You can h€1p regionbattleinvasive species 11360 â€"n has just launched a Invasive species information. lnvasiwstrxkingisyslenua allows you to View invasive species. where they have been spotted. report sightings and bmwse an onlin ï¬eld guide. ' "It is most helpful to have the public and Cith scientists aid m in our collation of data by mporting these species to us.†fed- oration [Inject specialist Philip Shaw adding that without ï¬le concem. dedlattion and participation of the public. the pmgmm would not be the success it is today. York Region is no emeption in denim; with, infestations. such as the Asian long- horned beetle. box elder bug, giant hog weed.merakiashbomandwumheaded spruce Sawfly. “Bverydmeyoummamunddwmaeerm DMIWMUWMMWMN camï¬nlof.’heuid.’n1eyseemtobcanwl- IY mm LATCHI’OID {latchfardOyvmgmm The Ontario Mention of Anglers and Hmtersismhq'youtodo yourpan in unhngmvulwmedca Wbestddaweisbemgmformedand awmcfwimtisgoingon hlyourownback MaccoldhgtoMRegbn manque! natural hating: and fomtry sen/ices [an ENVIRONMENT: Online viewing, repqrting system launched HEW; ' '1 mm in Ht is a believer in the idea that the more you look. the more you will ï¬nd. Chang- ing weather patterns could be to blame for the infestations. Warmer summers and more precipitation could be providing more opportunities for these invasive species to have a population explosion or incmase their range of mavemem the landscape. he “Purple shouldn'tbeï¬' rath- mbedï¬mmgetmme'MsM'lwn midwayspecuammtooomainm infestation because hfomxationrwyisthe bestpmmtionf mg out of the woodwork. literally.†5Hâ€. While the region is most concerned with regional property and forum for controland eradication of invasive species, it still wants to hear fmm you when tucking (he more- mem of these species mrougwulmereg‘on. “‘Wearenmeqmppedtoinvestimtemy callmget."Mr.Budmnansaid"l~h~evet.lf sometme mponsaspecksvflmemhm‘t seenitbeforememayfollm uptownï¬nu" The region is making the err-lewd ash borer. an erotic species mam all types of ash trees. and the yelaw landed spare trees while in a larvae state and can anthem. E35|.i533 SUNYIIIUNE HIE H0070 ’I ’9}: bupofliuthspemongca b Mdedbecut,choppedandbun\ed ; UWMSRE mmmm '5 totontrolaminonnkstauonjpraybmdwsm ueewithmixofl lbspofdishsoapto 1 gallonof watet Ma high pressuve sprayef to knock feeï¬q lame to the ground and keep them from dimb'ng in June Ifyouseean , Indians: .mmfestcdmes Dwmesheadysummmmmhsare Muhammsiondmdoso b repon it to your local municide 0: at mWemm Gianthogweed D Witwithweedinfoxa since :1 hasmany ’mmapmfessionalarbounstmmatommove WHAT TO DO Manhole: V35“!