( Ink}. Dcpanmem; luwn Municipal Ofï¬ces m at the 'Whnchurch Smuffulk Public Library 'l‘hc Mall Rtpor! and ‘dnn‘ By» kw Will be available for download {tom the Tawn's webs": [www.mwnotws. cal « click on the 'Agéndu. Mmutuï¬ By Ian ICC-n follow {he link to the Inn: 7â€! Canon] Agenda Fm hutth Informat‘um on the proposed Amendmcnl to the Sign Bylaw al‘fcchng lands m Downtown Smuï¬villr. plus: mung! Andrew Mt Nccty. Director of Planning a Building Senna; at 905 64019“) or 905395.999 x270 or m email a! andrcw mmeelycé low nofws u ()n Jun: 7. 201]. (lounul will consult! I staff rcpo'n. mnccrmn; lhc wk 0! nppmximfldy 86 864 squuc man: (935 Square furl) nf mtphn pmpcny to the owner of lhc adaonning p-mpc-rly loan-d at 5290‘Mam \‘um. Slnul'HIlk ( Pan u! Ln! I}. Pl.an.70. designate! u Pam 3.4;3.h.|| i1. Plan MIR-2590'?) Inlctcstcd membcu of the Public are welconw to speak to Lemma! concernmg the Suï¬ Repofl and asmcutcd 'duft' Amendmch to thc Sign By law It you are not AM: In agicnd the (luunul Mrflmg. «unnpundtmr wall ht “(and by 1hr ‘l'uw‘nf'lcrk up w 1hr: hm: u! the Mccling ("rpm uf the Sn" Rrpnn .md 'duil' By hw will he n‘alhblé ., |' ‘ lor «new as of 12 Noon (m Thunday June 2nd. :0†at [he [mam (mum! at m mating nhcdulrd tor Tuesday lune 7th. 20". cummcm‘lng at 7:00 pm. In lht ('youm‘ll Chambers. Town Mu mupal Ofï¬ces. m" be consldcnng a Staff Repon and “sous:ch By law In amend the Sign ï¬th .Iflntmg IJndskwuhm Duwmoyyn Smuflwllc. , ' Proposed Amendment to the Sign By-law Affecting Lands in Downtown Slouffvillc Council Meeting - lune 7th. 20!! 7:00 pm ' .TUESDAY IUNE m. COUNCIL MEETING a: 7:00 p.m. ~ TUESDAY IUNE 2m COUNCIL MEETING at 3:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING (if required) In 7:00 pan. PROPOSED SALE OF PUBLIC LANDS Cannon-0.... NOTICES lhc Yuck chmn Employment Sutvcy Is underwty' information tnut'xtt‘d u used m for Planning and Emnumu Dn'clupmrm putpmu including humans rettmmn, expansion. Indium“ planning In help mdlu' WW .1 belle! P'Jt! m Inc «rod and play Pleas: I'IH In the surwv when you are v-mted hv York Region (we! (Inf new few weeks. [hank vuu'. ' ‘ The van of Whitchurchï¬touffvilk is l urrcntly Itcruin‘ng f0: thc lollnwing pmitmnx wwwluwmnsfl umr’bids Mp WS-RFQ-ll-ZS ; SUPPLY 8‘ DELIVERY OF CU‘LVEIT PIPE Closing jun: MI. 20†’ 3:00 pmloul lime Qucslmm m mqumes um he dncued In Dan (ihanrand, Managtr m Operamms at 90% MI) lllh ext. 202 or dcnns‘cha‘ruandgtownofmxa. Fm (mtth mlm mam The but cant is Schtdukd to begin on at about Mom! lmjm lI-lhc communities of I‘llannae/Muuclmn Lakt and SIOI'ffvlllc and. n upu In! In lasl for appmnmalely Hut: (3) week The work as to be \n‘ndm ted daily. Monday In Hldav. between 900 am and 3 30 pm Fm {Hither Inform:qu pings: see out “thy†at wm luwnufus “I or contact Puhln Works .n 905 640‘1910 or 905 595 5299 an. 306 [um Any qucatmns regarding this chmt kn Pm Alan Droid, Ma‘nagrr 0! Planning Serviws 9 <29‘) m 320. m alan druidci‘mwmwfm‘u (Topics of the report WI" be available to: renew at the Clerk's Department. Ltbruy and on the Town's website as ofnobn on Inn: 2nd. 20†For further Information, contact