grandupenmysttmunwiling ofmsueetsimsdmmï¬ï¬‚sig- nifydwtmnoumydedicatï¬m ofMostuStmabetweenMain Street and Home! Put Drive Starting at 5 p.m.. emet- tainmem will be provided by countrybaxdflbwnmdeand at 9 pm. rockets Crisis will take to the stage. After neariy threg years of negotiating with York Region on the expropriation of the 64~yeu-old building. a deal Among the dignitaries expecmd to be at the memo- ny are Mayor Wayne Emmet- son. MP Paul (Inlandra and MPP Helena lacmk as Veterans Parkway. Abubecucwillbehekl.'lba andthth The party continues on Sunday with Ind Head. 3 btues band. performing at 1 pm. at the legion. 3* 'wfllbemlsai.sw$ches ‘ madeandthemwfacib ilywiflbeopenï¬xbusmesa mmmonwasalom Long wait over for legion 1119 Ninth line land needed in Older to rte-align the mlerseaion. ' Money weaved from the region paid for the construc- tion 0! (he [QED-at;wa building, which is, just 500 square feet larget dun the old one. but it’s all on one lent. Odwrfeamlesimhldethe brm‘umspadowbmmet hall.whlchlsabout25pcr cent lam' than the curtain one and a WEB! Ind more modern kitchen. The club mom will remain the was reached his! year. which enabled the legion to par chase 1.3 acres of [and in the Beacon Hill Business Park and construct a new build- ing. Parking bays increased fmmwto'aï¬ Banquet hall rentals help sustain the legion and with I new building comes new pric- ing The old Ieg'on cost $150 to rent and included, use of the ldtchen. Now. rental rates range from Sim for meetings to 33(1) without the use of the Utdltn. That’s an additional “\M: have to rent the hall to stay alive.“ Mr. Pattenden ECGNUMISI‘ SUN MARIHAM Interested artists please call 905943.61 1 6 menues today. WINS yeah the WMWWWMW Wheaiwalm.mewnenalso WmmWhpoophwhowamedm mummdebdlly. hw.mmmm-mmmemm dummmmummmm mmmmmdonahons. mmmuo.soo.mmmmmeom um.mwmmmmm 390.000 Mammal bemgacoepteo. TM W bunch, which also serves Maï¬ham. has 310 mamas. 0n Mi 11, 1947, Royal Canadian Branch 459 WBM. BWmcommGemgeAbeu Thomnwomodaplaoctocaflmbrom wrme bummelandonmm,vmie‘ow Wmmbtmemmge hommmacmeymcompletemwidmgmd Wolflmow.memmorpmdam mm.mum.mmam1cax For mom go to mstnuï¬wuelegmrca Wrsamoe, m.nwdem waving, the “albbcalhismryhasmheenbcgmen mau7mmmemmmmg huh-enmmvodmembeddedmmmefrom mammogram. mmmmmmdmm Whammmblsomemuwasmss unnumanme mum MmMmuDrSmleyM‘smwm IMM'M.Mmeppomdm MMmmhanï¬n-M'ï¬youpbybml MMWWDLBQIMJW and WAR VETS HEMEMBERED