Glad Park thc Stouï¬ville Anna Thurs- hodk Bu] Partridge has an audience during the standing long immp a flu ï¬nk Rqï¬mx publicdemcn- tary schools rcgi<3nal luck and ï¬eld cham- pionships at the Con- nefl-anldin Track next to EYES 0" BEN bl 57A" WW! SOMIIV‘LLE‘ Now 3-5 on the season. the Mcnnos are scheduled to resume bague play My in Scarborough apinst the Athletics They host the Oshawa Rebels Thursday at 8:30 pm. inMemorialPark. The Stouffville Mennos' bats went silent in their Oshawa City and District Fastball hangue con- testagainst thehost Oshawa. Rebels Wednesday. In failing to genemé a hit. the Mennos saw their team batting avengefaflto.188., Thcflcbelsaddedtheirï¬naltwo mnsinthethirdinningoflCn'ngan before he gave way to Greg Dal- gnmuwhoï¬nishedmegame. In fact. the Memos failed to generate one hit against the Rebels“ pitde tandem of Brian Madwr nndlohnSharpeasthcysuffelea 64) loss. 0 The Memos did, howwver, have opportunities to scone as they had six battens reach base through walks and cums. The Mennos' bes: scoring chance came in the second inning when they loaded the bases But Shawn Boadway ended the threat when he grounded out to shun to end any polemjal uprising. The Rebels scored four runs in [heir half of the second inning against rookie lefty Bruce Cringan. who made his starting debut for the Mennos. ‘ Mennos noâ€"hit in Oshawa WIMnCN mn'stowpflmnt , Seema Sadekar ï¬nished in a four- waytie for 10th place at mezm 1 CN Canadian Women’s Tour at Club de sol! Beloei! event in Beloeil. Qua. Wednesday. Through the two-round even! played on the par 71. 6,164-yard course. the 25-year-old former Slouï¬villc resident carded a fourâ€" over 1460274). Through two events on the tour. Sadekarwasinatwo-waytiefor ï¬fth place among the top. 10 money with earnings of $6,689.89. The ï¬nal (ZN Canadian Womn’s Tour stop ofthc 201152350!) takes place tune 27 to 29 at Blue Springs Golf Club in Acton. 0m. The event features. 3 360.000 purse. with $10,000 awarded to the winner. along with an exemption into the 20“ CN Canadian Wom- en's Open. Sadekar ï¬nished eight shots of? the par set by Katy Harris ofHum- ble, Tex, who was four-under par at 138. SPORTS 3mm mumm- mmmm' YoMMMWMDWnIWmmm vwhmmmmmmflwmmu mm‘wmm'mmsw ‘ our mn- L“ [man ma- hummus-ado! visit Mud.“ Wâ€"Tribune nu MN MW‘