the bunsth and Pubhr Scrvn‘ccs Coordinator at ext 225 The Puth Works Department reminds rcsldcnts that at condust a major wakrmnn Hushmg program of lhr ann's water dumbutmn svflems twu’e anmqu ( oum‘d will bc mnsidnmg a Staff Report and assocmcd Byrlaw a! m lune 7th. 20!! mating Th1- tcpon pmpmcs an increase to the fares charged by Taxis m the Town of Whilchurch-Stouflvillc I‘M dull": WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS FLUSHING PROGRAM COMMUNITIES 0F BALLANTRAE/ MUSSELMAN LAKE AND STOUFFVILLE ‘01! W5«RFP-l l ~25 Terms of [dance ‘ Enlhntnc r Maud-on uh: Environs Scmndan' Phn .' Highwa 48 Conï¬dor Review ATTENTION LOCAL BUSINESSES n nn tht abovc‘ pk»: we nut with": at http 1g this quucfl I'm Pmpmal sh†be dxicdkdjto 0! Planning Serviws 90%.6404910 m 905-895- Irmdfli‘lnwmvfm‘u 1‘ ulmusvmm 15 3 00 PM Im a "If Wrdnr sdm' Cats must be ‘m .3 came: and dogs must be leashed; \0 onlv per angm‘ai. Nance to Put Bull ()wncrs am pm Slaflonlshnc tcrncr. Amtnun 'pn bull (cum m a the appcatamc and physual thataurnahu that an- similar Io‘thc dogs alerted to must also he muzlh‘d Lrbovu’ Insure Ccnlrc v.30 Bugkholdu Street . _(Mojnday to Thursday. 600: m 1000p m Fndayv. 6.00.10. - 9:Wp.m.; Saturday'- 8: Sunday: 8 003 m 1» 00p m 1 Plan mini“: “Inï¬eld survey by qur 3, 20“ For more Information on both the 101! and 2008 suture, plcasc access the Town websfléiand cltck the 20“ ('ommunm \ur r6» link un the home page You may aim mum: (an \umncr. Managrr‘ HR 8: Smitqu Initiatives. Town of Whltchuich- Stouflnlle. [9-051 640 1910 Have you completed the Community Survey yet! \ The "l'ownofwhntchutch-Smuffwlleu undertaking ‘ 5- a 201] Community Survey to assess community ' satisfaction with Town services. ldtnlllV top of mind residentl'usues and address prlomv areas to: improvement. To ensure all residents have an uppurtumty tn provide Input. the survey period has been extended to lune 3. 20“ [tom the original deadline nt Mav 27th The Telephone Survey n m progress ‘l’he'ruwu requests yuurferdhnl «m munn up.“ wtx u es tmd mggvxz mm fut enhancing out performance "I he Inn survey mumttm prugtch mm: the .2008 survev, and covers other topxcs such as mput tm updating the Corporate Strategtc Plan \uur mput 1s nu} You may be randomly selected to pattmpatc m the telephum «m \‘rS' that will take about 15 autumn The wtvey 1» being uunlmzcd b» an Independent reseateh mm ulled DPRXCanula indmdua? responses will he kept confidthuljttqwgggregnc survey hoghlnghu will be made availahle to lhe .puhlu. lw lulv If you are not contacted. you have other options to part u (lute. - The sutvey t5 avail-able thruugh a hnk on the zuwm “tum .4' wwwtownolws ca Alternuwely. you may ['le up»: survcv at and return your feedback using thc cmm NEWMARKET’S LOWoCOST RABIES CLINK Holliqgsworlh Arena, 35 Patterson Avenue ' Sunday, May 29 I0 am. to 2 p.m. DOWNTOWN STO-UFFVILLE FARMERS, MARKET , 2:00pm 5 ’iOOpm Every “Thursday on Pa rk Dr. Mumcxpal 0mm _ 17 Sandlfmd Dnvr. 4th Hum o (Jerks Department (Monday In Fridavfflï¬ï¬‚i m â€" 4 MI cndoscd Dos! bed. (0;! H 3 an» pit bull ' u! A dug H at art “35"†If