mum." Dogs, boats help region launch police week today iii‘i. 533:1... ill-1.. lilaglnl. iai.llllllii. igli.§.§itllll. illicit-a3. Eliâ€"‘salluiI-g. WMMWM'LIMI nmnMamfl-mc “mummnmmmmanmm For Your Best Hearing Ta mm Would you like to warm"? Man With mm Services 5W moo ' 377 cm St. Suite! 203 IAle 905-471-4327 and take part in a bicycle workshop. ‘lhem will be feta: painting and children can bounce in an inflatable police car. ‘ WWW. Members of the York Regional Polidc emergency response and trafï¬c units will provide demonstrations and police ser- vice dogs from the canine unit will be the-re. Pamnls and children will also have a chanu- to sit inside boah from the marine Torontoflear '1: self 35, mum: * 4164.64151 The Audoloqy Come {momma 1986 1333 W Ave E.. Suntan!) AI (hr upcn house. police will autept donatium I'm rt-licfcffons in lapan. The most needed items include toothbrushes, towels. bkmk‘ets. diapers. dry milk. shoes. clothes. dishware. toilet paper. paper towel. facial tisâ€" sues and non-perishable food items. l'hc Community Safety Village is in Bruce's Mill (.Ionservalion Area at 3291 Stouffville Rd. in Whitchurch-Stouï¬ville. In addition. York Regional Police district llt'athuant'rs in Markham. Richmond Hill. unit ‘wWwflw -mmW-wumnm - 1 par ONMIMWW-zm For more informant)" about lht’ Pnlu't‘ Week open house, e-tnail yuur questimts to 5475@ym£a. For tnformattun'un Police Week activities. contact the community services bureau at l~866~87h~5423. at 6709 or visit the website at wwwyrpta. Nemnarkel. Sutton and Vuuglmn will be open to the public for tours every owning {Item Monday. "May 9. to Friday. May H from 6 m 9 pm. “Shattering m 1993 1243 Humor! Ava. Swell 711 YOUR STANON 4'1.~233-8581