“Whenever some lam group is trying to make an effort. pebplc dï¬nk‘lftheycandomwecando it," said Mike Ridlardson. man- ‘iï¬u 0! facilities and parks for the Thwn ofWhitchurch-Sumffvine. The municipality has panici- paled in Eanh Hour since 2008. when the event went global. “ _ little bitCanmaluea huge ' creme." Mr. Richardson "mere-areme ourdaflyliws.whendone en- yourth In an eï¬on to bring aware- ness to energy conservation and climate change. Earth Hour organizers are hopingyou can go without lights fur just an how tonight between 8:30 and 9.30 Whether it be replacmg french frieswith baked tatersinan eï¬on to drop a couple of pounds or mmmamughtsoflwhenwu leavednmomtosavcmoneym ing. It's the little things that make a huge difference. Town facilities setting example for residents Lights out tonight for Earth Hour, St‘ouffville' Sun -Tr1bune BY SANDRA DOLAN sholunï¬yrmgmm the, town is participat- Vrmmï¬ï¬‚ SHARE THAT OPINION, STOUFFVILLE. E-MAII. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR T0 IMASON®YRMG.COM WUMIMNICHIOJOH I WMWWWW I I‘m/“WWW Wellington Duke: goaltender Jordan pmbcs my Stoufl‘villc Spirit fomrd Tiler van Engelbrcchtcn during Jr. A actidtt tlt’tht; Stoufl‘ville Anna Thursday. Von Engelbmchten scored in the 2â€"] Spirit win. See story on page I 1. See more photos at yorkregionxom Nor are they out to win any awards with their new. (VB-(aid)- ing looks. The Stouffville Spirit players aren't out to make any fashion statements during their run in the Ontario Junior Hockey leagm- playofls. Mallets, dye jobs under helmets during. run IV MICHAEL HAYAKAWA mhayakawaermg (0m . But with a good number of players Waving a high degree of artistic creativity by sporting a psychedelic appearance with their hair. they insist it's fora good cause. lt'sallinthe name of team unity. in. whose Spirit hosts Game 4 of the ()IHL semiï¬nal series tomat- WRAW ‘lt's a way for the guys to Max and to have everyone on the same row at 7:30 pm. at the Stouï¬wflle Rusty sniper nets game-me Spirit Mum omr Sunday nighl/por I I. In past postseason appearam' es. (‘punmski recalled some pkaycrs would cut their bait in a speciï¬c and dye it with a speciï¬t colour â€" most often a platinum page Men the playoffs Stan. Its a good thing to start with and It shows a commitment to the team .†he said. 00".. “in n on on. ‘3 WI), Uri 55:1“ 905-642-2886 ov l-877-410-2886MUT01 81A“ PHOYO/NKI: IWAstwv"