Wom gouty m and mm Mammnlomotm youwilbompomibbbv, ‘ mm.mï¬nqnptepamoonou Manna. "Mismapmpnmg. Ind-ï¬ne mm mm: documents ThaDovalomomAssisnm mmmmmmm Mommuleusassmod. The successtu condone all have a mummotmmrs Omaha Wmmmhngmï¬onm Mlhave Wedspost‘mry commmlon and CW some. DEVELOPHENT ASSISTANT 8mm W W Foundation drills nun “who! Micmdt Ofï¬ce (Won. . PMom) slats are Raisin Edge, Mm and WWumm ( ‘Fu-MMMWM Madam 0mm mama. but no! hmlad ’10. m. mm. mm; mm. 1m entry. mung ' ' «his The deal cm MI haw $mMml. verbs! and amm'commm- *Ibn shalt . mutton.“ Wmhwm m.mm.mcm MW.M,LJPM uilh lager-scale umslmclum payed; Fauna! training In pmjcd mom unmqu or gnawing the C cmï¬ed Assocm m and him-semen! (CAPM) (infig- nauon wank! he wandered an asset. Candida!“ must be pmfcssxonal. well nrgamzcd. drml (uric-tutti. and haw Ihc abtllty to mullI-msk m a fan! paced cnvlmmcm Intervst in this await]? II'u our result! by rdrlfllh. l I to (“5) “0-7450 or null dad-caOt-Iben to be, cot-Hand. _ a lead: almond Hifh Volugc Electrch .onunctor is who; for a full value Adrmnistnuve Asmum - Projects Division. hand in the Smuflville. ()llllflfl ofï¬ce The successful candidate Will have a mm 0! 2 years admimsmuvc exp-meme. possess sum; organiza- nonal skills. have expencnu wort mg mm a Ltnh'lllltd accounting software system and a familnnty Kai“ nistntive mm - Projects DMsï¬on (I Pill-Tm Posiuom 113g Kfme (If Cowman-s. Fa: m m-nsa. 64ml: MOW“ Mn: M. Inch 17. 2011 htng Phantom-6| mumuo III-Mb".- ACTIVE Health 50m. 3 dlvmon oi Contnc uh Comorahon. Ontano‘s largozegnd moat expenonced provider 01 rehabilitation to Long Term Care and Rotiromom Homes. has an immodcale need for a mu hme Physiotherapy Assastam to: the Slouflvme area, ‘ Pluto “bum mum-o by o-mofl to: EXPEIENCEDKDUCALSECRETARY florbmytatrflynmdimcmmm Mm be fluent m M (Won) Mmmsxmodmmmm iProï¬o’oncym HnduovTamflmassot. - iEmlnmmIIoowhu-tmn % Mancunian: WMOWMM Real Esme Apprme Ome- requires ATTN: lulu. Sdu WWII! Top Cleo-rs W! Payroll A8881â€! H Full-Time Position) '1th K~Lmr (Emup 0t Companm. a lcading national High Voltage l‘ilcctncai (‘umraclur v. looking I'm a Tullâ€"um: Payton Amman! I Data Entry Administramr. hand in the Sttmflvillc. ()nmnu Mike. The aucccsxt‘ul candidate Will have a mmimum uf 2 yearx payroll ldala entry upcrrmc. he familiar with autumntcd paymll systems. and have wmkcd In a union and nunâ€"unmn wmk rnvin mmcm. The pusiliun will also \uppun nut [about waning prognm by asslslmg mhcrndwmcms m inputting data. [Inducing report» and tracking cm! clcmcms Candidates must he prufexsu.ml, highly urgamtrd. detail unemcd and have the ahim) m mum'task m u tau paccd t‘flVfl‘OflflKfll Intenst in this opportunity? - Far 3' mm by March 18th. II to (9.5) “7450 or until: “mfllrlilma SUPPORT PERSON Dqta entry PHYSOOTl-ERAPY ASSCSTANT $85K avgl‘ shows! 47 reps Emu mum. to: Wm 11ml m“! ‘ rcoita)m.com to be wondered FM HOLDING. Paw PIT CHIIOPRACTIC Chmpracbc‘ ' dink: NW'O ‘ v tmmm ’ WWW «mm)mms Snap Fitness is L‘umntly Imkmg Int 3 prnnancm pan-4in Membeflflp Consultant In work Applicants Should have cxpcncnoc In sales. strong communication skills. ability to work mdcpemicmly. a passmn for health and ï¬tness. ht fncndiy and outgoing Please cud yur rest. to: MC m orer 0‘ at Fitne- ' 5892 Min “mimic. S.R.T. Med-Staff has imn‘nediaxe openings for futl and part-time assignments throughout York Region. Candidates must have a RSW. certiï¬cate and 1 year recent experience. “ - High P ‘ - Trwyï¬dnï¬ursemem - Wee av (inc. Iwei) ormï¬jï¬eignstant Pay “- Beneï¬t Pin 0 Paid ï¬gurines 10am-3pm al NINETEEN ON THE PARK smuwsmmnuun loam muman opmm mm: cm maamw resumétow _yHo§Son d-Stafl,m sources Pl .39 fax or emailizhï¬â€˜ ‘ SOurceSQSrtme'dstaflxom E-mad, ulooopomcom yo rchjs" 4:4) ff"; 1‘? Crvn’ Aw-n Call NOW To Register ll 905.883.6402 X 318 DRNEWWIP. OPERATOE Construciion '06 Space Avaxlanlc Available at NO COST to employérs! . Mam prospechve . Resolve yum stafhn employee? face to face needsD dost effeumg WON";an m monuments-c.1515“ “Murmuwmw "WWW PAN seam W9MM located’m MarkhamMustbo numth mama 10:327.»an H.51qu Panmbtdflca (“$70-51 1 1 EXP. HELP Todonnmls. hmf“. part 0 Newark wm nal help For More lnlp Email or Vi'sit Us yi")! kwor‘k5{dyr‘(13h.tr(‘m un t .: www york (‘0 Coh Ha An you round and living In StouflWlk? O'Neill Funeral Home is sookmg pan-time Pm Funeral Assistant: to assist with visttau‘ons and sonaioos at the funeral home greeting client farm'lio's and as w I to mm with hospnai and nursmg homo trmsters. I I! "35"" lard-d In this , you: man. to 3m Leblanc at 905-642-9382 ‘ Shipper/Receiver General warehouse duties. Mm 3 years experience. forktm cemfl- cate, Computar lilarate, SAP and electronic mdustry exp. an asset. Apply a} cmï¬mhondlosom or to: “.6403649 uuwmmnmm Ramona-bus ‘ . W38 IEEDED!!! HT 5 PH Paciï¬sm mm was Tram Orr-Line pmgm, Tm WM. Ema ‘Smmm mem tundcd FW?8‘I*OW? Mmdbroom.s t a 2. 905-853-2527 1 “743-3353 bran-outrunâ€... HURRY. SPOTS GO FAST' mWom-Jommmmm Haw ml! lama under $100? EmpIOymen mam: $10.95* Wm Wm WWW mamw Inuit Mum Mun no our 8100? Deadune: Thursday at 5pm Deadhne: Wednesday at 2pm Deadline: Wednesday at 12 Noon THU" EDITION Deadhne: Tuesday at Spm 743- F rbday at 12 Noon Wow Ad; Deadhne: Word Ads amine.†91mm Deadline: Friday at 2pm