ENVIRONMENT: $350,000 advertising Campaign on tap ~ Shopping bags banned from green bins May ‘1 Beginning May 1. unty certiï¬ed compostable bags in your green bin will be acceptable. Toe appmved plan to do away with plastic bag has been slowly phasedhdnanOOSaMaSBS't‘Dm a and awareness cam- paign was launched this month to nemind you. Ybrk Rep'uu amen: more green b‘in material pet than anyothermmidpaMytnmeGmm- cr'lbmnto Area. mm It one of the most successful mganic diver- sion pmg‘ams in Ontario. regional Nu‘yam. hmuQub-nh “Sundays-mu!“ -m¢mmmu Voted Best SM 2010! Sal Au. Wm; mhhmm n ClllIS tunes c rrabcrï¬yrmg‘ . um Jgpecials. . Eat JIU Artichoke Belemat‘e; chairperson Bill Flech hgs ‘ Plhslic accounts for 6 per ,cem of what the region collects, through its organic waste proâ€" gram. environmental services commissioner Erin Mahone said. The new b w is gong. green news. she a . The new bags are made of paper v FaminfonmtimJndndinq balmmatcmya -baqs,gomm.calwaste ON THE WEB StOUifoVilliCi-OUS or plant-based materials and. while mom expensive than plastic shop- ping bags. are readily available: by a certiï¬ed computable logo. will break down trample!er into compost. the region said. Binyoushohldbeawamofa number of brands marketing bugs for use with green bin waste, that are not certiï¬ed mmpostablc. she Some brands, are biodegrad- able rather than compostable. Biodegradable bags break down into smaller pieces of plastic. These smaller pieces will not " 1 Discover the culinary ' delights that Stouffville’s Downtown Restaurants have to offer. †\Feb. 15 - Mar. 31, 2011 . You’ll keep “ coming back for more! Visit www.townotws.ca for more info. decompose and will become a contaminant in the final com. posted pmduct.“ lfybu continue ti) use plastic‘shbpping bags in yourgmen bin, expert to ï¬nd your organic waste lefl at the curb, notiï¬cation or other influding The iegionwm not beselling the appmved bags, ’ ‘Butï¬â€˜he grace period will vnd May 1. Ms Mahoney Fach municipality is mspunsihlc fot waste collection and re-enfnrco» mem of (he bylaw. If you continue} to use plastiit shopping bags in your green bin. expect to ï¬nd your organic waste left at the curb. notiï¬cation or n’thvr penqhies. including ï¬neS. 11v: pmgmm will be mnniturcd and audits Will be conducted mm the next six months to determine the plan‘s effectiveness and if enforcement needs to be increased. the region said. Live Enterhnmmm! evnry Friday mm at 131m. Sunday Jams fmm '2 MN; m ,Check our websrm, theoarlpub ca 6204 Main Street, Stouflville 905-642-EARL (3275) www.mecornerhouseLo 6403 Main St Stoquille 905 640.8494 of waitcï¬urcï¬