[)0 you want in show yum rhamctt-t tn the community? ‘ The ()1me (_ ‘nnmtunity Hmhdaliqn of York Rein)“ is accepting resumés fur the. (hammer Community Council that meets the third “ï¬lmsday of every month from 4:15 to 5:45 pm. v Candidates intcmsted in helping edu' Cate. pmmote and raise awareness about living with character in the vagina can send a resume Ind cowr letter why to, chuu‘temommunityï¬ymkca no later than May 4.: The working 'group helps carry out foundation pmgmms and events as well as pmvides guidelines Time to show character, Stouffville For more infomlaï¬un. visit ‘wwwchar- actemommunity£om Now that the snow has melted. what lies onthegmundisalotofgmbage. Bu! you can help dean it up during Whitchurchï¬louffvifle's ï¬fth annual Earth Day ceiebration next Saturday; EARTH DAY: Tidy your ’hood, win pool party Plant trees, clean park j on planet’s big-day BY SANDRA Dom cbnlanï¬wmg ("om About 1.“)0 individually wrapped Um: saplings will be given aWay. If cleaning up your own neighbourhood is of more intemst to you. the town is also holding neighbourhood clean-up chal- lenge the same day.