Hyuuownahonwasscssulal $400411). you will pay $37 more. thisyeathtmgionuservices A LEM-percent property tax incmase is contained in the $2.4- bfllion mgional budget appnwed. this week. which the legal: says 113nm; u.zzi@yrmg, com 3" ICE FANTAUZZI K mama mu Wo‘n M. 70906“. Regional politicians approve 1.94 % tax hike \ a I v The budget includes $239 mil- lion in openting Costs for York Regional Police. which will him 28 mom olï¬oets and 10 new staflersdiisyw. The local police budget. which includes operating and capital costs. is about $250 million this Scotiabank Group 5 DA‘ MARKHAM STOUFFVILLE HOSPITAL GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES L12 LLEWQ .12}: MARKHAM STOUFFVILLE HOSPITAL FOUNDATION PRESENTS ~47! AUTOMOBILE SPONSOR DlAMON D SPON SOR The budge! includes $239 million in operating costs for York Regional Police, which will hire 28 more oï¬irers and 10 new civilian staffers this year. ECONQMISI 8: SUN M |’ BIA PAR“! N [RS U‘IIKOI of community and health 15¢er which wiflhelpmnmomdnnï¬ï¬‚l) socidl housing units and 20 \brk EMS stations and subsidize child care for w childgen. according to the legion. WWW.GAI.A.MSH F.0N.CA FUR WENT INI'URMM'IDN vm I EANN PRESENTING SPON SOR neajmï¬ï¬ncare. MEDICAL CENTRE Richmond Hill Mayor Dave- Barrow. chairperson of the region‘s ï¬nance and administra. tion committee. said York is. still reaping the rewards M a robust economy with a strong housfng market. “he budget enhances services acmss the vegan. which contrib- ute to the quality of life in York. he “33111101 1243 " NMWTH