Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Sun-Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 2 Jun 2011, p. 4

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Interested members of the Public are welcome to speak to Counctl concerning the Staff Report and auoaated ‘dralt' Amendment to the Sign Bylaw. If you are not able to attend the (lounul Meeting. correspondence will he recetved by the Town (Clerk up to the time of the Meeting, ' Copies of the Staff Report and 'dralt' By-law will he available for review as of l2 Nomi on Thursday June 2nd. 2011 at the Clerk's Department. Town Muntu‘pal Offices or at the Whttchurchâ€" Stouffville Public library The Staff Report and draft By law will be available for downlond from the Town‘s website [WVWIOWIIOflVI cal ~ cltch on the 'A‘endu. Minutes It By laws’ icon - follow the link to the lune 7th Cottrml Agenda For further informatwn on the pmpmed Amendment to the Stgn By-law al’l’ecttng lands tn Downtown Stouflville. please contatt Andrew McNeely. Director of Planning 8: Building Services at 90%“0-1910 or 9054395- 5299 1270 or Vta email at Andrew meneelyfltmvnofmx; ’ ann (Iounul at m meeting scheduled I’m Tue-day hot 7th. 20", commencing u 7:50 pa. in the Council Chum. Town Municipal Offices. will be conndrnng a Staff Report all associated Bylaw to amend the Sign 3H" fife-um! lands within Downtown Mvouffvflk. On Inn 7.‘ 20“. Counul‘ vlli conuch a staff upon (oncumng Ihe sale of approximately 8686‘ squat: meten (9‘5 square feet) of surplus propetty lo the owner of the adiommg propcnv located n 6290 Main Street. Slouffvillc ( Pm of 1.0! U. Plan 70. dcugnakd as Pills” [2. Pill 65R-ZS907’ Proposed Amendment to the Sign By-lnw Affecting Lands in Downtown Stouffville Council Meeting - lune 7th, 20" 7:00 pm it. 0' It”. nut ‘00.! PROPOSED SALE OF PUBLIC LANDS Periodic kmpunry (Insure: of Park Driv: will coming: In Inn: 2011 from "cover Park Dnvc to Burkhuldfl Sum 10 facilélalr boulevard construction and landsup'mg, 1.0a! access to the Ll"!!er and Lemur: Centre N!" be pennch flux obey all construction down signage during this final cunstructum period We Apologia for any inconvcnkncc ind thank you for Yum patwncc V If you have any questions. plem,cmtah Troy human. 905 640 19100: 905-89562” x3”, troybaumanéwwnofws (1. After bunncu hours at on weekends. all 905-640-1900 A. Puhhc Open House ! Information Meettn; rs bl:th hosted hy the Downtown Stoultville Working Group (DSWG) through the Physical Improvement 81 Dentin Sub-Committee to disc on proposed streetrcape Improvements to Mam Street. from the Ninth Ltne to Pine St reel, The streetuape Improvements proposed along Main Street deal with concepts aunt rated with curb extensrons. pedestrian crosswalk: and .other traffic calmtng deugm. The overall 0b]¢(lIVt of the streetscape improvements n to reinforce and enhanee the pedestrtan scale of development 'wrthtn the Downtown Core and the east [west approaches Into the Downtown. ' ' The format ts a drop tn sesston where Interested members of the Pnbltc can revrcw drawrngs and discuss IdQIS .’ tssues on a one to one ham with [own my”: and members or the Physical Improvement 3: Dengn Sub (.ommrttec There :5 no formal presentation. and. no decisrons wrll he made that evening Comments. recetVed through the (on sultatton proeess will-he used to refine the proposed streetuape Imprtwementt ' Council has awarded a contact to Esposito Bros. Construction Ltd. to reconttruet Hawthorn Avenue from deale load to Stoufler Street The work I: scheduled to commence to tune and he completed by August 201 1. weather permhting. The work includes Installation of worm sewers together With (tubs and gutters to replace the exutmg overland ditch drainage system. new nphalt pavement. and the repluement of existing sewer and watermam A udewalk will also be prowded on the moth stde of the street During constrmtmn the road will be open [or loul traffic only Pkue umttder an alternate route and exeruxe uutmn If you do travel through the construction are: (Iounul will he wandering 4,81.“ Report and associated By>law at m June 7th. 20“ meeting ’11:: rrpon proposes an much: to thc fares danger! by Tun m the Town of Whmhmchfilnuffvnlle Copies of the report ml! be available for review at thc Clerk‘s Depanmcnl. Libruv sand on the Town's webmc as of noon on lune 2nd. 2011,, For further mfonnalion. conuct the Licensing and Public Services Coordinator at on 225. For [unth infmmauon please coon-u Andrew M: Neely. Duccto: of Planning Building Scrvtcn 11905-640‘rl9l0 or 905395-5299 1270 m via email a! andrcw m: ncclyOlounofws.u CONSTRUCTION NOTICE HAWTHORN AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION Wednesday lune 15th, 2011 6:00 to 8:00 pm Latcham Hall 8 Park Drive Proposed Streeucape Improvements Main Street, Ninth Line to Pine Street TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE / INFORMATION MEETING The T‘ogn “Whitchurch-Siouflviile is currently renunmg for iht following positions -_ Manager of Cuuomr Serve“: - Engineering Operation Clerk 0 Lead and Arum“! Instructor: for Hockey Camp (III-nor union) - Lead and Ankh-i Intrnclor Skipping Program Beginner lml (full/winter union) For further information. please see nut wchsnc at http:/Imjownoiws com/jobs asp 'INk Works Depart-hem Tenn [0: their Second Place “ah. i the. Annual York Municipalities Public Works Chile-[e held, dunn; National Publxc Works Week on Wednesday Mayllth. 20“ in the Tom: of Richmond lhll The event consisted of "Cl Public Works stall pamupanng m a companion highlights; their skills and expemse Um teem conslsled of larmc Redshaw. Sean Ncshm. Dav}: lcw‘n. Icff Htsurd and Chris Leney Thanks m Steve Start for pattmpaung as one ol the several judges. Please be advmd that in accordamzc mth the Wch ( ‘untml Au. nuxmus mdsor weed seeds "are requitcd to be dcstmycd by tun: 1‘» and a: tequtrcd throughout wring and summer. In addition. plus: not: that the Town's Weed Inspector may destroy any box nous weedslwcrd semis as rcquircd. the cost, of thh may be appltrd tn the awnch prupflt)’ tax Although dandehons. burdock and gnldcnmd are not mnsudctcd "(JIIOIIS nerds in the Town, thc co-opcrauon of all Irwian to eliminate these nuisance weeds :5 apprrdatcd For further Information. contact thc 5th“)! Mumupal law ,Enforccmcnt Offuter 905 6404910 or 905-89S-5299 at 234 Are you; planing-to an I mull bunness? Do you need htlp wuh mm! W planning? FIEE obe-owonttonsullalmn Wllh the YXBH small Business Consultant luSIouffvnlk on Fnday )um- If, :01 I This opportunity it open to new business" or husmrssn tha have been in operation for less than 5 years and have Icu that 10 employees Sign up today 90826404910 ext 301 or when; muIIaIdOtwnofws.ca Mayor Elnmcrson mum you to mm mm him at < nu \quarr on Tuesday lune 7th from “3:30 a m to 12-00 noon 2:00pm ~ 7:00pm - Every Thursday on Park Dr. IOIN THE MAYOR AT CIVIC SQUARE YORK SMALL BUSINESS CENTRE _.COHBS T0 STOUFFVILLE Pqu lune I7. 201! DOWNTOWN STOUFFVILLE FARMERS’ MARKET

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