'ON SUFC? MOOHS Crash victim’s life celebrated Aldledmeofmeaccidennmdandgey pdmdnpswerebundonmegifls'dodm Lutyaarflork Mark of the collision reconstruction unit sentthooepaim chipsm the (lemma! Foren- Somebody mnemb’eted a person. years ago. who had a veMde from the The dpna.however.oouldmmemberifme vehkflewasgreymenpaimedmdonedmcn (Dorm Walton What. came back was a list of 12 poten- ' rial Mick-type matches; And what resulted from a Feb. Sun-'1??btme story on the cold [gm Sprague. 10’. received a a mu}: oflhe accident The trail leading In Sheryi Blundell's ï¬llet has}? tamed: ample-t9 end. yet. Ms Blundeu. 10. was killed in a hum-d- nylon Main Street east of Ninth Line Feb 6. JUSTICE: Police taking new lookat Main St. fatality One tip to follow up on in 1973 hit-and-run Th"d!1wr of the vehiciémggmains BY SANDRA BOW r sbolanébwmgxom frame' that's normal. WmWMMCasetsmwcal mm; xaoozzzmsummm mmumxmmummmmm “Mummnmazmn Coast. Walton is aha to track down the original YRP investigator. former chief Doriald l'l'iflock. to speak m him about some of the notes in the ï¬le. “I’m hoping he'll be able to shed snme light'on that information.“ (:onst. Walton “It's'still being actively investigated. It will never be closed until we soive it.†hr mid. Conn. Walton said the load I» hung tul- lowed up on. painted grey. The tipster. however. could not remember tfthe vehide was grry then painted red or red then painted grt’y.