Come September. Ms Park. a Glad Park Public School graduate. will head to the. University of Watefloo to study compute! She wants to become a software mgineer. Also heading off to Watedm is Ste- ven (Juan. who ended his school year with a 94.3-per-cem average. like’Ms Park. Mr. spent the year sony focused on Mama “Whenever I do something. I have to do it righ! at a high level.‘ the 18' And thirdly, Ms Park malimd she was a visual leamer. So wt.) she didn‘t understand something, shufl'look it up on Youmbe. ’ Biology. chemistry and calculus were her most often searched for web videos 'SecondtthestudiedAlotâ€"duflng hertwospamsandevcnthmugh her lumhperioda H9! toughest subject this year was physncs. She gm 94 pet cent. av mm noun sbolanflyrmg. mm Elï¬n Park has Youmbe to thank. in pan. fox her 95.3~per-cem‘aver- age. which made her the top Ontario SchOlaI at Stoufl‘v'ille Semndaly School this year. “I’ve never been the top student." Ms Pa'rk. 18. said. There was three keys to Ms Park's high marks First, she's a perfectionist. “lwasneversausfledwhenlngOJ wantedperfeuf v SWe-Ti'ibune Y0 uTube tutored SDSS’ top graduate mummzou I WMWOFWW I NWIWGST READ ALL ABOUT IT. DAILY UPDATES AT YORKREGION.COM year-old said. “You always try mo per cent or a little bit'mone if you can. ..-. I'm really competitive.†~ lbspitc having the second highest aver- agebrtheyeat.Mr.(‘hanhasoneregu about high school. ' ‘I didn‘t get involved in enough extra- curricular activities.†he said. .Mthmxgh Mr. Park loves working with numbers. his favourite course last year was law because it dealt With real-life issues. Chan. whowillbeinmeumvusity's accounting oo-op progmm. has his signs set on being a CMA. NeIumi Manikku Wadumesthn‘ rounded Thomas Pearson. an adult learner in the continuing education pmgmm â€"- also from Richmond Hill ~â€" achleved an averall aver- age of99 per cent. as mil. out W Distrin‘s top three Ontario Scholars with a 93.6 average. She is spend mmesunmmeri‘lmlkawim herfamny before heading to the of mmnto to take health according to her father. ‘ The York Region District School Boards topscholarforzon islasonCowinsochx- under H'gh School in Richmond. Hill. who an overall average of!!!) parent. ' STA†W («I IRWIN EVANMGELOS FINE IEWELLERY A! the core of Mr. Neufeldl-l‘ast's argu- ment is his claim that library funding, from the municipality. has declined annually since 26. In 2009. the libl'aIy was 43-per-cem below the pmvincial average in pet-person library expenditures for communities of the Same size. awarding to Mr. NeufelthaN. That is not the case. Mayur Wayne ï¬nnmm who added council has incmasod library funding annually. V“! suppose this resident thinks there an: many more programs and books than the library needs.’ MI. Bummn told The Sun- Nbune. "We've put merhockey players in charge of the (Whilehurch-Slouï¬ville Public) library budget.†according to resident Amok] Neufeldl-Fast who is a petition to have and approve a plan. mat-would increase per person library fund- ing to the provincial average by 2015 and m begin developing plans for a library mutton. “It’s not to create some super-bum} library. although we‘re moving into a knowledgn based society and a super library would serve us well.†Ml: Nam-Fact, said. " I he library is a critical pillnrofa community and it's son'â€" ously underfunded and has been for a long time and I think it needs attention." Councillors, staï¬ take exception to math used in petition Library funding in question In Ihe 2011 municipal budget. the lihr: BY SANDRA BOLAN sbalanflyrmg (om .w 294-80301 21mm. arv