o. O . -_ metrolandmedla 'W-mmwm mmuawmramm: m ammunmuumm mm.m mumnmmmhumm-m Mayan... OWWQmemmmsonmm oAW.ulm flmmmmmmwihamoofm MunoMWMWmonmmmw °GoodIManm1mammqutogm °Wmammuammm 'Emdmemm Amwmgcmmmwmmw OWbmmaMMmm 'Svong lawman Godmmmovmzmlshls ammu- Gunman:me ~Am:mumm osvongommmmbmmmuymnmxm oFimnmmï¬maEnï¬shmuldbommd JUNIOR INSIDE MARKETING CONSULTANT Photo and! m In mbonvflbcymgmm nowmm Inch 25. 2011. TMWMWCMMS Wmmammwflm msmmmbummvobpmm IOI m mitonnectod to your community" W '11 (‘anadï¬' AWAY!“ ASSISTANT FuMime required Immod‘at t. We mm broker in Ma am. Mus! be mature mum-tasty and ‘work wol withou? supewisaon In ‘small otï¬oe onwronment. 80 mm "in Word._ Excel owerpomt and possessps great inï¬evpersonal ~~~skms.~ «Satan! 338,000-345000 depend On expononce Lute and roup insurance experience a deï¬nfle‘ 3330! Phase e-maul resumeto ‘ policy asastam 0 gmaol .com {(‘nrnentnne ( «nap uf ( ‘umpanics Sonnco Advlur I Coordinator Fast M W m the Nathan area is baking for a nod. hand working and MNMQG mdeual We recurs Strong moon SUB Mm binoual French-Bush, Strong comm. “Mica! and .mrpersonal skills at. Wad Mamba undmduals can send that mm to m¢mmflmm00m Full hmc Bilingual ( SR Not-dud Ruhnmhd nn’l‘, ux Rdlc $1749 I hum Mundm Hldav Skill-5.1x) l‘lt-aw wnd n'sumc' tn hm’utunemnadaxum Iceman w x in liven as raqusmd to: our Unloan ounce Candidate must possess. OEmhmwawmmoammqhonsth - Goodumzamhal sub - WIWM; - andy and outgomg pwsonany Posmon t5 M tome with sum pins bonus. Experience m child can an met. ; Plano-ml yum» 1 < M! . , , ‘ I Lm n 5mm seeks GENERAL WAGE}! Foods BevmmGrWKooang wï¬osm‘onsm-Apd-Nm‘ W:WW Mm 35W“. “WWW-m Museum 5402 Iain 5m Proï¬le Email resume covet tang! SW38†mm 'Wlfl SM W I" 0960" with resume aha-darn to wsmmm¢mm STAKEOUT CHILD CARE PLACE“ CO-OIDONATOI Point‘s Phi Ohm. 570‘ W7. This position repom directly to the The pcrum in this pomton supports the Partners and the Adumr cam in the management at their Jun-tun b) mmmtmmg and managtng pmjccts. collecting data, nutmgmg the RM system. arranging schedules and trawl. earning nut speciï¬c awvmes as directed etc. [he successlul candtdate vull tk'tmmstrutt- the tullumny - A htgh degree at accuracy. attention to dam] and the ability to pmcc» mfdrmauun quwkl) t - Effective communicatim skulls . face tn tau‘. [mum- .md written '- Exceptnmal mgammtmnal and pnontnratmn \klnx ° Abiltty to communicate cï¬ecttwl) at all 1::wa uni! wart cohesive!) uuh team mcmhen - men abtllly tn meet deadlines 0 Self nxmvaled conï¬dent to lake Infllatn-L“ 4nd carry out dune-s wnm mimmum supcn‘xsum 0 A minimum 0! 3 ycan exprrk-ncc In a L_!"I!p.fl.1hk‘ cnw'tronnrnt - A college dcgnx or applicable Dunne.“ uvurws W “m Group h a pnmlcl} nwncd. comprehcnswc. ï¬nancnl advmrr) mm hawd In Unlonvllle. If you're Intereser m shanng m the success of um gruwmg uqzanilat‘nm. vu- ask mu! yuu submil your resume In hrwskuwhaxen-gnup (A. We thank all to: their Inserts: and Will resptm (ml) to thmc bang conï¬dant for the possum. Saturday. Much 19th. 289 Ward Rd. 8. Unit 17 Brampton SPRING IS HERE AND WE ARE BUSY! Lookan to fun the tollowmg 'posmons. I - 50 Gum-90 Truman- Rodd-nun! Pick up - 190 Lwoum- ho-vy mung Rm; 'FhI-tima' Panâ€"me General Labounn. Duvet. W landscape 5 “mocha omen‘moe, Coll “GM-5176 ask 90: Juan EM: Emil: WOW†mm. Pteaso bring SIN card. photo ID. vmd cheque Dnvers bn‘ng CVOR. abstract. criminal record search as wet! EachappbcalMWu-dlmachamam mnaser O! Tannin Blue Jay mm ID! mplyrng melflbol 3pm. March 19, 2011 .v‘ltrn‘msmwcuus Allen vmmmmvors mmmmw Fum:Wo¢ is now hiring fufl time Swimme Pool Construction and Service Workers. Experience preferred Plan and! mum» to mumst or can W‘ EMOYEES Foam 3. Pan- M1504 40 brim Holpen ' 30 W Forum Opontors (Co Bil-m. R.R.‘docksmockor) ‘ N A; - local, "mans, shunting JL F-bbn I. Woo EXP. HELP WANTED on HORSE FARM. To dam suls, dnvotrado: doWnce m WI) ‘0' Wu mm aw a! mum» mm'mcmw- ~63 k7 run sales ran; 7‘50 m m V? has n: 'ugn'w raw- Noum m mm It MMWYCI W: an m 9m '9 swam «mumm WNCE ’Lootung in: mm- wortung. responsbie mm - F7 from May- Oct - Must have dnve'S Hoeme - Exp preterrec Bull m to W30 (Cou ntor