatcd by the famity. Horses help say farewell to beloved vet WMMImnmas