You might have travel medlcafl insurance coverage from your employer. but it's Important to make sure you are fully couched. Nothlng w0uld be worse than needing medlcal coverage while out-of-town and ï¬nding out after the fact that *yot'Jr work policy only (Overs half of the expenses incu-rr‘ could be outof-pocket several thousand dollars. depending on the nature of your cl'alm Alternatively. you may think that all of yOur incountry traVel us covered by your provmoal plan; but, you mlght be surpnsed to learn what this plan pays for when travelling in other provinces. It pays to do your homework and a small yearly fee could be the best money you've ever spent. L Travel with Confidence Once you've bought your yeady pohcy you can rest assured that you. and your famdy members. are covered for all of your tnps - even a 24 hour shoppmg trip to Buffa‘o. You'll also get the added advantaged knowmghthat there wall be someone avaulable 24/ 7 to help you In the case of an emergency Travelling more than once a year? tf you take more than one tn'p a year. chances are nt's cheaper to buy a fun-year travel policy than it rs to buy one~off coverage each time you leave your province for business or pleasure. For as little as 5275],!" a family of {gur can be coyered for complete'medlcal and non-medical travel, insurance for one full year. Travel Medical Insurance Even If YOU are, fully covered for medical. It's; Still a good Idea to purchase: nonnmedtcal plan that can cover you for tnp cancellatoon, trip ontermptcon and baggage Loss. When booking any trip. your trave! agent will always oï¬er this type of- coverage and It's generally a good Idea to make sure that you are covered for these Items; however. «'5 usuany cheaper to purchasé a yeariy plan rather than buy one'ofl' polmes each tnme you travel, Non-Medical Travel Insurance Worry-Free Travel ls just A Few Clicks Away CHEAP COMPARED TO THE ALTERNATIVE A visit to the ER (no tests) Average Anticipated Costs Your search engine for lower insurance rates Average cost. of a flight , One night a. in ahospical ' $ 2,000 $3,500 $l,200