Will-yo! mum dmmrlmm- mumm “WW‘WL WNW. Wink-tn am.mcmn.~ Wit-Em 55%.,m whammm "Imm.m Advanth Will. Stephan Madam My m D? nounflvug can lE‘HEIS POlICY msrna mum ‘ 905 ‘MO- 261 2 WW mm Mitt Baumâ€! “5440-2612 a mac-cm ADVERTISINQ “Xi-$404M 2 ml: I 4m- 70-335! m 905M877! EDITORM! lim Mann M' Mm- 1 makes me fool like apolitical nerd td'ï¬ay it. but as faras I can trmcmhet. l have voted in every election for which I was cligibk‘ to vote smut I turned [8. Municipal. provincial. federal. board. You name it I have cast a ballot kn it. kind of like a ï¬sherman who has (as! a Ium into every lake he has happenvd upon since he was nid enough to haw a ï¬shing licence. What's how I feel after voting for someone and they don’t win. Like I'm casting and I pus! have this hook with wan on n. and l have a sunburn ~ or I saw _ something and rip the Inn: right 0 in all the excitement. the way your candidate looks for ammtmtwnlikehemflnwim lhenkmSolgetomthepaddks and row home.) l'mnotreaflysumwhylleelcom- pefle¢jtovote~~lhxmlotsofpeople who dont vote and they seem like ï¬ne. upstanding citizens â€"- other than that I've always mbocribed to the idea that if you don! vote. you can’t comph‘in. ,. And with complai about govâ€" ernment such a be! pastime in theaepuns. I feel likcifl mmtto hedkbhmjoinimlneed hership and. which is a ballot cast in the most mom cledion York police officers found missing girl Wt: live in rurathchumh- Stouflville with its ponds. creeks and toasts. where our daughter. with autism. laws to roam for short periods or on Sunday walks with the family. _ ()n Good Friday. Jaimi- disappeared inlu our back woods Myson,hisfnendand| searched for'her for 45 minutes before 'I called my»th to comehomcmcndiallcdsin. York Regional Police descended on our borne in minutes ~ 16 embers plus a canine unit, and mady to launch a south helicopter. In minutes they were walking up ï¬elds. thmugi the woods and knock mg on mightxm' mm. Withinwahou! 30 minutes. (30ml. Man Blunon found her two doors down on a Shesauuecampenamod- land inky and quite :1 tom« boywiflwnofcarofwateror heights. V - Should casting ballot be mdndatory?1 vote no lETTERS TO THE EDITOR DWhatdoyouthinkoftheseiswesu m.» [MlmmtoMedimtm Mam These ofï¬cers were knowi- mable about rhildren with aytism. They what do look for. what ,to linen for. how to respond to the patents who were beside themselves and how to act every quicka It wasoim‘raiible how helpful they were and to set? ï¬rst-hand their work in action. I stood there in awe. very overwhelmed bydrepowerofaphomcafl aï¬d the response of an incred- ible team. We have much in he thank- ful for this past Easter week- end and are vewpmud of and grateful {Or our York Regional fbliu: service. ' gravel pile HAVE YOUR SAY WHITTHITRI TL ST! ll “’fo Of course. I Would nevcr tell any- one who I voted for. I bust maesum them that I wieided that mighty pen- cil behind that cardboard barrier (the pencil is mightiet man the swntd. as they say) -â€"-â€" letting the country know. anonymtmsly. how [I feel ahuul 1hr issues and the candidates. Unfortunately. maybe two thirds of those who are eligible actually bother to vote.‘or less. which often prompt? suggestions. right around now. that voting in Canada shquld be mandatory. kind of like in Australia. which it must be pointed out gm itx stan as a penal colony. so maybe these kinds of things go over a little DEB "M LYTLE Bernie O'Neill "If (SWWHbune beuc; down there. In other Mers. if you don't vote. you am forced to pay a fine. or worse (they take away or your cable channels except the one with the parï¬agncntary debams 24/7. youroniy reading male-rial is MP th’rs. and you‘re found to go lh 5am}: hair stylist as Stephen Harper â€" lack Layton doesn't reallv need a hair stvï¬st). ' I don‘t think voting should be man- datory. since democracy is summed mbeallabombcingï¬ee-ifyoudon‘! wam In vole. you should be free nm to. In the 1890‘s. MP Guillaume Amyol pmpmed mandawa voting with the punishment 3:550 ï¬ne (about 31.000 today.) and 30 days in jail. Ills bill-failed If you ï¬t?! a govemmem you don‘t Ukuwell, you had your chance. Still. I wony about people who don‘t mm. especially in this election. . Imagine being gim'ned by a coali- tmn invoking the Bloc Qucbetnts? Somv mmld think this was the of the ï¬nd for Canada. ()then would think tht‘ same thiftg about a (mm-native maim- w: when; would haw that reaction to the M)? as the ofï¬cial opposition. or even leading a gaveming coalition. Anyomofthesrcouldbclmdcpm. sihlc by one MP tipping the SW mm (7m- aflor winningbyonc mtcNooncwoudd mammary PUBLISHER Ian Proudfoof SW 6290 M151 W00! LM 167 mW.m ever again take thou votcfm granted. tion A maple turns m fbr the nigh t. Wife: ‘80. I meant In at you. Yuu voted righï¬" I Husband: “No " Wife: “Vim. vmed NI)?†, Husband; {thoude mu asked if! votedYes. I voted." Wife: "I asked if you vmod right. as m rimt-wing, tho ( Znnwnatwm †Husband: “I thought mu asked me if I voted Yes. I \med‘ That doesn't nut-an yes. I voted (buservaï¬wf‘ Wife: “So. you're telling me you voted liberal?" Husband: "No." ' “Wife: “YOU vmed NDP?" Husband: "as a sum ballot!" “1'39me honey. you can tell me.†Husband: “You tell me ï¬rst.†Wifv: “But I Mined yuu ï¬rst?" Husband: “What does it mam-r who asked ï¬rst?’: . Silence. WHO: "I'm. m‘vfl mung again. Tth (‘k‘mmns am tmrmg this mun try apart." Earm- m (hum Urban: Kem ‘ Bum: MANAGE! Robert lazuli" Dunno: Plooucnon larhr Smart Hmhami. "V1111! Dun-cm; Mme. Dunn-anon; .‘ywulr Fletcher Dummy. ()rmnous Burn' mm A'